
The Mystical Wolf.

The Black Vale pack is one of the great packs that protects their land, Winter's Moon, and their Alpha King. When an unknown enemy attacks Black Vale, they lose their Alpha and capture some of the attackers for interrogation. During the investigation, they discover one of the wolves is a Seeker. Winter's Moon hasn't had a Seeker in over a century. This rare, powerful, and sacred wolf may be the only chance they have at winning against this rogue pack and keeping Winter's Moon safe. The only problem is, he's working with the enemy.  Meet Nova an seeker, He's trap in a evil pack that is out seeking power over everything that moves, striking fear to those who hear about them, killing those who see them or not. This is Nova's story as the only Seeker who is different from other seekers one that can only appears rarely, an must be treated with care, be cherished and loved. The seeker who is the last foundation of building/have an Stronger Pack. THIS IS NOVA'S JOURNEY. What will happen if he decides Not to Join The Alpha King Pack. WILL HIS MATE ACCEPT HIM AFTER ALL HE'S DONE OR WILL HE BE REJECTED ?!?.

23mystery · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Chapter four

  Luca didn't think much about meeting his mate. He only really cared about his pack, his king, and his family. His mate would be something nice to have, but it wasn't something he sought out. Still, he never thought this is how he'd meet his mate. In the King's office, waiting to be interrogated about the evil acts he's committed. If it weren't for the war inside of him, the want to rip the man's throat out, mixed with the want to touch him, kiss him, and hold him, he would've run out of the room. Instead, he stood frozen, unable to make any rational decision.

  "Well, isn't this quite the turn of events." The king stood and led Luca to the chair next to him, across from the seeker whose eyes didn't leave Luca. "All the better for getting the information we want." The king sat and looked at the seeker. "So, what is it you want to tell us?"

  Nova tried to ignore the annoyance he felt with the king's lack of tact of the situation. Overall, though, the situation was less than ideal.

  "I'm Nova," he tried looking at Luca, choosing to pretend the king wasn't there. Hard to do when the king answered for him.

  "This is Luca. Now, tell us what you want us to know."

  Nova sighed and sat back in his chair. He closed his eyes and tried to take it all. In reality, this was as good as it was going to get. He wouldn't get a happy meeting with his mate. He certainly wouldn't get any privacy.

  "When I was seven my powers surfaced. My parents and the whole pack were so excited. Red Hill hadn't had a seeker in nearly a century. I was a sign of hope for my pack. We sent word to the kingdom but never heard back. So, we decided to go ourselves, without invitation. On our way to the palace, our caravan was ambushed. Everyone was murdered except for me and my mother. They took me away and started training my powers. I wanted to refuse them, but I was just a kid. Whenever they beat me or starved me because I didn't do what they asked, it was enough to get me to do what they wanted. When I got older, the tactics stopped working. So, they turned it on my mother instead. They threatened to kill her if I didn't do what they wanted. Five years ago, was the first time they forced me to kill.  We attacked my pack. The Red Hill pack and I watched everyone die. I made sure they died."

  He dug his nails into the palm of his hands.

  "All for my mother. To keep her alive." He sniffed. "Since that day, the River's Edge has been attacking packs in each kingdom, in an attempt to kill their alpha's. We've managed to kill five of the original Alpha's. It was not only meant as a warning to the kings, but if the packs are weakened, so are the kingdoms."

  "What do they want?" The king asked.

  "Revenge, mostly. Revenge and power." Nova shrugged. "But...I think they want more. They don't tell me much about their motive. I only assume revenge."

  "Revenge for what?"

  He shrugged again.

  "I don't know. I just know they're angry and they hate the Alpha Kings."

  "Who's leading them?"

  "I don't know that either. I've never met the leader. Only the Beta. A wolf named Sid. I didn't grow up with the pack. I was a prisoner. I would only see them when we were sent on an attack."

  "What's your ability? How did you help them?"

  "Vector manipulation." He looked at the king for the first time. "I can control the direction something is moving. And how fast."

  The king nodded.

  "I see. So, they didn't even need to be well trained. They just needed a weapon, and you."

  Nova nodded.

  "I often never even ended up on the battlefield. I stayed back and did most of the work for them from the shadows." He looked at Luca then down at his lap. "I'm so sorry."

  Nova was surprised when a warm hand touched his knee. He looked up, a little disappointed that it was the king.

  "You were just a kid trying to protect his mother." He shook his head. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Nova."

  The dam broke and tears streamed down Nova's face.

  "Every night I dream about my pack. Their faces when they died. I dream about the alpha's I've killed. I don't want to kill anymore. All I ever wanted was to be a seeker, for you. The Alpha King."

  "Can you believe this act?"

  Nova's eyes shot to Luca.

  "Luca," the king warned.

  "You think because you cry like this everything you've ever done is forgotten?"

  "Luca!' The king silenced him. He returned his attention back to Nova. "Nova—" He stopped seeing the look on Nova's face. The look of guilt, regret, pain, and a myriad of other emotions captured in one defeated look. "Is there anything else you can tell us, Nova?"

  He cried and shook his head and repeated 'I'm sorry' over and over again knowing it wouldn't change anything. Luca only glared at Nova, while the King felt at a loss, not sure how to address the situation. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. 

  "Nova, perhaps you should go back to your room for now."

  Nova didn't want to. He wanted to stay with his mate. He wanted to hear his voice, even if it was angry. But he complied and left the office. Guards escorted him back to his room where he crawled into bed and cried.


  "I don't want to hear it!" He shot up from his seat and turned his back to the king. His hands gripped his hair as he took in a deep, angry breath.

  "Well too bad!" The king roared. He grabbed Luca by the arm and turned him and pushed him against the wall. "You're going to listen to me, Luca. I'm your alpha!"

  Luca bit his lip but lowered his gaze. No alpha liked to be challenged, but there was nothing Luca could do against the Alpha King.

  When Leon was satisfied with Luca's submission he released him and stepped back. He stretched his neck and raised his chin before speaking.

  "Luca, do you know what having a seeker does for the kingdom?"

  Luca watched as Leon poured himself a drink and sat in his chair.

  "A seeker makes a kingdom stronger...supposedly."

  "Not supposedly. It does make a kingdom stronger. A seeker boosts morale. They're like the rays of the sun in the winter. The flower still blooming after spring. They're like the island amidst the largest ocean. They're a symbol of hope, peace, and better days."

  "We are in a state of peace," Luca argued.

  "Are we? All of the kingdoms have been subject to attacks from this River's Edge pack. Our relationship with the Iron Maw Kingdom is deteriorating monthly and more of their people are seeking refuge here, making it more difficult to maintain resources. If you ask me, we're falling into a time of war, fast."

  Leon finished his drink and set it down. He looked at Luca with dark eyes.

  "Whatever happens between you and your mate is none of my business. But my new seeker is my business and I won't let you unnecessarily hurt him. Understand?"

  Luca pursed his lips.

  "How can you trust him so easily?"

  "Because I know he wasn't lying. And you know it too."

  "He's responsible for wiping out an entire pack. He killed my father!"

  "Only partly. And don't forget it's my brother." Leon shook his head and stood. He put a hand on Luca's shoulder and squeezed. "You've grown up a lot, Luca. But you've been safe within our kingdom your entire life. There's still a lot you don't know about the world."

  "Then tell me. What exactly am I supposed to know?"

  Leon sighed.

  "I will announce Nova as my seeker in one week, assuming he agrees. From then on, he'll be a part of my retinue. I think for the next week or so you should go back to your pack. Decide where to go from here. Who the next alpha will be? Let me know what you and your sister decide."

  "What about you?"

  "I'm fine. I have a whole palace of wolves here. Just go, Luca. Maybe think about some things while you're gone."

  He nodded.

  "I'm going to take mom with me. She might be happy to see the pack."

  Leon nodded and waved his hand dismissing Luca.

  Luca wanted to say more but knew anything he might say in opposition about the seeker would fall on deaf ears. Instead, he nodded and left the office. He let out a frustrated growl once outside, causing the two guards outside to take a few steps away from him. He could smell his mate's scent in the hall. He could smell the many emotions he felt. Looking the direction his mate went, the bond urged him towards his mate. It urged him to make him feel better and offer forgiveness, but Luca couldn't. He clenched his fists and went to prepare for his departure.


  Night fell, and the king stood outside Nova's door with an omega at his side, carrying a tray of food. The seeker had refused any food, or visitors throughout the day so the king took it upon himself to make sure the boy ate. He cleared his throat and raised his hand to knock on the door but before he could, it swung open revealing a tired Nova. He looked at the king and stepped aside so he could come in.

  "I've brought you food," he said as he walked inside, followed by the omega who gave Nova a hopeful smile.

  "I'm not hungry."

  "You need to eat."

  He motioned for the omega to set it on the small table in the center of the room. As the omega set up the meal the king pulled out a chair and motioned for Nova to sit. When he didn't move, the king walked over and grabbed his hand, and pulled him to the chair. Once he was sitting, the king sat across from him and smiled.

  "Looks great, doesn't it?"

  Nova couldn't argue. The meals here were fantastic. Fresh, delicious, and big. Silent tears fell down his face startling the king.

  "What's wrong?" he handed Nova a cloth to wipe his eyes.

  "When I was in River's Edge, I never got meals like these. I feel awful for refusing to eat today. I hope the food didn't go to waste. All because I'm sad."

  "Hey, hey it's okay. Sometimes when we don't feel well, it's hard to keep food down. Our food never goes to waste, so don't you worry. Just eat now. I'm sure you're starving."

  Nova started to eat, and the king watched him swallow every bite. When he finished the omega cleaned his plate and took it away.

  "Wait," Nova called to the omega. "What's your name?"

  "Oh, me? My name is Hael."

  Nova gave him a smile.

  "Thanks for the meal, Hael."

  Hael's cheeks turned red. He nodded and scurried out of the room. Nova looked at the king who was laughing.

  "What's so funny?"

  "It's just good, to see the impact you have on my people."

  Nova gave him a questioning look.

  "Seekers are magical." He opened his hands and spread his fingers and he widened his eyes dramatically. Nova chuckled.

  "Look, I know finding your mate didn't go as planned, but, Nova, I'd like it if you'd stay here. Officially be the seeker for Winter Moon and assist us in creating a kingdom of peace."

  Nova was excited at the thought of being a seeker. It was something he'd wanted since finding out what he was. But that was so long ago. He'd done so many horrible things and wondered if he even deserved to be a seeker.

  "Where is he?" Nova asked.

  "Hmm? You mean Luca? He went back to his pack. He'll be there for a week or so sorting out things there. They need to decide who will be the next alpha and things like that."

  "If he's alpha, he won't be, here will he?"

  Leon hadn't thought of that. He nodded and watched Nova's face fall in disappointment.

  "But his sister could be alpha. She's strong, and she's old enough. Besides, Luca is here a lot. He's like a second beta to me here in the kingdom. I'd be surprised if he left, but...it's definitely something they have to think seriously about."

  "Do you think he'll reject me?"

  "I won't let him," Leon growled.

  Nova shook his head frantically.

  "Please. I don't want to force him to be my mate. I just...honestly, I just want him to forgive me. Everyone on the whole planet can hate me. I don't care. I just..." he clutched his chest. "I can't handle it if he hates me."

  Leon's heart ached for the seeker. As alpha, he'd wanted a mate and heir. He wanted a family. He was definitely a romantic, something not many wolves knew about him. He longed to meet his mate too, and like any wolf, imagined it to be this incredible experience. He knows Luca and Nova's meeting was less than ideal.

  "Luca angers easily when it comes to his family but, he's not one to harbor hate where it isn't due. Give it time. I'm sure he'll come around."

  Nova nodded though he wasn't entirely sure he could believe the king.

  "I will be your seeker," he said. "But...I want your help with something. Please."

  "What's that?"

  Nova fidgeted in his seat and took a deep breath before looking the king in the eyes.

  "Help me save my mother."