
The Mystery of Gray Void

Evilless · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Vampire Human Body

Death Palace Spirit says yes I can feel the Death Law.

But Master D'Souza's Death Law is not fully developed, so he did not become the Master of Death Palace, maybe someone has blocked this Death Law.

System says oh yes I had locked the destruction abilities with the help of a treasure to save the Master. Due to which Karan Master could use his destruction abilities at a low level. And the system says to D'Souza, Master please forgive me that I hid this thing from you. But I did it to save you.

D'Souza says to the system, okay I understand. Can you remove this lock.

System Adora says yes Master and System Adora types something on the screen, due to which the lock on Karan D'Souza's abilities is removed. System says now you can use your abilities at a higher level. Because you have absorbed the flame of life, due to which now the destruction abilities will not have any effect on you.

Then more death energy starts coming out of D'Souza's soul form than before.

Seeing this death energy, the Death Palace Spirit says. This death energy is pure but it is still not enough. The Death Law is still incomplete inside it.

System Adora says what needs to be done to complete the Death Law.

Death Palace Spirit Houyi says this death law will be completed on its own, it will just take some time.

D'Souza says after listening to all this, okay. Houyi Kaya can you tell me more about this Ten Thousand Palace.

Life Palace Spirit Houyi says yes master but if I tell you about this Ten Thousand Palace then a lot of time will be wasted so you can get all the information by placing your hand on this screen tablet, this information will come directly to your mind.

Life Palace Spirit D'Souza's traffic expands a transparent looking screen like glass.

D'Souza places his hands on this screen due to which all the information about this ten thousand palace comes in D'Souza's mind.

After fully understanding this information, D'Souza says, I think this Ten Thousand Palace is a universe in the form of a treasure.

D'Souza says to Life Palace Spirit Hou, can I come to this Ten Thousand Palace in soul form only.

Life Palace Spirit Houyu says, no master, I called your soul form in a hurry because I was very excited. And you can also come to the ten thousand palaces at your will. And you can control anything related to the Life Palace.

D'Souza says to Life Palace Spirit Houyu, how can I go back now.

Life Palace Spirit Houyu says, you just have to think about it and you will reach your real body.

D'Souza says, okay, now I am leaving from here. I will come back sometime with my real body.

Then Life Palace Spirit Houyi stops D'Souza and says Master wait. Can I come with you?

D'Souza says ok but who will manage this Life Palace?

Life Palace Spirit Houyi says Master I can divide myself into 2 parts. And another clone looking like Houyi comes out of Houyi's body. And Houyi's real body goes and sits on D'Souza's soul's shoulder.

Then Death Palace Spirit Houyi stops them and says I also want to come.

D'Souza says Kaya you also want to come with me but how can this happen?

Life Palace Spirit Houyi says yes Master it can also come with you because you have death energy and you are also the master of the main Life Palace so if you want you can take it too.

System Adora says no it is not connected to the master so it cannot come with the master if it causes any harm to the master.

Life Palace Spirit Houyi says no she is like my younger sister and spirits like us cannot harm another person unless they have broken any law of Ten Thousand Palace.

Death Palace Spirit Houyi says with tears in her eyes if master you take me with you then I will help you teach the Death Law very soon.

System Adora says your emotional damage will not work on me.

D'Souza says System stop, stop bothering him. D'Souza says to Death Palace Spirit Houyi okay you can come.

After listening to System D'Souza Death Palace Spirit Houyi says master is taking you with him because he wants to teach you the Death Law. Don't think that master likes you.

After listening to System Death Palace Spirit says yes.

D'Souza says to System why are you so angry with Death Palace Spirit.

System says because she is trying to be cute.

Listening to System's words, D'Souza and Life Palace Spirit look at System with strange eyes.

D'Souza says that now I am going to leave from here.

Listening to D'Souza, Death Palace Spirit goes and sits on D'Souza's other shoulder.

Seeing Death Palace Spirit sitting on D'Souza's other shoulder, System removes him from there and says how dare you sit on my seat.

Death Palace Spirit says sorry to System and Death Palace Spirit goes and sits next to Life Palace Spirit Houyu.

After that D'Souza disappears from Life Palace.

On the other side

Transparent Tree Hong sends some of his invisible vines inside that wooden house.

In that wooden house, D'Souza's eyes open and D'Souza finds himself in a wooden house on a bed with those 4 small children.

D'Souza looks at these children and says to the system, "Kaaya, I can now use my abilities."

Then the system Adora, Life Spirit and Death Palace Spirit Houyi come out from inside D'Souza's body.

The system says to D'Souza, "Master, now you can use your destructive abilities because now you have absorbed the flame of life."

After coming out of D'Souza's body, the Life Palace Spirit and Death Palace Spirit look at D'Souza and say, "Master, you are a small child, we thought you would be a 20-year-old."

D'Souza says to these spirits, "Can't this happen?"

The spirits of the Life and Death Palace say together that the intelligence and soul power of a small child cannot be so much. And the most surprising thing is that both are learning the life and death laws together.

The system says that the soul of the master has been reborn in the red world because the age of the master is only 1 day but his soul is very old. And the master has a lot of secrets. Which even the master does not know.

The Life and Death Palace Spirit says after listening to the system that we have understood.

The Life and Death Palace Spirit says while looking at the small children and this house made of wood that it is so beautiful.

The Life Palace Spirit and the Death Palace Spirit come to D'Souza and say that today for the first time we are seeing the world outside the Ten Thousand Palace with our own eyes. Otherwise we used to see the world outside through the memories of the masters of the other palaces.

D'Souza says can you both see the memories of the other palace masters as well.

Yes we can see the memory of other palace masters also but there is a condition, before seeing someone's memory the permission of that palace master is required. Unless a palace owner agrees we cannot see his memory.

This is what D'Souza says.

After that D'Souza uses his ability Eye of attraction on the red haired child among these 4 small children, after which D'Souza sees a black system screen in front of him and on that system screen it is written

Name -????,

Race- Human,

Age - 2 months,

Cultivation - [Nascent Soul Realm (Level-9)(Seal)]

Physique - [Space Flame Physique]

Natural ability - [fire manipulation, fire sea, fire shadow, nature manipulation, fire consumption, fire and space law]

Birthplace - [Flame Sect (Red World)]


Magic Power (Spiritual Power)- 1500/5000(Seal)

Strength- 2000/5000(Seal)

Agility- 2500/5000(Seal)

Diffence- 4000/5000(Seal)

Intelligence- 40/100


Charm- 7/10

D'Souza says while looking at it that it also has a special ability.

System Adora reads the information on the dark virtual screen and says, Master, I don't know, maybe this child's ability has come from his parents.

D'Souza listens to System Adora and says, has this boy also come from another universe like me?

Then looking at D'Souza's stats he says that these stats look just like any other game of Earth but these stats and Cultivation Seal Qi are there.

The system says 1 point of master strength is equal to a normal human and in the first realm of cultivation Qi refining (level 1-9) the maximum points are 200 and as the realm increases the stats also increase. And this red haired guy's cultivation level is Nascent Soul Realm (level-9). In Nascent Soul Realm all stats have a maximum of 5000 points. And this red haired guy's strength is 2000/5000, agility is 2000/5000 etc. If this red haired guy just touches a normal human then that normal human might die. And the red haired boy has more children so his cultivation level and stats have been sealed.

D'Souza listens to the system and says but no one sealed my cultivation level.

The system says no master. Your cultivation was sealed but I blocked it and just hid your aura.

D'Souza says you didn't even tell me when.

The system says your new and first teacher Lady Meng Yo put a seal on your cultivation when she held you in her hands but I absorbed that seal and sealed your aura.

D'Souza says so that's it.

System Adora says, maybe. After this, you should use your Eye of attraction ability on the red-haired girl.

D'Souza says okay and D'Souza uses his Eye of attraction ability on the red-haired girl. In front of D'Souza, there is a writing about the red-haired girl on the black virtual screen.


Race - Human

Age - 1.5 months

Cultivation - [Nascent Soul Realm (Level 6)]Seal,

Physique- [Vampire Human Physique],

Natural Ability - [Fire Manipulation, Fire Clone, Soul Flame, Space Fire Creation,????,??????,??????,??????],

Birth Place- Flame Sect (Red World)


Magic Power (Spiritual Power)- 2500/5000(Seal)

Strength- 1200/5000(Seal)

Agility- 2500/5000(Seal)

Diffence- 4000/5000(Seal)

Intelligence- 49/100

Luck- 99/100

Charm- 9/10

D'Souza says to the system that this is a vampire human Physique.

System Adora looks at the virtual screen in shock and says, is it a vampire human Physique?

D'Souza says to the system, is there something wrong with this Physique?

System Adora says, no master, this vampire human body is very rare because this vampire human body was seen only once in the gray void.

D'Souza says, what is so special about this?

System Adora says, one specialty of this Physique is that the person who has this vampire human Physique can copy the stats, power, skills and cultivation of any living creature with just one drop of blood.

D'Souza says, then won't this girl become the most powerful in the world?

System Robot Adora says, yes master, the people with vampire human Physique are counted among the powerful people of the era in which they are born.

D'Souza asks, "Do they have any weaknesses?"

System robot Adora says, "Yes master, they are very emotional and whatever they want, they get it at any cost. And the vampire human Physique is very rare. It has appeared only once in the grey void till date. So I don't know about its weaknesses."

D'Souza says, "What kind of weakness is this?"

System robot Adora says that 111 Eras ago in the Gray Void when the Void Beast was born, a lady with a vampire human Physique was born, her name was "Miyu". Lady Miyu used to increase her power by copying the cultivation level, strength, skills of any other person's blood with a drop of blood. In this way, Lady "Miyu" became one of the powerful people of the Gray Void within 2 centuries. Lady Miyu had become very arrogant and greedy due to her abilities. Miyu asked for blood from a person in the Gray Void for her cultivation, but that person refused to give his blood to Lady Miyu, due to which that woman killed that person and destroyed that person's clan and Lady Miyu killed all the people of that person's clan for her selfishness and copied the cultivation from their blood. After that Lady Miyu absorbed the blood drop of all the powerful people of the Gray Void. Due to which she had become the third most powerful person in Gray Void.

Just then Lady Miyu learned about a new powerful beast, the Void Beast. So she exchanged a treasure from the Void Beast for a drop of Void Beast's blood and absorbed that drop of blood and Lady Miyu tried to copy the Void Beast's skills and cultivation but she was unable to copy any of the Void Beast's skills or cultivation. Then Lady Miyu exchanged the Void Beast's blood for a treasure, and absorbed the Void Beast's blood, but she was still unable to copy the Void Beast's cultivation and skills. Lady Miyu repeated this over and over again but it made no difference.

Then a mysterious person told Lady Miyu that if Lady Miyu absorbs the heart of the Void Beast, she will be able to copy the skills and cultivation of the Void Beast. Lady Miyu got misled by that mysterious person. And Lady Miyu attacked the Void Beast to take the heart of the Void Beast, but the power of the Void Beast was much more than that woman thought. After that the Void Beast attacked that woman and ate her.

Since then, this is the second time I am seeing a person with a vampire human Physique.

D'Souza says, System, how do you know all these stories and how do you have information about all the people of Grey Void.

After listening to the words of the Life and Death Palace Spirit, System, looking at that red-haired girl, they say together, will this little girl drink people's blood.