
The Mystery lords

the six teenager explore the hidden basement where the mystery residess, they accidentally open an dimensions to other world and became god, this a story of the journey of 6 boys into god hood

Clay_uz · Fantasi
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2 Chs


Despite the possibility of danger, they decided to go.


They're in a van, in the middle of the dark lonely roaf they are traveling with the head light help guiding them. the environment is full of tree as they go deeper the building and house lessen.

2 and 30 mins later

they finally arrived, firts things that came to their view wad a big rusty old factory, standing alone encompasing by a bunch of trees.

"creepy" edsel said in a frigthen tone

"not a bit" Rhayven reply in opposition

mocking edsel's cowardness

"HEY COME ON LET'S GET GOING" red suggested impatiently.

" e.. evryone" seb blurted as if he want to tell something yet he was afraid to do so.

"can we just postpone this?, this kinda risky for us, I don't think this will be a good idea, I don't want us to involve with those trivial things" as sev suggested in low tone while lowering his head

everyone gaze at him, not sharp nor soft gaze a normal gaze.

yet it made seb nervous.

Rhayven then grab seb hand and say " come on!, don't be frigthen, I'm here no one can touch us hehehehe" as he said in a silly manner

the other just laugh lightly.

they begin to pace forward approaching the big ostolate looking factory.

they came inside the factory silently, the flashlights are on.

they see different kind of tubes at the table, so manyy old lookung paper with a weird symbols in it.

the place was covered with cracks tothe floor, ceiling, all over the place; and dirts as well. while the object was ostoletr as if it didn't come from this world.

"what are we going to do harvey?"

edsel asked

"just search for anything, maybe there is some kind of treasure here" harvey said in convincement

he know that the map will possibly lead them to something interesting or perhaps magical.

the six of them shattered one by one search the whole place without living a dust.

harvey is dead set on to the search for treasure.

on the other hand yhe 5 didn't think much about the "treasure" for them this is just another normal exploration, just like those midnight exploration on youtube.

red go up to the second floor, the second floor is filled with so many book shelves, resambling the interior of library.

red walk over to yhe midway of book shelves. by passing scattered books in the floor, intending to approach the big board.

red extended his hand and touch yhe random scrible in the papers.

when suddenly those unnatural scribbles emit a bright light, red was taken a back for a moment.

the book in the shelves turn into potion bottles carrying different kind of liquid, red rushly go down to tell everyone what happened.

but they just laugh at red, however despite the doubt they tried to see themselves, they analyze the whole second floor. they see a bunch of potion with different branding in it, they seperate to search in different book shelves.

a sudden thought sruct to red's mind, he curiously try to drink the potion.

he fell into the ground making a audible noise, the 5 rushly go to red, they saw red in the floor laying in the floor suffering to visible pains, it last for a few minutes when suddenly red slowly get up

not knowing what to do edsel and others just watch the whole scene without attempting to do anything. the shock is painted all over their face.

red finally gain his standing back, he slowly move forward towards the others however they move backward in response as if they are avoiding red.

"red are you okay?" edsel asked with an apparent fear in his eye

"I'm perfectly fine, what are you talking about??" he reply confused by the situation

they was so terrified towards red due to the vibe that they're sensing; something dangerous vibe coming through red.

red move forward again yet the others just move backwards as soon as he did so

"WHYY??" red asked angrily

"we don't know what happened to you, so we cannot trust you" harvey said leaning on logical reasoning rather feelings

despite Harvey's explanation red imposed himself and take another step while his friends keep moving backwards.

this made him very flustrated

"okay, I don't know ehat happened to me, so ple don't avoid me, can all of you help me instead??" he said frustratinglyy

however edsel and others made no reply, their face is dissimilar: the other shows a face of pitiness while the other dhows the facr of sadness. they don't want to treat read like a monster yet their intuition said that red is a monster.

looking at the face and expression of his friends made him burst out both in anger and sadness

"I'M NOT A MOSNTER I'M RED GUYSS PLSS BELIEVE ME, HELPP ME DON'T..... DON'T DO THIS TO ME" red shouted in the end his knees fall down and he cried heavly

their face shows sorrow watching red broke down, tears drop in their eyes unconsciously


they suddenly taken aback, they heard the door in the first floor opening

"everyone hide!" edsel shout in whisper tone they hide

edsel was in the cabinet next to the big board, there are some gap make him see the outside, he purposely hidte in this to know who is the owner

-is that a owner? no maybe they can be just like us who trying to explore this abandon place, but the probability is low, most likely that is the owner, what I'm going to do if that's the owner?.. we're going to jail!!!...

no no no the worst case is we will be killed, given by the fact that this area is abandon and have an owner, that's a plot in a horror movie- edsel thought was mixed however he didn't forget to joke around although he was joking the fear that he is facing right now is huge

given by the fact that red had experience a terrifying experience.

in the first floor a man opened the door; a man with a big body resembling to the body of big pirates, while his face is not apparent. there's also a floating void of ballnext to himthat have a life

"welcome back homee heheheheh" as the old man said.
