
On The Way To The Antique Shop




The four of them ride in a car after they finished eating. They are going downtown to look for the oldest antique shop. Harriette is holding the map and gives command to the driver, while Selene is searching on Google where is the oldest antique shop located.

Mrs. Smith says, "You're wasting your time. I would do it on my own. Just follow me, I would lead the way."

Mrs. Smith took something from her bag. It's her magic wand. She held it up and chant a spell, "Aperi in via..." (It means "open the road.")

The three of them surprised when a translucent form of a dragon flying over the car as it helps them to lead their way to the oldest antique shop.

"Where did that dragon come from?" asked Christle.

"Well, it belongs to me. The dragons are my everyday companions." replied Mrs. Smith.

"I feel like it is already spring season. We are now celebrating Chinese New Year. Pom - pom - pom - pom!" said Selene.

"You're silly, Selene." remarked Harriette.

And the car stopped at the oldest antique shop. And so the dragon pops into a thin air.

"It disappeared, Mrs. Smith!" said Harriette.

"The sacred dragons are watching over us. They would never disappear." explained Mrs. Smith.

As the four of them go inside the antique shop, they keep searching for the old wooden box of Ravenna.

"What are you looking for, ladies?" asked the storekeeper.

"Do you have an old wooden box with the name 'Ravenna" engraved on it?" asked Harriette.

"Nope. You went to the wrong shop. We don't have that type of box." said the storekeeper.

Selene went to the corner and she is looking for the old wooden box. But, she found a golden preserved apple.

She is curious, "What's with this apple?"

She took the apple and the shelf just opened like it leads her to the secret passage way. She went inside the room and she saw the wooden box. After taking the box, she went back to the shelf and put the golden preserved apple back to the shelf. Then, the door is closed.

She goes to the counter, "How much is this?"

"Where did you get that? That's a family heirloom, and it's not for sale." said the storekeeper.

"Please, miss. It's an emergency. We really need this box." said Harriette.

"I have credit card, miss. I can pay for it." said Mrs. Smith.

"Hepzibah Smith, you are still alive. I recognized you from the coarse voice." said the storekeeper.

Mrs. Smith is now scared, "Who are you?"

"I am the descendant of Ravenna. Of course, you haven't met my great - great - grand mother. How much money are you going to pay for this box? But, I only accept cash." said the storekeeper.

"Oh, God! Okay. I would give you 500 bucks." replied Mrs. Smith.

The storekeeper accepted the money, and she prepared the box for them.

"It's now all yours, Smith."

"Hey, wait a minute? Is this a real box? Not a fake one!" asked Harriette.

"Of course this is the real box." argued Selene.

Christle became curious, "Do you have a doubt, Harriette?"

Harriette asked again, "How did you get the box?"

Selene replied, "There's a secret room behind the shelf. I found that golden preserved apple."

The storekeeper added, "Before I forgot, that apple is very poisonous. It is poisonous enough that would penetrate your skin."

They are all shocked, "What?"

They all became panic. Selene's skin started to have red marks or bruises until her lips became purple until she fainted on the floor.

"You are a sly woman. A very sly woman!" said Mrs. Smith.

The storekeeper explained, "The poison would not last if she has been kissed by a prince charming. However, a kiss of true love has a consequence. She can be turned into a horcrux."

Harriette cried, "This is nonsense! That's why I don't want fairy tales."

Christle asked, "Where can we get a prince charming?"

The storekeeper is surprised, "Does she have a boyfriend?"

Harriette replied, "No. She doesn't have a boyfriend. We were just new in our school."

"Newbies! Yeah... I see..." said the storekeeper.

They all carried Selene inside the car. And so they hurriedly went back to the mansion.

They let Selene lie on the bed in one of the guest rooms.

Harriette is so sad about what's happening to her friend. And then, she kissed her on her forehead.

They all go out from the guest room. And, suddenly, Selene just opened her eyes. All her red marks from her skin are gone. Her lips turned back to normal. And, quickly went outside to look for them at the living room.

She first found Harriette crying. She called out, "Harriette, I am alive."

Harriette jumped for joy and she hugged Selene.

"Thank God!"


