
Chapter 5 Entrance Exam


Guide to Victory System Loaded:

Participant: Jin

Title: Jahan ( Benefits: Holder is the recognized participant for humanity in the Grand Races Tournament, Holder is given slight powers to help achieve his/her goal, Holder has increased luck to a degree)


One For All:

Grade: 2nd Stage Peak (True Grade: 3rd Stage Peak)


Grade: 2nd Stage Peak (1-time use, can steal another person's quirk permanently given the grade is equal or below that of Steal)


Enhanced Acting: Gives user enhanced acting performance

Enhanced Fictional Memory: Everything fictional the user has read/watched is more vivid and easier to remember

Needed Information:

This world can only contain a Half-Step 4th Stage power, the user is encouraged to act with caution although the user has obtained a strong power or op power in other words.

Targets to be wary of:

{All For One}

Power: All For One

Grade: 3rd Stage Peak (True Grade: Half-Step 4th Stage (Inflated due to stolen powers)

{All Might}

Power: One For All (Embers)

Grade: 3rd Stage Low (True Grade: 3rd Stage Peak, weakened due to being Embers)

{Kai Chisaki}

Power: Overhaul

Grade: 3rd Stage High


Power: Rewind

Grade: Half-Step 4th Stage

Each of these people holds strong power, that of which can "one-shot" the participant if they so wish. There are of course others that can kill the participant, somewhat easily, but the participant can still fight back. Engaging with these opponents though would mean, utter annihilation.


Steal a quirk to get your first, power.

Task: Steal quirk (0/1)


"You've done well kid, I would never have expected you to steal One For All from Izuku Midoriya, but you did well. Once you steal a quirk you will immediately be transported to another world. While in another world time will be slowed down in this world to 365: 1 meaning that 1 year in the other world will equal 1 day in this one. Good luck kid, humanity is rooting for you!"


'So it seems they did give me a cheat, but they can't give me too many clearly or else they would have given me the power to steal All For One or Rewind.' Jin thought as he processed what he just read.

"Either way I don't have time to waste, today's the day of my debut." Jin mumbled as he rushed back home. On his way home he began to think of ways, to use One For All: Full Cowl and soon he came up with an idea. 'I'll just mimic Izuku's use, that way is guaranteed to work, not only that but I should dial the power down to 1% since my body probably can't handle the strain of 5%' Jin thought as he made it to his home.

Immediately Jin got ready, along with Izuku who also woke up early for once. "We better hurry up or else we'll be late." Izuku said as they got ready and rushed out the door.

"Bye Mum!"

"Bye Aunty!"

They both said as they ran out the door. Over time Jin and Inko had become more casual so Jin had begun to call her Aunty.

"Man even if we can't go into the hero course we can at least try to get into U.A's General Education Department." Izuku said resolutely as they rushed to UA. Although Izuku's physique wasn't as durable as it was originally supposed to be, he was much better at fighting due to his learning of Judo.

Once they arrived Izuku began to mumble as he thought about the test so Jin rushed ahead. Eventually, things played out as they should with Bakugo threatening Izuku and Izuku meeting Uraraka.

"Whew, I am finally here." Jin muttered as he sat down. He was currently by himself but soon Bakugo arrived and he sat 2 places away from him, eventually, Izuku arrived as well and he sat in the middle of them.

"I told you not to participate Deku!" Bakugo said as he looked at Izuku but Izuku now learned to ignore him.

Soon enough the presentation began and Izuku began to geek out so Jin and Bakugo shut him down. After that Bakugo came to the revelation that they were indifferent examination areas to stop cooperation and Tenya Iida ended up asking why there were 4 enemies listed while they only showed 3.

'So everything played out as it should.' Jin thought as Present Mic finished his presentation and they were sent to the different areas.

"Good luck Izuku."

"Good luck Jin."

And with that, they were separated into their different examination areas. 'So he's with Uraraka as he was in the show, but who's here?' Jin thought as he looked around but he found no one notable so he simply began to try to use Full Cowling.

'Picture the egg, picture the egg.' Jin thought as the examination was about to start. Soon enough it did as Present Mic said "Begin, begin! No one will count down in a real battle!"

Immediately everyone rushed into the arena but Jin simply stood there as he began to try to activate Full Cowling. 'Izuku pictured the egg not exploding in the microwave, basically, he pictured himself as the egg and One For All as the microwave, so all I have to do is make sure that the microwave is on a setting that will not make the egg explode.' Jin thought when suddenly a golden aura began to suffuse through his entire body.

His body began to glow golden, but soon it receded into his body only leaving a golden mark between his eyebrows. "I shall call this, One For All: Golden Justice." Jin said as he began to rush into the exam arena.

'I wasted 2 minutes to achieve this, but I've been thinking about this for a while so I probably wasn't really suited for that egg and microwave analogy but it still worked.' Jin thought as he managed to run into a robot immediately.

"A 1 pointer I see, then let's have you taste 1% of my power." Jin said as he immediately jumped off the ground and punched its head.

"Boom!" Immediately it exploded and Jin's hand was barely grazed. 'It seems even 1% is a gigantic boost!' Jin thought with excitement as he continued to dash down the street.

Currently, the other participants were already destroying the majority of the robots but Jin didn't care as he continually ran past. "W-What was that?" A participant asked as jin ran past them.

Although Jin hadn't noticed it was clear that apart from aesthetics Jin's "mode" was different power-wise from Izuku's as well.

'2 points?' He thought before immediately jumping and punching it on the neck. "Hahaha! Bakugo I'll show you that your explosions are nothing but toys." Jin said after releasing all his pent up anger.

'Everyone f*cking making fun of me for not having a quirk, I'll show you what I your father can do!' Jin thought as he began to slam through the robots like there was no tomorrow.

In the exam judges' room currently, the judges were discussing what happened to Jin. "What power is that? It looks like an Emitter but at the same time it resembles a Transformation quirk, not only that but he took his time to begin." One of them said.

"Ya it's weird but it doesn't really matter for now." Another judge said. "Yes let's just get back to watching the candidates." Principal Nezu said as they began to judge again. 'You're doing well kid.' All Might thought as he watched what was playing out.

A few minutes later after destroying various robots Jin finally stopped his rampage. 'That should be about 82 points, enough to beat that exploding trash bag.' Jin thought in slight annoyance.

Soon though the 0 point robot appeared. "Hahaha, let's take you down, big guy." Jin said as building after building was destroyed with the appearance of the robot.

"AHH, how can we stop that!"


"Oh, my lord!"

The participants ran in fear one after the other. 'Hmph, my time to shine.' Jin thought and immediately he towards the robot and to the side. Soon the robot's fist started falling towards him and Jin jumped onto a building to the side.


In that second the fist fell and Jin jumped onto it. "Let's do this Attack On Titan style." Jin said as he began to run up the robot's arm.


The robot's arm creaked as it's other arm rose getting ready to attack itself. 'Too late. Let's bump this up to 2%.' Jin thought as his speed doubled. Simultaneously though the Golden mark grew as 2 lines spread out of it.

Jin's skin also began to grow red as the strain was too much for him. "HAAAAAAA!" He screamed as he made it to the robot's head.

"Fall for me!" He shouted as he jumped at the robot's head and punched at the red glass eye on it. Immediately its head began to explode as Jin was blown away crashing into a nearby building.


Jin spat out some blood as he slammed his chest getting up. 'Well that's it I guess.' Jin thought as he walked down the building getting out.

Immediately everyone began to cheer for him.

"Dude that was so cool!"

"You were great!"

"But wait, why'd he destroy the 0 point robot!?"

All of them questioned why he destroyed but eventually no one really cared cause they already knew he destroyed the majority of the other robots. 'Hmph! You dumbasses, of course, I did it for something and that thing was bragging rights!' Jin thought as he limped through the crowd while clutching his chest.

Soon enough though Recovery Girl appeared. "Next time don't do something so reckless." She said to Jin before kissing him on the hand.

Immediately Jin began to recover and he had no need to clutch his chest anymore. "Thank you, recovery girl." Jin said as he deactivated OFA. "Don't mention it, just next time don't be so reckless." She said before walking off.

After that, since the exam already ended Jin decided to leave. Later he met up with Izuku and they told each other what happened in the exam.

Unlike in the series, Izuku ended up destroying a few robots with various tactics, this wouldn't be enough to allow him to enter the hero course though, but luckily he had managed to save Uraraka, this time instead of destroying the robot he simply helped get the debris off of her and he helped her run away.

'With this, he might actually have a chance, then again if he gets placed with Aizawa he'll probably be expelled immediately.' Jin thought as they made it home.