
Gaming Fun (Part One)

Hi, my name is Ash, something about today is going to be amazing, I can feel it. I was on my way to school and someone called my name. I didn't know who or where it was coming from, but I decided to follow it. After walking for 5 minutes, The sound went silent.....I didn't know what to do, but I was in front of a dark alleyway, I didn't know what to do. But then there was a light, a small video game console with an open screen projecting its light across the alley walls was in a small, opened box. Me, being curious, decides to take another look at it. The opening screen on the handheld console says "The Mystery of Allay." I thought it sounded cool, so I picked it up, ran out of the Alleyway, and ran to school. My college is down the block from my house. I dashed over to the group of kids I'm friends with, we're known as the "Gamers' ' because you know, we play a lot of video games. We also frequently upload playthroughs and reviews on the games we've played.

In our group, we have Austin, the person who tells us the details about the games we play. Then we have Sam, who gives a review after we play the game, she can be a Karen sometimes though. Then we have Jack, The one that has the fancy set-up, so he records and plays the games. Then there's me, Ash. I am the leader of the group, the one who picks the games we play. We all need one other to complete our team and boost up the quality of our uploads. I decided that we were going to play the game I found in the alleyway.

After school, we decided to go to my house and play the game. Once we got there, we went up to my room. We sat on the floor and I opened the game. We thought it was going to be a board game, turns out it wasn't. It was a video game. "Ash, I thought it was a board game," Austin said, clearly annoyed.

" I thought it was too..." I murmured. Luckily we had an Xbox to play it on. We turned the console on and started the game. All of a sudden the screen turned a light green and started glowing. I didn't know what to do so I just sat there in what you could call a surprise/ froze in place, maybe it was just the graphics...

The next thing we knew we were inside a mansion. "This game is going to get a very bad review!" said Sam, jokingly. Sam always joked at times when they shouldn't be joked at. Austin and Jack just giggled. I was confused about where we were. "One minute, we were in my room and the next, we're in someone's house," I said. Out of curiosity.

"Whatever, let's just get out of here before I yell at someone," Sam said. Then she just looked at me with a sarcastic face. We were looking at each other like we were going to fight. " OK, let's just go before it gets ugly". Jack said. I and Sam looked at him like he was a fool. "Uhhh, why don't we just stick together and get out of here," Austin said. He was laughing anxiously. When we were trying to move, but a red light was flashing around us like we were trapped in a room like in one of those spy movies. Then all of a sudden a big TV screen came in front of us. I looked around us and everyone's faces looked like they had seen a ghost. I turned around and there was a TV screen with a man's face on it. Then he said " Welcome to The Mystery Of The Allay, my name is James. You will be in a town with people but not your town, there are robbers that you will have to find and takedown, but it's not going to be easy like it is a challenge you know." Sam looked confused. " What do you mean, we will be in a town with robbers? and we have to take down? and what challenge!?" Jack Said. Everyone looked at him like he was asking the stupidest question. "You are not the brightest, I can tell you that '' James said. Everyone giggled but not Austin, he just had that look on his face, like that kind of funny, but offended look. I said "Well you got that right'' Austin did that offended smirk look. "ok "James" If that's even your real name!" Sam with a funny look, "what do we do?" James Stared a little, and said " You will have 3 rounds" "One round you have to takedown one robber" If you get at least 2 out of 3 robbers down, you get another chance," Jack said " Okay, and if we don't?" James looked demonic for a second… Then he said "You will be stuck here forever," Everyone, including me, looked scared. "Oh, and by the way, each round you will have 1 day to solve each mystery" Then he looked at us and smiled and said "Enjoy if you can," I said "Ohhh be quiet," Sam said "This game is getting a bad review" but James had already left. Then Jack said, "ok let's get started". Then we were all glowing and then we came across a closet with gadgets and spy clothes like in one of those movies we watch. '' We looked around a bit to see what it looked like and what was in it. Sam said "Ok, maybe not so bad of a review.." Everyone giggled, Jack said " Anyways, let's just look around a bit" everyone agreed and we started walking around. Austin said "can we put these on?" I said, "I think we can, but maybe we should ask first." I said "Austin just asked him since you're the dumb one" Everyone giggled but Austin did that face again. Austin said "Fine, have it your way, You guys are just jealous".

Sam said "Yeah Yeah dumbo, just call James already" Austin gaped then said "Rude much,"

Jack said, "JUST CALL HIM ALREADY!" Austin said fast "Fine jeez you guys are so mean" Then we all said but Austin "JUST CALL HIM," Austin said


"Finally, Jeez" James came back but he was a human and not a screen TV. Sam said, "Is that James!?" James said "Duh Who else would it be'' While James was rolling his eyes. James had white hair with green eyes and he was about 6'5 wearing a cool-looking outfit, I think he was about 20-21 years old. We all thought that he looked pretty cool as a human. James said "What do you guys need? The game is going to start in 5 minutes '. Austin said, " We need to know if we could put these on?" James said "Of course, you can, that's what you have to wear," I said, "So we have different colors?"

James said "Yes, but you guys have to pick your colors" James continued "The colors are White, Red, Yellow, and Blue,"

Sam said "I want yellow"

Jack said "I call Blue,"

Austin said "Then I want Red,"

I said "well that's great for me because I want white," James said "Ok great, you picked your colors, now put your clothes on, grab your gadgets and press the start button. We all said "Got it James" while James was standing there looking all cool. James said "Goodbye for now" then he disappeared.

"Let's get dressed then," I said, walking to the closet to get my clothes. Everyone put their clothes on, grabbed their gadgets, and we pressed the start button. When we pressed the start button, the room turned light green and we got teleported to a town. James said, " You are in the first round. You will need to go to the police station and find the robber. Good luck".

I said " Ok thank you James" then he left. We all looked at one another and started walking to the police station.

Sam said, "Where are we even going, we don't know where to go!"

Jack said, "Well we have to find the police station more than anything else".

I said, "Maybe we can ask someone for help!" Jack said, "Good Idea, let's find someone to ask". We walked around trying to find someone to ask, then we came across different houses in the street. We all didn't know what door to go into. Something was off about Austin, but I didn't say anything. I just turned back around. Austin said, "I think it's the one on the left"... I looked at him….. I was asking myself "Something is off about him, but I don't know exactly what…" so I just said

"Ok". Sam and Jack also agreed. So we walked to the door on the left and we walked through and at the other side, there was a hall of answers. We knew it was called the Hall of answers because there was a sign on the wall that said "Hall of answers". Anyways, we walked down the hall to find something that said locations or name's or places from the past, or something like that. We walked down the hall for 30 minutes and we were about to give up, it was like the hall was never-ending. Austin said, "Maybe we should just pick a random room."

I thought the way he said that was sus but I just agreed. We walked into the room and they were a city. There is no longer a town. There was just a dead-end that leads to no were just nowhere. Do you Alleyway colt was the only problem!? Well Uh oh Spaghettio!!We have bigger problems!!! Now Sam was missing!! Next thing I knew we were lost. I was so frustrated. I didn't know what to do, Sam was missing, everyone was getting upset, and we were lost! Then Jack says "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!?". Austin said with a deep voice, "We will just have to look for Sam'' with a little smirk. Yeah, I didn't think I saw you aaaee Austin...Well, I did. I finally said, "Ok what is wrong with you Aus' '. Jack said to me while whispering in my ear, " Ash I'm going to call you kat from now on, no matter what happens." I stopped to think why he said that. Then I finally rely upon him that he knew that Austin was not Austin. What Alleyway by that, someone was trying to be Austin...I winked at Jack so I knew. "Ok Jack, and I will call you Prince from now on, no matter what," I said back with a whisper. Austin was looking at us like we were crazy or something. Austin said, "What do you mean?, I am perfectly fine". I happened to notice that he was sweating. I am pretty sure Prince saw that too, by the look of his face I think he saw it. Prince said, " Kat, We should go look for Sam now. I just nodded in his direction in agreement. Austin just started to walk in front of me and Prince. We looked at each other and started walking behind Austin. We were still whispering, Prince said while whispering '' Kat, don't you think it's weird he knows where he is going…" I whispered back " Yeah I think that is pretty weird". We continued walking, and Austin stopped and turned around and looked at us. Then Austin said, " I think she is in here". I and Prince look at each other and looked back at Austin. Prince said " Kat". I said " Yes". Prince said " Where are we?" with a confused look. I said " AND HOW WOULD I KNOW THAT PRINCE!?" I look at Prince with a frustrated look. Then I said, "I'm s-orry for yelling at you Prince". I looked at him with sorry eyes. He looked at me and said, "It's fine Kat, I know you didn't mean it". He looked like he was blushing. He turned his head around really fast. I was a little flustered, Then I grinned I said " You look a little red there Prince". He said, " You must be seeing things kat". I said " Uhm ". I chuckled and he blushed even more. I noticed him blushing again, and I got flustered once more. Austin finally said " Are you two done yet?" with an annoyed face. We both look at him... I said " what's your problem Austin!?" He said " I'M NO-" Then stopped talking". Prince said " What was that Austin?" I could tell by the look on Prince's face, he knew that he was going to say something like "I'm not Austin". We needed more information so we let it go. I said, " Nevermind, let's go find Sam". "Austin" nodded and started walking again. I and Prince were looking back and forth at one other to make sure we are still together, ( I know that sounds weird). I and Prince continued to walk and talk with each other, and Austin was walking in front of us, I and Prince has made up a plan when Austin was looking into the sky for some unknown reason. I said, " What are you looking at?" Austin said " North, West, South, and East". I look at him with a buh face. " Rude, I was asking what were you looking at in the sky," I said. Austin turned around and said "Don't talk back to me Ash" I said "Cent's when did you tell me what to do". Austin made a death stare at me and I fell silent. Prince looks at me. I looked so scared. I think he knew that I was getting flashbacks to when I was a kid. "Will you leave her alone AUSTIN!!!" Prince said looked pissed at Austin. I hugged Prince because it was a little code saying "thank you" or "Just ack" or "Stay Calm". In this case, it was Thank you… I never say thank you or sorry to anyone but my parents so whenever I hug someone like Prince he starts to blush and he thinks I don't notice, silly silly boy. I broke the hug and Prince pulled me back into it and I hugged back obviously. Then he let go and Austin rolled his eyes and kept walking North. He was getting on my nerves. I and Prince were holding hands, and walking on the same foot (Couple goals) of course were not a couple. Just close friends for now.