
The Morning

Hello everyone Iam Sam. The novel is going to begin with my most horrible and strange experience.

Iam very cool person, i used to like risks in my life until i went through such strange experience in my life.

Iam a college student iam having a good friend circle and my best friends are Kumar, Yash , and Sana. They are my best friends with whom I share everything and we even go on camping together to such places where there will be no one's residense.

Today is going to be an interesting day because today in our college there is going to be a grand celebration as because our college has successfully completed 80 years in providing education to so many students. Iam very confuse what to wear for todays function but my mother helped me out and iam the only child to my parents. I dressed up and went to college and saw there is a huge crowd for the celebration. The students from final years performed a skit for our principle and some students prepared a dance performance and even many more things. We enjoyed a lot and we were planning an adventurous trip for upcoming Sunday and I was very excited for it.

On my way when i was returning I saw an old lady standing as she was waiting for someone. As i was about to pass her she called me with my name i was shocked because i don't even know who is she and from where did she came . I went near her and asked; What happed grandma do you want something? But she didn't answer anything , she was just staring me as if she knows me and i have done something wrong. I even asked her how did she know my name even she stayed silence. I asked her twice but she didn't replied anything so i continued my way to my house. I was walking thinking that why did she stopped me and how did she know me but i took it for granted.

After some time i reached my house and I was very tired, i was rushing towards my bed but my mother stopped me and said that one old lady came for me and was asking about me. My mother asked the oldwomen about herself and reason for asking me but she didn't said anything and left. I said to my mother not to worry might be the women was mad. Then i slept and ask my mom to wake me up after 1 hour and go to bed.
