
Chapter 6 Accepted

A week later Izuku and Jin had been waiting for the letter. "It should arrive today, Izuku." Jin said as they finished their lunch. "Really? I hope we made it in." Izuku said with his fingers crossed. 'I am sorry bud but probably you didn't make it in.' Jin thought with a bit of pity and guilt.

"Don't worry even if you guys don't make it in there are other high schools out there." Inko said as she began to wash the dishes. Since Jin and Izuku had just finished their exams Inko allowed Jin to take a break from housework for a while.

"You want to go watch some videos while we wait?" Izuku asked as he got up. "Sure." Jin replied while he also got up. Before they could even leave the room though, there was a knock on the door.

"*Knock* *Knock*"

"I-I-I'LL GET IT!" Izuku said with some fear and excitement. Outside there was the mailman and he had 2 envelopes. "Is this the residence of Izuku Midoriya and Jin Jahan?" He asked.

"YES!" Izuku said excitedly and nervously as he grabbed the letters. "Thank you!" He continued before shutting the door. "Can I have mine?" Jin asked. Immediately Izuku handed it to him. "So who's do we open first?" Jin asked. Izuku immediately gulped and said: "Let's get this over with."

Izuku then rushed into his room. "Let's do this in my room." He said before rushing into his room. "He seems a bit nervous." Inko said as Jin simply nodded and followed after him.

Inside his room, Izuku ripped open the envelope, inside there was a hologram projector that immediately displayed a hologram. "I AM HERE AS A PROJECTOR NOW!" All Might said as he appeared on the screen.

"Oh, my lord!" Izuku said as he nearly fainted. "Calm down buddy and watch the video." Jin said as he patted Izuku on the shoulder.

The video continued playing and Izuku and Jin continued to listen, and at the end what surprised Jin the most was this. "Welcome to your Hero Academia."

'He-He actually got in!' Jin thought while being happy for his friend. Izuku, on the other hand, was on the verge of tears. Scrap that, he was crying a river.


He wept in joy, soon Inko arrived and started crying with him. 'I'll never understand these 2.' Jin thought as he waited for them to calm down. Eventually, after 5 minutes they calmed down and Inko went out to buy a celebratory cake.

"So Jin, are you gonna open yours?" Izuku asked. "Of course just give me a second." Jin said as he grabbed a cloth to wipe the tears from the table. After that, he placed the hologram projector on the table and it immediately began to project All Might's image.

"I AM HERE AS A HOLOGRAM. Jin I knew you could do it, you passed and with flying colors, I might add. You placed No.1 in the pointing score, I am very proud of you...." All Might said as he stayed doing weird hand motions and explaining he was now a teacher.

While Jin was just waiting for it to end Izuku had a blank look on his face. "Al-All Might remembers you!?" Izuku said with surprise on his face. "Of course he does, I've been meaning to tell you this, but I inherited All Might's power....." Jin said as he explained One For All and what had happened with All Might.

'After spending time with Izuku and seeing him in the series, I've realized he's trustworthy. Not only that but at the end of the day if I want to leave this world all I have to do is steal someone's quirk and I'll be off, so there's no reason to fear telling Izuku about it.' Jin thought explaining his thought process.

Soon after he heard all that Izuku looked like he had a seizure as his eyes blanked completely and his mouth started foaming. Jin had seen this before though so he immediately karate chopped Izuku on the head and he "woke" up.

"Oww!" He said as he rubbed his head. "Anyway, but why did you tell me this?" Izuku asked after calming himself down. "It's because I have no one to tell it to, I can only talk about it with All Might and not only that but I didn't want you to think that I was lying to you when I said I didn't have a quirk." Jin explained.

"Okay, I believe you and thank you for trusting me with this secret, I won't tell anyone!" Izuku said as he bowed to show his sincerity.

"Don't worry about it, anyway want to see my "form" of One For All?" Jin asked Izuku. Izuku's eyes immediately lit up as he nodded his head. "Okay then here it goes, One For All: Golden Justice!" Jin said and immediately a golden aura appeared around Jin before condensing into a golden mark that appeared between his eyebrows.

"This is 1%." Jin said as Izuku admire his display of One For All. "Can you show me your strength and speed?" Izuku asked. Hearing this Jin simply complied and ran around the room, after that he flicked Izuku lightly on the arm.

"Ouch! How are you so strong, at 1%!? This is unfair even for a quirk!" Izuku said as he rubbed his arm "Ya and that isn't even my full power, let's try, 2%!" Jin said as 1 golden line stretched from the golden mark it went a bit up then left, the same thing then occurred on the right side of his forehead.

"Cool man, the Golden mark even extended." Izuku said while looking at the marking. "What should we call this though, we need a cool name." Izuku continued as he began a mumbling spree.

'Call it? What we're naming the mark now?' Jin thought as he looked at Izuku weirdly. "I got it, let's call it the Eye Of Solomon, to show your wisdom and intelligence." Izuku said after a while.

"...You know what, I like it." Jin said after thinking about it for a bit. Hearing this Izuku felt a bit smug because he came up with the name. "Anyway, I better stop using this power now." Jin said as he turned off OFA.

Soon after Inko arrived back and they told her that Jin also passed, hearing this made Inko very happy again and they ended up celebrating, eating cake and watching a movie.

The next day Jin ended up doing his regular routine of clearing up the house but Inko simply told him to take it easy till he went to U.A. "Thank you for everything you've done for me, Aunty!" Jin said while bowing in appreciation.

"Don't worry about it Jin you've been a great help ever since you arrived here." Inko said while smiling. After that Jin went to wake up Izuku and he dragged him outside.

"Ughh! Why did you drag me out so early in the morning?" Izuku asked as he rubbed his eyes. "It's for training, of course." Jin answered as he brought out some weights and handed some to Izuku.

"We'll be using weighted training to grow stronger since we have a month till we enter U.A." Jin explained. Hearing this Izuku got a bit more focused as he knew as a quirkless boy he needed to try harder, harder than anyone else.

"Then let's do this!..... Wait how do we do this?" Izuku asked while scratching his head. "Just attach the weights to your limbs and we'll start." Jin answered as he strapped the weights on. After that, they began training taking regular breaks in between whenever they got too tired.

One may ask why Jin was bothering to train Izuku, or why Izuku was even accepted into U.A but that was for one simple reason.

Jin had realized that Izuku had a quirk, but it was unidentifiable naturally, that quirk was Protagonist Aura. That wasn't even a joke as when Jin touches someone with a quirk he'd get a prompt, such as:



Grade: 2nd Stage Peak

Information: The holder sweats nitroglycerin which they can ignite at will to create various explosions.


And when he touched Izuku this is what appeared.


Protagonist Aura:

Grade: Unquantifiable

Information: Firstly as long as the holder is within their own story, they will never die unless, A) It's their time to die in the story, due to old age/ their story being finished/ they might not be the protagonist anymore and die to further the world. B) Someone not of that story interferes and has enough power to defy the story and kills the holder.

Secondly even when unlucky the holder will gain luck from an event that has occurred one way or another.

Thirdly the holder WILL fulfill their destiny unless someone not of that story (above the rules of the world) interferes and has enough power to defy the story and kills the holder.


Jin saw this last night after he flicked Izuku. He hadn't seen it before because he noticed that steal only activate when he was trying to inflict harm onto the person. One such case was when he bumped into Bakugo and he got Explosion's information.

The reason he got the information last night was because he had been testing the power of One For All and when he had flicked Izuku to test the power it was not to wake him up or sing a song or something but to inflict pain.

Because of this Jin felt that training with Izuku would not only be beneficial to Izuku but to himself as well. Apart from that Jin had also noticed an abnormality in this world.

Due to the appearance of quirks, or due to the appearance or whatever cause quirks, the human body was able to be trained to insane levels even with a quirk not made for body enhancement.

He saw this not only when he was living in this world but even in the series when the likes of Tomura Shigaraki and Bakugo were able to perform almost superhuman feats with their body when they have emitter type quirks.

'If I am not wrong that means that I can train Izuku to beat people with quirks without one. I mean Batman basically does the same thing, then again he's a billionaire who's trained in various martial arts, is highly intelligent and has a shit ton of weapons.' Jin thought as he continued his training.

Later in the afternoon they went back home and talked a bit. In the evening Jin met with All Might and they talked a bit before Jin went back home for dinner and All Might continued patrolling the streets.