just an op girl, with a yandere god after her
it was morning so I reluctantly sat up. I looked down to see Nero still sleeping, so I carefully got up and summoned some mashed potatoes, with a side of steak.
smelling the steak Nero woke up and looked around only to find athena sitting there with a plate full of food. she was about to apologize for not waking up to prepare the food when Athena stopped her.
"don't worry about food, and also can you please stop with that acting like a slave. with me here you won't have to worry about punishment. I wouldn't care who the person was, if they try to punish you I give you full permission to harm them," I told her
when she heard that I wouldn't be punishing her eyes started to tear up. I don't know what the matter was so I just hugged her, hoping that would calm her down.
"if you have any family we could go see them, I was going to travel anyways," I asked looking down at her.
I saw her tail wagging and I knew that's exactly what she wanted. I smile knowing how tragic it would be to be separated from your family.
"We can go soon, but we need to gear you up in proper clothes and equipment," I said as I rubbed her head.
"do you need me to take you to a blacksmith or a clothier?" she asked curiously.
"let's go to a clothier and get us a new set of clothes. then we can head to the blacksmith and get us weapons," I said making up my mind.
"are we going now or are we going later," she asked hesitantly.
"let's go now and get it out of the way, besides it's still early so there shouldn't be any people there yet," I said thinking it over.
that started our journey to the clothier and weapon smith. we decided to place our orders first at the blacksmith, as that will take longer.
we walked into the store and nobody was there except the blacksmith. I walked toward the counter and Nero followed behind me.
"Welcome to crusty Musty's we're we sell only the best," the guys said with a bored look like he repeated this a hundred times.
"What weapon do you prefer, Nero?" I asked.
"When I was an adventurer I would use claw-like weapons," she said nervously.
"well you heard the lady, can we get a claw weapon," I said.
"come back in two or three hours and I will have your weapon. the price is 5 silver," he said as he headed to the back.
"mission one done, now onto number two," I said heading out the door.
"Master, you're heading the wrong way," Nero said frantically.
"oh yeah, I forgot," I said following her to the clothing store.
we walked a little further down the road towards the shop. I observed it and found it to look quite good, no sketchy stuff so far.
We walked in and I noticed that one of the female workers giving us an eye roll. she turned to her other employee and said some words before going to the second floor.
When she got up 3/4 of the way I used vector manipulation and made her trip. I giggled a bit before heading to the counter.
"Hello ma'am, welcome Dixie normus, how may I help you," the woman at the front desk asked.
I tried my hardest not to burst out laughing. I finally regained my composure and looked back at the woman.
"I will like to place an order for two cloaks," I said before pulling out a paper and reading it.
the woman looked at it and studied it before nodding to herself.
"This could be done in thirty minutes, however, we need to take measurements to ensure it fits perfectly," the employee said.
the measuring process took a couple of minutes but was overall pretty easy. I looked at the sky and judged that we had a while before we had to come back.
"let's go back to the hotel and eat lunch," I suggested.
Nero nodded her head and so we headed towards the hotel. we entered and I summoned some food for us.
we ate peacefully and had seconds. the drinks were Dr pepper and water because the taste of soda hurt her mouth sadly.
"what did you do in the past?" I asked.
she paused thinking about what to tell me. I could tell that this will be a touchy subject for her so I was going to change the subject.
"I used to be an adventure, a good one at that, but I put too much trust in my teammates. they put sleeping pills in my drink and the next thing I knew I was in the slave market," she said.
I began to think about it and I knew if we met her old teammates we will teach them a lesson, however, I began to talk about my past.
"I'm a hero," I began. Nero's face looked shocked at that information, however, I continued. "my father never really much cared for me, but my mother was always there for me. I came from a wealthy family like the other heroes however I never let it go to my head.
I trained myself in many weapons, so I am proficient in a lot of them. and I love Dr. Pepper."
I looked outside and thought that our clothes should be done right about now.
"come on, let's go check on our clothes," I said getting up from the chair.
I walked out and headed left before Nero told me I went the wrong direction again. I sighed before following her.
we made it to the clothier and bought our clothes for 12 silver and I had to say a wolf girl in a traveling cloak might have been my new kink.
[img] (ps this for both of them)
"all right now let's go and see if your weapon is ready," I said heading right.
"Wrong way," said Nero.
"of course, I knew that. I was just testing you," I said turning around.
we headed to the blacksmith and quickly paid the price for the weapon and left.
"Okay, we got our weapons, clothes, and food. we have everything so let's start traveling," I said with enthusiasm.
"Are we heading anywhere, or are we just going to travel around," Nero asked.
I thought about what to do before finally deciding on going to where the demi-humans lived.
"let's go and visit your country, and then we can visit the other places," I told her.
"do you know where it's located," she asked uncertainly.
"no, I'm just going to ask somebody," I said as I walked up to a woman.
"excuse me, ma'am, can you tell me the direction to Jacksonville," I asked politely.
"oh sure. it's that way," she said as she pointed to the east.
"thank you, ma'am," I said as I walked back to Nero.
"did she tell you the location," she asked.
"yeah, she pointed to the west," I said pointing to the opposite side of the east.
we started heading in that direction but little did they know they were heading into demon territory.
sorry for the long update I was stressed about the job interview.