
The Necromancer's Rise to the God of Death & Undead

800 years ago Earth started to undergo changes as Mana began to awaken and spread on Earth. First animals started to mutate becoming stronger and powerful, next the Earth began to grow in size causing earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters too take place all around the world. The Gods taking pity upon the human race lent them aid by giving them the ability to awaken classes, level up and learn skills but the Human race celebrated far too early. As the Earth completely advanced and fused into the next dimension, the Human race now in a new World had to fight other more powerful Races, Monsters and conquer dungeons to survive. But soon all intelligent races faced a new Disasters as Hell invaded with their demonic Beasts, Demons and Devils. But that was only the start as an even more terrifying threat soon appeared The Abyss.... -------- In the Year 836 after the fusion a young man Awakens in the body of a 10 year old with the same name and the original owners memories after his untimely death. Finding himself in this new world with infinite possibilities he works his hardest to become the strongest. Working hard for 6 years in order to increase his chances of awakening a powerful combat class he is shocked too discover he has awakened the Class Death Apprentice a low level almost completely useless class with not much potential. However that's when his luck kicks in as he gets his Golden finger a strange Grimoire, and his class changed into the very first Human Necromancer. Follow him on his journey to the top as he goes from summoning a weak skeleton to leading huge undead armies, summoning huge undead dragons, behemoths, great Lich's and other undescribable things of undeath along with Curses, Dark Magic, Soul Magic and other Magic of untold power..... ------

The_True_Will · Fantasi
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89 Chs

22 - Confrontation

Soon they came to a large group of Students and these students didn't back down and give their stuff without a fight.

"Give us all your weapons, armor and valuables or else you won't be leaving this place." A middle aged man wearing leather armor with a long sword said as he pointed his weapon at them with evil smile.

He was a level 13 Sword apprentice a uncommon class, he had arrogance and greed written all over his face like his group.

"We are students from 2nd High and we will not be bullied." One of the Students stood up and said with a face full of stubbornness.

His class was a epic Dark Assassin, and it was obvious that he came from a well off or rich family by his gear.

He only had one accessory equipment but his two daggers and his leather armor were high quality iron and a matching set on top of that.

Likewise his group of 8 also were wearing high quality iron gear matching their classes. So just one look and you could tell that all these students came from wealth.

Which in any sane persons view it would be absolutely stupid to steal and threaten them in front of hundreds of witnesses.

But clearly these thieves don't care at all as in their minds they are protected and under the orders Chang Heng.

So in their eyes, theses students backgrounds are non-existent and don't even meet their eyes.

Instead they see theses students as if a treasure and they looked at them like everything the students had and more was already theirs.

As for hearing that they are from 2nd High, well plain and simple it meant nothing to them, in fact it made them more arrogant as now they saw them as weak children with no ability to even attempt to resist.

"Yeah, don't even try it, if you do than you'll regret it my dad won't let you go." A girl with black hair and eyes wearing a set of swordsman gear said as she flicked her hair.

The rest in the group nodded their heads in agreement as they prepared for battle.

"Ha what do we have here! A bunch of spoiled brats, hey let's see if their all bark and no bite." A man wearing a mask stepped forwards which caused the students to take a step back.

He grabbed two war axes from his back as his eyes glowed in a bloodthirsty light.

This caused the students faces to turn slightly pale but they still didn't back down as they believed that they wouldn't do anything to them as they were students.

Especially when there are laws in place to protect students and children in Great Star, so they didn't even have the thought that they would harm them.

And they were partially right as this group of 'thieves' would never be bold or stupid enough to kill them with hundreds of witnesses but as long as the injures aren't permanent or fatal then they shouldn't get into much trouble.

And under Chang Heng's orders they didn't think much of the consequences for their actions but they should have.

As they forget one key thing and the main reason why Chang Heng ordered them to do it, the Academy Entrance Exams which is only a few days away.

The big reason why Chang Heng ordered them to do it was because he wants to stand out more, get a better score and hopefully enter a better Academy.

And this is the way he came up with but his own ego and arrogance blinded him from truly seeing what he was doing but even if he truly did he most likely wouldn't care.

But the big thing they forget about during the time before, during and after, the government takes this period of time very serious, especially the protection of the test takers.

So even though in their eyes they are just injuring them enough not to take the test at full strength or at all. But the government, military, leaders and normal citizens don't see it that way at all, instead it was seen as terrorism or betraying the Empire and slapping it in the face.

As the Empire takes the young generation very seriously, as they are the foundation of the Empire, especially as there are potential geniuses among them that will hopefully become an important person to the protection and advancement of the Empire.

"Hand your stuff over now or else, you have ten seconds." The leader had enough as he raised his axe and he prepared to attack.

"Didn't you hear us? I'll have you know I'm John Brick, my family owns and controls Brick Supplies and Goods!" The first student from earlier didn't back down but used his background to threaten this group of 'thieves'.

"And I'm Daisy Yellow, I'm sure you've heard of my family." The female student said riding off of John's confidence to bost her own.

And quickly the other students did too, all revealing their backgrounds one after the other.

But this did nothing to stop the thieves, instead it made them even more excited and greedy for what these spoiled rich kids might have on them.

"Sigh, I warned you and gave you all a chance but you didn't take it! So don't blame me!" The leader cut down with his axe, seeing this John panicked and raised both of his daggers to block.

"Aarh!" John grunted as the force hit pushing his arms down as his whole body started to scream in pain.

""John!"" His fellow classmates panicked as well at this sight and rushed forwards to help but they were stopped by the other 'Thieves', which made them all start to develop a seed of fear.

Daisy stabbed forwards with her sword towards the enemy Swordsman as her blade was covered in a gray magic light.

The Swordsman pushed lightly down on her blade with his sword, causing her to stumble and trip forwards.

Daisy felt all of the air in her lungs leave her body as she got kicked in her stomach, spit came out of her mouth as she tried her best to breathe but she simply couldn't.

She felt as if she was suffocating as she began to cry as she collapsed on to her knees as she held her stomach, letting go of her weapon as she curled over in pain.

"Ha looks like you definitely a B**ch, all bark and no bite." The Swordsman said with a disgusting smile as he brought his foot down onto the back of her head.

"Daisy!" Another female student yelled as she casted a spell to save her friend, a small Water ball the size of tennis ball.

The spell shot out heading for the Swordsman but was intercepted by a light shield that appeared on his body blocking the spell.

"Ho so they know some tricks." The Swordsman said as he turned to the female mage.

Her eyes widened as he pulled out a throwing knife before throwing it at her. Her friends panicking but couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Roxy!" John yelled in panic as he turned in a attempt to help but was hit to the ground as the thief leader bashed him on the back of his neck with the handle of his right axe.

"Aaahh!" He screamed in pain as all he could do was watch as the knife got closer to Roxy.

Roxy closed her eyes in fear and despair as she screamed and raised her staff in a desperate attempt to save herself.

"Ding!" At the last second the knife was deflected by a shield.

"Well it's not nice to attack a defenseless girl, do you have no honor?" Standing in front of Roxy was Michael with a charming smile on his face.

"Huh? What you want to get involved?" The Swordsman frowned as he asked.

"I might want to yes, but right now I'm following the Boss's orders." Michael said as he stretched his neck and pointed his blade at the Swordsman.

"Your Boss? And who is he?" He asked back as his eyebrows wrinkled as he focused on Michael wanting to know who this 'Boss' is.

"Me." A simple cold voice sounded, hearing it the Swordsman turned in that direction but stopped abruptly as the worst pain he has ever felt hit him.