

The next morning, Mary went to bathe and checked it but was surprised again to see it. What was going on? She was sure that the scar had left that night so how was it possible that was back again?

Marvel came into her mother's bedroom to return her lost diamond earrings when she saw her in he bathroom as the door was slightly opened. She could see her through the mirror, looking at her stomach.

She looked away as she felt less disturbed. She believed with time, she would get used to it and believe the mark was gone.

She dropped the earrings on her dressing table and was about to leave when she saw the scar on her mother's stomach.

How strange. She was sure that she made it to disappear so how come it was back again? She was confused.

Was her powers failing her? She needed to see Susan or Sophia, the greatest of them but also the closest to her.

She went into her room and recited some incantations after which she went to sleep. In her dream, she visited their coven which was in the tree back at their former house. She had travelled in her sleep.

She didn't want to meet the priestess but unfortunately for her, she had seen her already.

"Marvel, what brings you here?" The priestess asked her.

Marvel paid her respect as she replied her. The priestess, Jacinta was already aware of Marvel's problem.

She had a problem using her powers and Marvel couldn't hide it from her as she already knew.

She explained to her what her challenge was and the priestess lectured her on what to do. She appointed Sophia to personally teach her how to use it after which she thanked her and left to see Sophia.

Sophia was a nice witch who operated on a higher level than Marvel. She couldn't return back to earth again because she was marked in her second life after she had caused destruction twice.

She could only be sent to help other smaller witches like Marvel and others that were already sent to the world.

Sophia took Marvel to a secret room in the coven where she showed her things she could do with her powers. The priestess already instructed Sophia to show Marvel what she was sent to do.

Marvel showed her how to create an invisible mirror to view what was happening at present. All she needed to do was to believe in herself and give it a try.

She did it and was able to create the mirror and could see what was happening at her home presently.

Her mother had gone to her room but saw her sleeping and left. Sophia then showed her how to view the past too even though she might not have been part of it.

She was able to do so and she saw all that happened at her conception and how her father drugged her mother so that she could lose the baby which was her.

She also taught her how to cast some spells and recite some sacred incantations that was not meant to be said anyhow only when she was in deep trouble or in a case of emergency.

They had spent four hours already together in the coven which was in the tree. Marvel asked Sophia if she could tell her what happened and how she got marked in her second life.

She promised to tell her when next they saw each other again but for now, she needed to go home as her parents were all getting worried that she was over sleeping. Her body just lay on the bed, lifeless while her spirit had travelled back to the tree.

She thanked her and decided to go home. She got home just in time as her mother was about to come and wake her.

If she had tried to wake her and she didn't, they would think she had passed out and rush her to the hospital.

Her mother got into the room and woke her up. She was awake but pretended to be asleep and delayed a little before getting up.

Marvel woke up and after talking to her mother, she was left alone in the room. She practiced her spell again and took away the scar from her mother. It was a permanent action.