
Chapter 9 The Battle Against the League Of Villains

"Y-You, what did you say to me!?" Tomura said as he began to freak out. "DIE!" He said as he rushed towards Jin. "Hmph! Trash." Jin said as he rushed towards Tomura.

Tomura opened his hand as he swung towards Jin while Jin punched straight towards Tomura's stomach. It was easy to see whose attack would hit first.


Jin's fist hit Tomura's stomach as he lurched over before Jin kicked his leg shattering his ankle. "Gahh!" Tomura wailed as he fell to his knees. "I AM DONE PLAYING AROUND!" Tomura screamed as he lurched towards Jin.

Seeing this Jin simply kicked the air in front of him throwing Tomura back. "NO! NO! I lost against the hero, father!" Tomura cried annoyedly to the hand on his face. Tomura then continued to agitatedly scratch his neck as he got up slowly.

Soon after he composed himself though, as he menacingly glared at Jin while saying "Nomu, kill him!" 'I am fucked.' Jin thought as he only felt a gust of wind before being blown across the U.S.J.

"Puu!" Jin spat out blood as he laid in the stone. "NO JIN!" Izuku screamed as he tried to rush towards Jin before Kirishima stopped him.

Before Jin could even catch a break Nomu appeared in front of him again. "Hehehe! I am not unprepared this time." Jin said in annoyance as the golden mark on his forehead shone brilliantly, a golden mark had even appeared on his chest which shined through his t-shirt.

"Take my 100%!" Jin screamed as he got up and immediately dashed towards Nomu. In a millisecond Jin appeared in front of Nomu with his finger in front of his face. "DELAWARE SMASH!" He screamed as a high pressured blast of wind slammed into Nomu's face sending him tumbling back.

"Im-IMPOSSIBLE! Nomu is meant to fight All Might!" Tomura screamed as they all watched Nomu's half-broken golden jaw regenerate. "Izuku, take this paper and read it to the people specified on it." Jin said as he threw a paper towards Izuku.

He immediately caught it and begun to read it to those who need to hear it. By this time Nomu had already fully regenerated and Jin was rubbing his now broken finger.

"Shigaraki Tomura, I've never entered 100% before, and I didn't want to till I was ready. Now look what you made me do, I broke my finger." Jin said calmly as he rubbed his finger. "And you, you're not worthy to fight All Might." Jin said as he walked towards Nomu.

"100% Heaven Trampling FOOT!" Jin screamed as he immediately disappeared and reappeared with his foot on Nomu's chest sending him flying.

He didn't fly far though as he crashed into a newly formed mountain of ice. "FREEZE HIM NOW!" Jin screamed as he struggled to stand up. Immediately Todoroki froze Nomu inside the mountain of ice.

"Hnnn! GHH!" Nomu struggled as he tried to break out to no avail. "Do you think he's the only one here?!" Tomura said as Kurogiri appeared and tried to capture Uraraka. Before he could even grab her though, Izuku had kicked Kurogiri on his neck dropping him.

"Your bracer is a dead giveaway." Izuku said as he pressed Kurogiri down on the ground while acting all smug. This wasn't actually his realization though, but a tip Jin had written in the paper.

Soon though, out of the various facilities more and more villains came out. "I trust I can leave these guys to you?" Jin said as he looked at his classmates. At first, they were hesitant but soon complied since Jin had suffered so much for them.

"So it seems this is checkmate, right Tomura Shigaraki!" Jin said while looking Tomura. "Y-You bastard! I'll never forgive you!" Tomura said as he got up and lunged at the ice keeping Nomu in a last-ditch effort.

Before he could do anything though, Eraser Head erased his quirk making him completely useless. "One of you quickly move him away!" Jin said as he continued to limp towards the group.

Hearing this Bakugo went and kicked Tomura away without a care in the world. "Gah!" Tomura groaned as he was moved away.

Soon he began to chuckle though. "You said checkmate, right kid?" Tomura said while looking at Jin. As if he had a planned this there was suddenly a rumbling sound coming where the other students had been fighting.

It was a light-colored creature, it had an exposed brain, 2 ground yellowish eyes, 4 arms, and 2 legs.

This creature had plunged of its arms into the ground and earth spikes began to erupt from the ground.

It was another Nomu, except this one was very light in color indicating that it was a Low-Tier Nomu. The students didn't see it as such though as they began to panic. "SAVE US! PLEASE!" Minoru Mineta cried as he ran away while throwing his balls behind him.

Aizawa immediately turned around as he used Erasure on the Nomu. It's quirk immediately stopped activating and the students heaved a sigh of relief.

On the other side though Jin nearly spat out blood in anger. "KEEP YOUR EYES ON TOMURA!" He screamed, but at this point, Tomura's hand had already reached the ice and it began to disintegrate at rapid speed.

The ice immediately fell apart and the legless Nomu began to regenerate. "You fools! That's the lowest grade of Nomu they can barely fight a pro hero!" Jin said in rage as Nomu gazed at him.

"Kill him!" Tomura simply said as Nomu disappeared again. "Puuu!" Jin spat out as he was thrown into the air. A split second later Nomu appeared in the air and kicked him into the ground.


"JIN!!!!" Izuku screamed as he rushed towards Nomu. The creature couldn't careless though as it pulled Jin out from the ground as it clutched his neck.

"You'll pay for ignoring me!" Izuku said as a bright light suddenly enveloped the area causing Nomu to drop the boy. Jin didn't feel the cold hard ground though as he was caught by someone.

"You shouldn't have saved me, idiot." Jin said weakly as Izuku ran away with him. "I couldn't just watch you get killed!" Izuku said as tears streamed his face.

Izuku had run quite far away from Nomu and had nearly reached his classmates when the flash bang's effect finished.

And before anyone could see an immense impact sounded out. "BOOM!" Izuku was punched a great distance, farther than Jin was originally sent flying.

That wasn't the only issue though, as Kurogiri who had been restrained by Izuku was now released. "Hehehe! You were too arrogant young one." He said as he looked at Jin who was on the floor in front of Nomu.

As soon as the flashbang had finished, Izuku as if he had a 6th sense, sensed his impending doom and dropped Jin on the ground.

"No, no, NO! It wasn't supposed to end like this!" Jin said as he cried a tear. 'I haven't even finished the first world, and I've fallen! Wasn't I supposed to go and win, why, why, why! WHY AM I SO WEAK!' Jin thought as his body began to glow.

It was known (Sorry to interrupt, but I'd just like to say that from this point on there'll be some manga spoilers so be warned) that in stressful situations a quirk could undergo an awakening, that such thing was occurring for Jin.

His body began to levitate as black tendrils formed from his arm. The Eye of Solomon even appeared on Jin's forehead but at this point, it had turned pitch black.

"What, what in the world!" Aizawa said as he watched Jin. The next thing he knew though was 2 tendrils had pierced Nomu before they threw him at great force into the facility wall.

"Tomura, I didn't care about what you did before, even knowing that you'd destroy half of a city I was going to let you be. This may be because I am heartless or it might be because I know they'll come back to life anyway, but I thought it wouldn't matter, but now, well now, you did the one thing that I can't handle." Jin said as he slowly moved towards Tomura.

"Y-You, what you going to do." Tomura said in fear as he tried to run away. "Nothing, nothing at all, I am just squashing an ant." Jin said as 2 tendrils erupted from his arms and minced Tomura's hands.

"Tell your master that this is a present from me to him." Jin said as Tomura finally began to react. "AHHHAHAHHA!" Tomura wailed as he moved around the stubs he once called hands.

Jin didn't take notice of him anymore though, as he floated towards Izuku. The boy had his abdomen caved in while his arms and legs were sprawled around. "I'am sorry, I failed." Jin said with a tear in his eye before fainting.

As if he noticed, All Might had just entered the U.S.J and was looking around to see who he had to fight when he saw Jin and the rest of the villains.

"We-we'll be back!" Kurogiri said as his mist began to envelop Tomura, Nomu and himself. Suddenly though an immense wind pressure erupted. "What, what did you do to my students!" All Might said as he charged towards Kurogiri at full force.

Immediately the mist was dispersed but Tomura and crew were nowhere to be found.

"This is a disaster." All Might said as he picked up Jin's blood-soaked body along with the severely mangled Izuku. 'If only I hadn't stuck my nose where it didn't belong.' All Might thought before disappearing.

"We, we were too weak!" Todoroki said as he clutched his fists. "If only I had been braver and stopped that monster instead of running away." Kirishima said. "No one is to blame, apart from me." Aizawa said as he looked downcast.

Two days ago, he said that Izuku couldn't be a hero, but today in the face of adversity the one who rose up, was that same boy, a boy who shined like a true hero a hero brighter than any in the world, brighter than even the Symbol of Peace.

Now I hope you liked the chapter, this event will mark the beginning of me changing the plot of Mha till Jin leaves this world. On a side note though, one may question why Jin's legs weren't broken after lunging towards Nomu in the beginning, but that was simply because he used 50% of OFA which although damaged his leg didn't cause it to break as severely as 100% would've. Anyway till next time.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts