


Collins_Ndungu · Seram
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


IT was on a cloudy morning the president was in his office doing some work then all of a sudden he got a phone call from an unknownperson the person on the phone told the president to come to a certain location alone the president asked the caller who are you and what do you want from me he said if you want to see you grandmother again come to location alone or she will die the president said ok am coming right know. Then the president rushed to his helicopter and he was drove to the location the bodyguards asked where are you going the president said nowhere he then told the helicopter pilot to go back the pilot said how are you going to get bak he said I will call you to pick me up the pilot said ok

When the president went in he found hi grand mother tied up in a chair and she closed her mouth he asked her what happened grandmother she said i was kidnapped he said by who i don't know then the caller reviled him self to the president and said so came alone you told me to he said i know what do you want from me hmm maybe your life what my life i cant give you that but when the unknownperson was not looking the president called for back up little did the president know is that the unknownperson was planning some thing

When the back up came they found that the president and the grandmother was shot by three bullets at the same place the chest and the shooter ecaped.So the police quickly called the paramedic's and the FBI the paramedics told the police and the FBI that he is dead the local people then called the local tv station they reported that the president is dead the FBI were left behind with the detectives to investigate that murder the FBI and the detective's went back to there HQ to find more details the FBIs then went to the CIA and the BI to ask for help in this investigation they went back to the scene of the crime and collected evidence luckily they found a pistole on the corner of the room they took it as evidence the family of the president arranged a funeral of the president on the 25/6/1945

On the 24/6/1945 the boss of the responsible person of the death of the president was called his boss told that that is a good what you have done to the president he said thankyou boss the boss said I hope you did not leave any evidence for the FBI,CIA,BI I did not leave any but i think i dropped my pistole o the building I was holding the president and the president grandmother captive you WHAT ohhno am sorry boss know the CIA,BI,FBI will fined us no they wont how you gonna do that i will think of it and also delete my number from you phone why incase you get caught and do not stich on me ok boss

25/6/1945 The day of the funeral of the president but when his son looked at his face he did not reconize his father the son was saying that he look like a fake his mother said how could you say something like that apoligise to me ok am sorry mommy for saying that they saw the presidents coffin been lowerd down the father of the president spilled the first bucket of soil the second was the wife and the third was the son and every one else