
The necromancer and the demon queen

just an op girl, with a yandere god after her

Scathach_ · Lainnya
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39 Chs

chapter 12

We ran as fast as we could and got out of that place. We lost the guy but running inside a forest full of monsters wasn't good for hiding us.

On the bright side, we lost him, on the downside I was stuck following vel because of my bad directional sense.

Another thing was I began to research all the magic that was in the book, and it gave me some very good ideas to make a new spell.

I realized when reading that if any of the higher tier magical spells get out it would cause massive destruction to the world.

some countries would be engulfed in so much warfare that the common people wouldn't have places to live.

There were illusions spells, mind control, some space spells, and the one I'm currently trying to learn.

there was a spell that could see the very existence of a person. this could be turned off but this will help me tell who's on the evil god's side and who isn't.

However, to learn this I was going to have to have another relic that I haven't found yet. on the bright side, the ice spells looked very handy.

The shadow spells were also very overpowered in the right circumstances, but now it was all but useless.

"Are we almost there yet," I asked looking up from my book.

"We still have 30 minutes of walking before we reach the border of othines," vel said.

"can't we teleport there," I asked?

"Usually yes however it seems like there is a barrier around the city at the moment," vel informed me.

'Nothing I can do about it,' I thought as I pulled out my phone.

I put in my earbuds and began to play some music that I had bought *downloaded illegally* and began to research the "hearing skill".

For this, all I had to do was strain my hearing by listening to music. It didn't take long with the loud songs to get the skill, but a certain song came on that made me think of something.

I took off my earphones and turned to the residents of this world.

"Is it possible to get a chainsaw," I asked them?

"If you are talking about the things that are used to cut trees, then yes. if you want one that can run indefinitely then you would need at least 30 platinum or get the one in the royal Treasury," vel said.

"so basically rob the royal Treasury. got it," I said, understanding her hidden meaning.

"wa- no. nevermind," vel said defeated.

in the distance we saw a town and the closer we got to it the more I felt that something was wrong.

When we entered the town I found out why it was wrong. this place looked like a ghost town, no one was there and it looked like it was deserted.

there weren't even any sounds I could hear and that was giving me the creeps.

my eyes began sweeping the town and searching for any hint of movement or any bloodlust. I didn't find either.

"Something is majorly wrong with this town," I said as I looked at my teammates.

"Thanks captain obvious," Nero said.

I rolled my eyes and we began going to the opposite side to leave the village. In the end, we didn't encounter anything but my senses were telling me to not go there again.

(pov Raphael)

The necromancer is smart. she indirectly avoided what would most likely be a fatal trap.

if she did try to go into any of the buildings then the whole place would have blown up and collapsed and they would fall almost 400 feet.

"Are you still watching the necromancer, raph," somebody asked from behind me?

"Yes," I responded.

"Any news," they asked again.

"it appears that she has a keen intuition about danger. she avoided the trap that was set up for her," I told them.

"It seems mother has taken a great interest in her, so much that she is sending her to find the relics of the past," my partner said.

"Our job is to monitor the evil gods, not to gossip, get back to work or mother shall hear about this," I threatened them.

They immediately got back to work and so did I. my job was to make sure Athena got lost so she can defeat the evil gods.

Her getting married to velverosa was outside our expectations but her destiny was already hard to calculate.

even our mother, who can create souls and planets on a whim, couldn't calculate her destiny properly.

Maybe that's why our mother was curious about her. or maybe she... Nah there's no way our mother will fall for a lowly human.

oh, how wrong he was.

(pov vel)

how she gets lost I have no idea. I had to tie my hands together with her so that she doesn't get lost.

she even tried to hold my hand. hmph, I'll allow it for now, but the small human was my wife so it's not like I can argue about it.

I noticed that she was different from what I expected from heroes. Many came to try and kill me but none have ever tried what she did.

I almost laughed at my memories of us wrestling on the floor. sure it was humiliating to lose to a human, but at least she wasn't that bad to deal with.

I take back what I said, she's a total battle maniac. I could tell just by her fighting some of the monsters in the forest.

it wouldn't surprise me if she tried to go to a dragon's den or the forest of death, where many S and SS rank monsters live.

I'm not going to tell her about the forest of death and if someone mentions it then I'll have to silence them.

After all, I have a wife now, and I have to make sure she's safe, even if she likes charging headfirst into problems.

but that's a problem we can solve for another time because we had just arrived at othines.


say yes to Yuri and say no to drugs