

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

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Chapter 11: Roswaal

Chapter 11: Roswaal

~Mash B. POV~

Hmm… opening my eyes I looked around to realize I fell asleep inside the Forbidden Library with Beatrice in my arms. That marks day 2 and 3 more to go before fighting against dogs.

Then the memory comes back to me. I smiled contently realizing I had gained a valuable friend to stay with me.

The Forbidden Library is mentioned to be the most knowledgeable place in Lugunica. Appearance-wise, it's a huge two-story space with a spiral stair in the center of the room. The second floor consists of a large balcony which is filled to the brim with bookshelves.

Despite it being accessible through any of the Roswaal Manor's doors, the Library itself isn't inherently part of the mansion, as it exists in a separate dimension that can be accessed through the teleportation mechanic called [Door Crossing].

After waiting for a bit, I saw Beatrice wake up I greeted her with a warm smile, "Morning Beatrice. How did ya sleep?"

It took her a few seconds to process what happened as her face flushed red in embarrassment, "W-Wha… What?! Did everything yesterday happen, I suppose?!"

I stuffed a light chuckle to myself and greeted my Contract Spirit in a happy tone, "Yup! Morning sleepy head!"

She pouted as she got off of me cleaning herself up pouting bashfully scolding me, "Hmph! Who would need your encouragement baka! In Fact!"

Aww… I have my very own loli tsundere. Nice.

I merely laughed lightly to cause Beatrice to be mad at me. But once that was done, we began to form a contract with each other.

To begin with, Beatrice began with the following in a serious tone as magic particles of Mana began to form as she explained to me, "Mash Bastion. You have requested my aid and thus shall form a Magic Contract. Do you follow the following terms: Mash cannot form a contract with other spirits. Beatrice cannot restore mana on her own. Beatrice cannot use the mana in the atmosphere. Do you agree with the terms?"

Pledging to her I agreed in a prideful tone of her Magic Contract towards me, "I Mash Bastion agree to the Great Spirit Beatrice terms. Please take care of me."

She smiled as the magic around us formed a link. A small thread-like link to my soul and her Od core. Upon doing so I received a few notifications.


[By forming a contract with a Spirit you have gained a Title!]

[Title earned [Spirit User]!]

[Due to forming a contract with a spirit agreeing to the pledge Beatrice has been bound to the Gamer Ring as an 'anchor' to fuel for Mana Consumption!]

[You can now summon [Beatrice] for help in battle!]


My ring shinily glows bright as Beatrice's eyes widen viewing the power within the Ring fuel her with Mana exclaiming in shock, "W-What is this?! this much Mana… I feel empowered, I suppose!"

Ahh… that must be because of the Kaleidoscope. Heh. Infinite Mana for the win boys.

But I wonder what my new title does. First, I got one anyway. I pressed the button to see what I could gain from the benefits of this title.

[Title: Spirit User

Description: A Spirit User that uses the mana in the atmosphere with the aid of spirits to process spells directly. Spirits can also act as pseudo-gates for their contractors if they lack the means to use magic on their own. When equipped with this title you gain the skill [Telepathy] with your spirit!]

What the hell…?

I couldn't even fathom the idea behind this title. Still, the perks of it are too great! Regardless though I managed to obtain what I wanted from this place. But just to be sure I asked.

With that, I gazed at the books containing the Witch of Greed knowledge just to be sure with Beatrice's permission, "So… by technicality, I obtain the books contained in this library right Betty?"

Beatrice looked at me and then to the books as she gave me a light nod confirming my words, "Yes, I suppose. You are the person I waited for so by your right I hand over the knowledge to you I suppose."

Good. In that case, I can start by taking a whole library's worth of books.

Gesturing to my Gamer Ring I used its storage feature to absorb everything in this room as it shined brightly sucking in all books and shelves inside.

Beatrice was surprised by my ring's power. It stores everything from the room stripping it clean.

[You have stored the Forbidden Library books inside the Gamer Ring!]

Beatrice's eyes widen seeing all the book knowledge is vastly contained inside as I shamelessly asked her, "With the library cleared up… I was wondering if you can help me with my knowledge of Magic learning about Mana."

Beatrice gave me a sigh as I grinned. This was going to be a very fortunate day.

[+1 INT increasing your Magical Knowledge!]


When we were done discussing magic topics we both went inside the dining room, we soon saw everyone present as everyone had their thoughts of the manner with the man in makeup grinning at me.

Oh great… the clown has arrived. Rosswaal L. Mathers.


[Rosswaal L. Mathers Lv.? Imperial Wizard]

Roswaal is a rather tall man standing at 186 cm, making him taller than Natsuki Subaru by at least half a head his well-toned body is slender and appears delicate despite its impressive musculature. His very handsome face is ghastly pale which gives him the impression of a classic pretty boy however, his physical beauty is somewhat concealed by his peculiar makeup and getup.

His straight indigo hair is long enough to cover his whole back and is usually tucked behind his ear on the left side of his head. His face is usually decorated with a light-lavender powder, purple lipstick, and purple eye shadow that is adorned on his right eyelid.

His yellow left eye is also bedecked with eye shadow that is more elaborate than the right's eye shadow and covers the whole area around the eye rather than just the eyelid and accompanies his unusual outfit comparable to those similar to a clown or jester, consisting of a black hat, a top, and bottom with different shades of purple, along with red and black boots and a cape. He also has a chain surrounding his right ankle.

He certainly has the Evil Clown troupe down. But frankly, I won't be here too long to figure that out. I got what I came here for.

Rosswaal was sitting at the table with food on the table as Emilia started to eat normally I took my seat while Beatrice was now sitting next to me Rosswaal started to speak in a carefree manner, "Mashhhh~ I heard a lot of things from you. Shall we begin our taaaalk?"

Just perfect I met Rosswaal but I don't know what he thinks. I'm not Subaru so I don't know what he'll ask about me nodding my head and getting straight to the point, "Yes let's cut the pleasantries Rosswaal. Can I call you Rose? Ask your questions."

Rosswaal nods his head chuckling lightly making me unnerve as he continues greeting me properly, "Hmmm, straight to the point. I liiiike it. Weeeeell, first Mash Bastion. Allow mee to welcome you in the Kingdom of Lugnica. I heard from Emilia-sama that you're a forringer right?"

Curtly nodding my head Rosswaal takes a sip from his cup as he continues speaking in a serious tone, "Aaah, do you care to elaborate how you came here? As far as I recall the port is curreeeently closed to any visiitors save for goods and stock."

That was true. Currently, Lugnica is a mess with no visible chaos but no leader. This Kingdom is stagnant which leaves only nobles or ambassadors of other Kingdoms who can enter Lugnica but for you see I have a plan.

Without hesitation, I replied in a shameless tone, "I'm an illegal emigrant."


I heard a choke from Emilia having a hard time swallowing her food. The maids flabbergasted before returning stoic.

Roswaal meanwhile blinked a few times before laughing his eyes twinkling in amusement as he responded, "Hahaha! I had a theeeory that you were an illegal emigrant. However, I'm surprised you admitted it aloud like that."

I merely shrugged responding to his question being honest with the clown in front of me in an honest tone, "I see no use in lying. I'm an illegal immigrant, you won't find any legal documents on me."

Roswaal chuckled his eyes twinkling as I commented Emilia being alone to avert any more attention from me, "Speaking about yesterday… something makes me confused, Emilia-san is very important, right? Yet, I found her wandering around the city alone searching for her Insignia?"

Roswaal replied to my question shifting the blame to Ram swiftly in a calm tone with a strained smile, "Well… I wooould call it unprecedented. Ram shoooould have been with her."

The pink maid didn't even look sorry. Go figure because she's your most loyal servant clown. Leaning in the back of my chair taking another bite of the food I continued, "Still, you clearly can't expect to get away by blatantly blaming your servant, can you? You're responsible for this as well, you're her Lord after all."

Roswaal to my surprised agreed with a light nod explaining himself that I was in the right in this conversation, "You areee riiight. I shouldn't have done that it was completely my fault. And I am very grateful you were there and helped Emilia-sama."


Clapping his hands together and spreading them wide he replies to me in an overdramatic tone as I gaze at the man with an offer he presented, "The fact of the matter you helped save Emilia-tan! Thus, must be rewarded for doing such a great favor for this camp! I'll acknowledge that in the current circumstances, I can't turn you down; I'll have to pay whatever is needed to cover up the loss of the badge. Now what do you desire?"

Hehehe… I'm a very horrible opportunist.

Leaning from the back of my chair giving it some thought I asked curiously what I could obtain from him in a curious tone, "Hehehe… as expected of the nobility. It's not a difficult request to understand what you're saying. With regards to the reward! You can't refuse! Because a man can't go back on his word!"

Rosswaal calmly raises his hand eyes closed agreeing with my words in a calm tone, "I understand, a man shouldn't make excuses; There will be no going back on my word."

Presenting the option I had to think. What would I gain most… hmm… despite what I gained I feel like I'm making a deal with the devil here.

Many things could go right or wrong here. Since he didn't kick me out I'll need to behave following the plot for now… but I ain't working when I can grind.

Since I'm in for the long haul I made my request to Roswaal thinking about this carefully my choice of words, "… Right now I don't have anywhere to go immediately. In that case, if you wouldn't mind, then can I stay here for free as a guest of course I won't just walk around and do nothing. I will try to help if something happens."

Roswaal merely smiles contently agreeing to my terms with no issue responding to me, "Of course! Of course! That was lessss than I expected. From now ooon, you will be treated as a guest in this place."

We both agreed as I told Beatrice the first chance I got using my title skill [Telepathy] in a curious tone, 'So then… Beatrice, can you show me the ropes on how to use my Mana and Magic?'

However, before she could reply Roswaal agreed to my request not revealing his emotions and nodding his head to me giving me a piece of information catching my attention, "Very well it shall be done quickly. Oh, one more thing to mention Reinhard says come over to the capital to meet Count Reedback when you have the chance."

Bowing my head to Rosswaal I reply to him in a grateful tone despite the weird looks I've been given, "Very well Lord Rosswaal, I thank you very much I hope you have a good night then and thank you very much for my request."

With that everything for that day went off to a grand start. When I get my items, then start on Magic training. One thing at a time one thing at a time.