
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

AverageDaoist · Derivasi dari karya
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23 Chs

Chapter 2: The Hunter of Knowledge

The man is currently seen perched on the roof of a building. His eyes scanning his surroundings, looking for his first target.

The man is cautious, he has lived in a human society before. This might make you think that he wouldn't have problems hunting, but this thought process is false.

The technology in this world makes it hard to take down his prey and escape without getting caught.

The man finally stops, his first victim has entered his strike zone. The man stays seat however, allowing the person he is observing to move further into the alley he has made his territory.

The man, with his kagune activate, lowers himself down to the ground. He crouches and stalks the man calmly.

The man stops suddenly however.

His target, leaning against the wall of the alley looks to be drunk and although the man dislikes the taste of alcohol on his meal, he will make do.

Swiftly moving forwards, the man makes his way towards the target and quickly presses his hand to the persons neck.

The man extends his blades into the victims next before he could react and with a small crunch, the victim falls to the floor.

The man looks at his now dead meal and smiles. He slowly wraps the man up in his tails and makes his way back towards the roof.

The man makes his way home, being careful to avoid the camera's that dot the crowded city.

Once he's arrived home, the man places his meal in the bath in his apartment. He slowly starts to carve the body with his kagune, slowly as not to spill the blood outside the bath.

After a few minutes of carving the man carefully transfers the smaller pieces to the freezer he has in his apartment. He does leave a few piece for himself however, slowly consuming them whilst enjoying the metallic bloody flavour and the sweetness in the meat.

After enjoying his meal the man makes his way back to his computer to carry on his research with a new vigor.

(4 Weeks Later)

Time has continued as it had before. The man has had to leave to hunt twice more since his first hunt. He has notice his increased consumption since gaining this new body.

This is due to the bodies lack of RC Cells. RC Cells are cells in the bodies of all sentient brings however in a ghoul they're special. In a ghoul they allow the use of their kagune by releasing RC Cells through their kakuhou. Once released, a kagune can be categorised into four different groups.

Group One, Ukaku. Ukaku's often form themselves as a wing shaped appendage on the upper back of the ghoul which more often than not allow the user to shoot some for of projectile out of it. Most users of Ukaku are fast, having enhanced speed from it but they lack stamina. The can harden there kagune into sheilds or blades to help on defence or close quarters combat but these are not there strong points, preferring to use hit and run tactics or long range attacks.

Group Two, Koukaku. Koukaku's often form themselves as weapons, sheilds or armour that sprout from bellow the shoulder blade of the user. They are heavy and can weigh down the user but they more than make up for it with there defensive capabilities. Another effect of the weight is making it more cumbersome to weild making them easy to dodge in combat by the higher speed combatants.

Group 3, Rinkaku. Rinkaku's are formed to look like scaled tentacles and is released on the waist level of the back. Rinkaku wielders are the most enduring of the different ghoul types, although they do not have a high durability they do have a superhuman level of regeneration. This regeneration surpasses the already high level of regeneration that ghouls already possess. Due to the form there kagune takes they can cause particularly powerful strikes and they specialise in brute strength. Rinkaku users generally have between one to eight tentacles and can form them into different shapes such as claws and blades. They can also merge them together causing them to strike with high power and multiplying their defence.

The Fourth and Last Group, Bikaku. Bikaku's are in the form of a tail that sprouts out of the tail bone. They are the all rounders, they have a good speed, defence and power but they can't beat the other types of kagune in there individual aspects. Bikaku users can usually only create one tail but more powerful users can create more.

There is another type of kagune however, which happens to be what the man has. These are known as a Chimera Kagune and these kagune are formed when two ghouls with different kagune types have children. There is a rare chance when the child is born that the child could have both of their parents kagune. The man has a Koukaku and a Rinkaku kagune, both of which have rare properties.

Rare properties can develop in kagune, sometimes they can cause the kagune to have special abilities. They always however cause the kagune to act different from a regular kagune of its type. The mans for example, the Koukaku whilst usually heavy and durable, the mans are light and nimble. The Rinkaku has changed in a legendary way, the man has forty five tentacles overall which he uses to form nine foxlike tails when he is out of combat.

The man has also got a higher level of regeneration than the average Rinkaku user. The increase is so large that the man can he in five minute what would take a normal Rinkaku twenty.

There is a second type of Special Kagune known as the Kakuja. Kakuja are formed rarely by ghouls who have cannibalised there own race one multiple occasions in a short period of time. There in no limit to what can be formed by a Kakuja kagune but they are more often that not in the form of armour along with another weapon.

The man has research much during his time in his new body. He has become quite proficient in the art of programming and has become specialised in hacking. This was to allow him to hide easier by disabling camera's on the hunt and to easily remove his online presence.

The man has also taken a great interest in the different styles of fighting in this new world. From the defensiveness of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the variety of Kung Fu, the efficiency of Karate, the cunning of Combat Sambo, the lethality of Wang Chun, the groundwork of Judo, the brutality of Mauy Thai, the submissions of Wrestling, the power of Taekwondo, the reactions of Silat and the deadlines of Kav Maga.

He has also found many styles of weapons based combat aswell. Including the different Jutsu styles that can go from the sword based Kenjutu to the staff based Bojutsu. There is also the western style Fencing which causes quick precise stabs.

The is also the dual wielding style of Krabi-krabong, made to swiftly incapacitate your opponent.

There are also the different forms of archery which are in many styles such as hunting, standard firing and mounted.

All of these fighting style are more advance than his past world. The martial art of the mans past were either lost or weren't needed as the races of his world could often use magic to supplement there combat or the aspect the would be using the martial arts to make up in would be too unbalanced to matter.

Another interest of the man is Chi, a form of inner energy said to inhabit all being in this world. The man has done much research on Chi as well, looking up confirmed effects of practicing martial arts involving Chi such as Tai Chi and the different fictional depictions of Chi.

The man has learnt multiple different languages to do this however. He has manage to learn English, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, Hindi, Russian, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Bengali, Portuguese, Indonesian, Marathi, Western Punjabi, Urdu, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Greek, Zulu, Dutch, Iranian Persian, Gujarati, Polish, Hausa, Oromo, Amharic, Cree, Egyption Arabic, Vietnamese, Javanese, Romanian, Filipino, Swahili, Yoruba, Telugu, Temil, Turkish, Thai and Hungarian to a basic level of alphabet retention. He can also speak perfect Mandarin Chinese due to his current body.

He is also trying to learn some dead languages such as Latin, Old Chinese, Old Japanese, Old Arabic, Pictish, Ancient Greek, Anglo-Saxon, Coptic, Hebrew, Sumerian, Akkadian and Sanskrit.

During his research he has also been learning about different histories and legends from around the world. From the Arthurian Legends of England to the tales of Sun Wukong in china.

The man is learning these myths to avoid being caught off guard. He is from a world of gods, legends and magic. The man knows how powerful these beings can be and needs to know there weaknesses so he can deal with it in the future.

The man turns back to his screen keen to carry on his research and advance his plans for the future.