
CH-41 Chakra[1]

"Unbelievable!" Gwen muttered to herself.

She was eyeing the tent where two silhouettes intertwined in an intimate pose. "They have been this shameless, aren't they? I am not invisible yet you forgot my presence?"

"... Will they date?" She contemplates the scene and Violet's scheme.

Violet ordered her Cassie could melt Jass's heart which will work in her favor.

She will bring them together in a romantic relationship. From there, Jass and her relationship will be fine in the near future.

"I trust Mother's plans for her. Knowing Jass's nature…"

"She will assume this behavior is typical between her and Cassie. She is as dense as my arranged married husband."

Gwen's attention ran to the empty tumbler that Cassie had drained earlier.

"Her alcohol tolerance is very low…"

With a flick of her wrist, she doused the campfire, plunging the area into darkness.