

The time was 2020 . For the situation of 'CORONA VIRUS ' the whole had a lockdown.School, College, office everything is closed by physically. we're started maintained the rules for provides Covid-19. Mask,Hand-wash, Sanitizing,Clothes washing etc. everything I was a little frustrated. My heart was wants to go outside freedomly. But the situation was too much critical. I want but I can't. I was stop to reading. Whole day-night i was addicted to facebook.My mom & uncle's they're prepared for me a home tutor. The tutor was live in beside our building. I was really shocked when he was saying he lives in thia area when he was 4 years. I was literally shocked. I was live in there from 2011. But i don't knew him. Also one surprising news is my mother was know him, when me & my mother going outside he was gave Salam to my mom.He was our family friend like my uncle's love him as a younger brother & he also love my uncle's as elder brothers.But at all this middle I don't know him🤥.

Whatever, I was too much anger to heard that they're prepared a tutore for me?..I don't want to reads any male tutor.But they're insist, just trying me for 1 week. If I don't comfort they will change him. Okay, for that time hardly i was agreed either i have no option🤧.

The first day, he was started with physics. He was killing me by his teaching style. He was simply teaches me, but i don't know after sometime he was ask me a question & my answer was going wrong.,Simply he says-"Nope,..." I sounds became hills my inside. I don't know why I was looking at him like 5-7 seconds. Like all of you, I wonder how the sound of a word in a knot makes me feel so much. Whatever finally with a fulfill peace I agreed to read him🧐.After somedays often wheb i was revealed i wasn't know him he was sharing a a history when he was reads in class '7. I was in '2. It's about 2012. He was reading Borhaan Sir.I also reads to him.Once I had two lies in my head. I jumped off the high bench and went to the front of his bench, pulled his hair hard and danced on the high bench again.