
The Madum.

Yuki is a noble lady,her father who is luca Peterson he is the head of the family. Yuki is the first in line after her father dies, she is trying to kill him.

She is right now at a bar.

"Don't you think we should go somewhere privet. " yes we should. Yuki smerks at him leads him to a room that has a bed in the room. "Take that shirt of your off so I can see your muscle's. Yuki says with a smile on her face trying to seduce him. He takes his shirt off but write after he does her assistant comes in. " Madum ur father is asking for you. Her assistant says. "Fine.yuki says annoyed. Yuki and her assistant walk out and get In the caredg that will take her to the mansion. " madum your father is in his office. The gurd says greeting her. "Ok.yuki says in a very kind way trying to be kind but after she enters the mansion her smile disepers.

:in the office.

" May I enter. Yuki says knocking on the door. "Yes you may. Her father luca Peterson says.she enters his office with a dead face. " what did you want to see me for. Yuki says with no emotion. "I wanted to tell you that you will be going to a ball tonight. Yuki look's at him like she is gonna break his neck. "YOU'RE JOKING RIGHT. Yuki says in a mad voice. " it starts at 8pm ends at 11pm.her father says with out caring about what she thinks. "No.she says in a sturn voice. " your going no matter what. He says in a voice that's tells her that there no arguing this way out. "Fine, if I may ill take my leave now. She says pissed of. " you may leave. You pitiful thing. He mutters that last part so she cant here.