
Chapter 7 the explosion

" How did you know, it was Jason " Garrett asked Emeka as they got out of the vehicle.

James had went into the large apartment building after ordering the boys to stay outside, a few minutes ago.

" He was boasting about it in school " Emeka said smiling

" Why would anyone boast about something like that in public and how come nobody called the police then?. I knew it, this is a complete waste of time " Garrett said both angry at Emeka for wasting his time and happy that he isn't being dragged into some crazy heroic adventure.

Boom, screech, bang, roar

The sound of fighting came from inside the building, somewhere on the fifth floor. Garrett and Emeka were just about to rush in when suddenly an explosion occurred in the fifth floor and a sofa came flying straight at them through the building damaged window.

" Wow, watch out for the chair ! " Emeka screamed jumping out of the way but Garrett wasn't fast enough to evade the incoming projectile, So he could only grit his teeths and brace himself for the impact. The chair smashed him with the force of a moving train, compressing him against the virtually destroyed vehicle they came in.

" What happening " Emeka said while lying on the ground looking at the car before him. If it has been him, he would have been smashed into a meat paste, he was not even sure if his friend was still alive.

" Go, go, run as fast as you can !" an excited voice is heard, followed by five teenager flying out of the building on flying brooms, flying far into the distance.

A tall handsome middle-aged man jumped down from the building, run to a nearby onlooking beast master and shouted

" police, police " he shouted showing him a police badge.

" I am commandeering this beast in the name of the law " he continued before jumping on the large bull and riding it away without waiting for the owner reply.

" wait, sir James your son has been crushed by a chair " Emeka screamed running after the disappearing bull but he couldn't catch up with James. Failing to catch up with James, he went back to check on Garrett, who was still crushed under the chair, he lifted the chair off him and saw a badly mashed up Garrett barely breathing.

James chased after the fleeing teenagers as fast as he could, even riding into a traffic lane mean for only vehicles. He tried jumping and smashing the vehicles in the way but he still couldn't catch up with the kids, so he decided to go back and check on the boys.

When he got back, a large crowd has already formed and his son was being carried in a stretcher by the ambulances into their van. He ran towards him shouting hysterically

" Garrett, Garrett, are you alright? " but he was stopped by the crowd and some officers took him aside and asked

" Sir, you are going to have to come with us, we have some questions for you " a policeman said showing him his badge.

" what are you talking about, I am the commissioner of police and I am going to the hospital to see my son " James said showing him his badge before walking or rather running away.

In the hospital, Emeka is seen pacing about outside the waiting room, a doctor followed by a nurse came out and Emeka walked up to him asking

" So doctor, how is he, is he going to be okay? "

" He is going to be fine, honestly he is healing faster than what should be possible for a werewolf and I will like to talk to his parents or guardian about some finding I made. so young man can you take me to them " the doctor said, looking at Emeka seriously.

Just as Emeka was about to answer, the door into the waiting room opened and James came rushing in. He was walking over to the receptionist when he saw Emeka talking to a doctor while pointing at him, so he decided to go to them instead.

" Emeka where is Garrett and what happened to my son? " he asked anxiously

" Oh, are you the father? " the doctor next to him asked, to which he replied

" yes, I am his father, how is my son doing, will he be okay " James asked the doctor worriedly

" He will be alright, he is just unconscious, I am doctor Sammy and I will like to ask you some questions in my office " the doctor replied

" okay, let go " James said before following the doctor and leaving Emeka behind.

After walking inside the doctor office, both James and Sammy took a seat, after which James asked

" So about my son doctor, how is he "

" He is alright, but while me and my nurse were treating him, we noticed he heals faster than what a werewolf should, and also according to the report we got from your son's friend outside, he can transform into a werewolf in broad daylight. Now me and you both know that a normal werewolf should not be able to do that, so can I ask you, is he a muddled blood ".

A muddled blood is someone who is given birth to by parents of different races, although this makes the child more stronger and increases their abilities because they have both abilities of their parents with fewer drawback, they are greatly frowned upon by society and treated with contempt and discrimination.

Also note that crossbreeding multiple times between species to gain a stronger and more powerful one without flaws is impossible because the genetic code becomes too corrupted or the child dies in the womb, at birth or infant.

" What does that have to do with my son's treatment " James asked getting visibly angry.

" Sir, for your information, we also noticed the presence of powerful dark magic on your son and I have already informed the police. you and that trash you call a son will be arrested and sent to jail, where people like you belong " the doctor said while looking at James scornfully.

Just then the door opened and a police officer walked in.