
The Multiskilled Sentinel

In a world besieged by monsters from another dimension, Sentinels, extraordinary heroes wielding superpowers, stand as the last line of defense, shielding humanity from imminent destruction. This story unfolds the story of a young Filipino who aspires to become the Grand Sentinel. Despite harboring dreams of heroism, he faces two significant challenges: the absence of any superhuman abilities and his humble birth into a low-class family. The trajectory of his life takes an unexpected turn when one fateful day, he stumbles upon a high-tech sphere that plummets from the sky. This serendipitous encounter becomes a pivotal moment, altering the course of his future and presenting a unique opportunity for him to transcend the limitations of his ordinary existence.

TheLazeyMaster · perkotaan
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46 Chs

Stage 25: Love Life

2 hours later…

—At Steinhartz Manufacturing Company; In Berlin, Germany…

After Sin and Yorazaki delivered the evidence to Tristan Moon, a bunch of Sentinel Companies were dispatch to capture Aldrich Simon. However, when they arrived at the Steinhartz Company, it was completely desolated. They already took everything without a trace, leaving nothing behind. They even took away Yorazaki's mother in the process.

1 hour later…

Aldrich Simon is now a global criminal. He's crimes are super human experimentation and illegal drug manufacturing. On top of that, he got a huge bounty on his head and whoever caught him will receive riches.

The next day; January 12, 2006…

—At the Empire State Building; In New York, USA…

Saddened by the fact that her mother was taken away once again, Yorazaki is currently watching the sunset on top of the Empire State Building. In just the right time, Sin arrived and flew down. He stared at Yorazaki's back as he watched her hair beautifully fluttered from the wind.

"So you've found me…", Yorazaki sadly mumbled as Sin sat by her side.

"I've been looking for you.", Sin stoically replied.

"My mother has gone missing again after we found her. Those inhumane bastards might be experimenting on her while I sit here do nothing.", Yorazaki furiously complained as she wiped off her tears.

"Hey, don't say that. We'll find her. You've got your team. You've got me.", Sin positively protested.

"Thanks.", Yorazaki happily appreciated as she leaned her head on Sin's shoulder.

"So… Are you free tomorrow?", Yorazaki calmly asked.

"I might be.", Sin casually replied.

"Why?", Sin questioned in curiosity.

"Can you go out with me?", Yorazaki tranquilly requested.

"You mean on a date?", Sin asked in surprise.

"Yeah. It can help take my mind off from all the terrible things that happened.", Yorazaki nonchalantly responded.

"Sure, I love to go on a date with you.", Sin lightheartedly replied.

"Wait, really?! You'll really go out with me?!", Yorazaki questioned in surprise as he looked Sin straight in the eye.

"If it can help your mental state, then I'll be willing to go out with you.", Sin manly responded.

"So we're couples now?", Yorazaki questioned in surprise.

"Oh… I never considered that.", Sin apathetically replied.

"Well, if you want, I won't mind.", Sin nonchalantly explained.

"What about you?", Sin curiously asked as Yorazaki slowly connected everything that Sin said.

Without saying anything, Yorazaki tightly and unhesitatingly hugged Sin as he cuddled her back.

"I'll take your silence as a yes.", Sin smilingly whispered.

The next day; January 13, 2006…

—At Starbucks Café; In Shibuya City, Tokyo, Japan…

Sin and Yorazaki are currently dating in a Starbucks Café in Japan.

"How thoughtful of you to bring me to Japan.", Yorazaki happily complimented.

"Looks like you're finally taking it easy. Sooner in the future, you'll have a happy life with your future husband and kids.", Sin tranquilly replied as he sips his coffee.

"You know you'll be my future husband, right?", Yorazaki smilingly asked.

"Y-Yeah… I know that.", Sin nervously responded.

2 hours later…

—At Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine; In Kyoto, Japan…

Sin and Yorazaki continued their date at the famous Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine. They both took a selfie picture in front of the giant torii gate and went through the forests and the mountains.

3 hours later…

—At the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium; In Okinawa, Japan…

They then proceeded to the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium where they took pictures of the marine life.

4 hours later…

—At Mount Fuji, In Shizuoka, Japan…

After that, they both hiked Mount Fuji. But because of their powers and abilities, they hiked to the top in a flash. Easily destroying the world record of the fastest hiker that hiked Mount Fuji. Soon after reaching the top, they sat to rest and enjoyed the view of the setting sun.

"Thank you.", Yorazaki appreciatively thanked Sin as she kissed his cheek.

"Your welcome.", Sin smilingly replied as Yorazaki quickly stood up and activated her Level 7.7 Aerokinesis.

"Race you back to the Academy!", Yorazaki excitedly challenged as she quickly flew.

"Not if I get there first!", Sin joyfully replied as he followed her behind, causing a tremor on top of Mount Fuji when lifting off.

5 days later; January 18, 2006…

—In Manila, Philippines…

Sin, Frank, Filip, and Nattanon are currently hunting Richard Gonzales, a weekly Filipino super villain that has been on a killing spree.

"Hey, have you guys seen Bob? We're suppose to have our first bounty hunting as a team.", Sin humorlessly questioned.

"Nope, haven't seen him.", Frank casually replied.

"He's probably having a date with his girlfriend.", Nattanon jokingly guessed.

"He has a girlfriend?!", Filip asked in surprise.

"I was joking, you gullible idiot.", Nattanon responded in disappointment.


—At the Eiffel Tower; Paris, France…

Robert and Jin Xiu, a member of Yorazaki's team, are currently dating on top of the Eiffel Tower while admiring the beautiful view.

"Thanks for bringing me here, Bobby. It's really romantic.", Jin Xiu joyfully thanked Robert.

"Your welcome, I wanted our date to be special.", Robert smilingly replied as he took out a bouquet of flowers.

"Here. I bought you flowers.", Robert shyly muttered as he gave the flowers to Jin Xiu.

"Oh my god! You even bought me flowers! Your the most amazing boyfriend ever!", Jin Xiu exclaimed in awe as she tightly hugged Robert.


—In Manila, Philippines…

Richard Gonzales suddenly had a rampage throughout the streets of Metro Manila. With his Level 7 Slash ability and his kitchen knife, he sent numerous shockwave of slashes that damaged the surroundings. In just the right time, Frank activated his Level 7.1 Barrier Generation and quickly isolated Richard Gonzales while Nattanon and Sin hastily evacuated the civilians.

"Guys! I don't know how long I can hold him!", Frank uneasily informed as Gonzales continuously slashed Frank's barrier.

When Frank's barrier is already about to shatter, Gonzales made his final slash and broke it, completely destroying the barrier that was imprisoning him. Unfortunately for Multiskill, Gonzales' final slash was too powerful that it even slashed a skyscraper in half.

"Natt! The building is about to fall!", Sin unenthusiastically informed as the skyscraper slowly descended to the ground.

"I got it!", Nattanon confidently replied as he enlarged his body into a giant, big enough to catch the sliced building with his hands.

"Filip! Freeze him!", Sin po-facedly commanded.

"I'm on it!", Filip seriously replied as he activated his 7.1 Thermokinesis and sent a wave of cold temperature towards Gonzales.

Gonzales was immediately frozen in the end, unable to move, and completely marking his defeat.

"Great work, team.", Sin proudly complimented.

"Too bad Bob wasn't here to join the fun.", Frank sadly commented.

"Let's talk about him later. We'll send Gonzales to Ashmount first.", Sin unenthusiastically declared.

"Yes, sir!", Filip, Frank, and Nattanon excitedly responded.

4 hours later…

—At the women's dormitory; In SS Academy, Pacific Ocean…

Right now, Jin Xiu and Robert are both sleeping on the same bed, naked, after they have an extreme sex earlier. Robert first woke up and saw that it's night time. He quickly got off the bed and hastily put on his clothes. Robert also activated his Level 7.8 Sound Manipulation and created a sound barrier around himself to prevent noise from getting out.

10 minutes later…

—At the men's dormitory; In SS Academy, Pacific Ocean…

Robert quietly sneaked in the dormitory as he unlocked his door and went inside. When he turned on the lights, he saw his team members staring at him in disappointment. Sin was sitting down on a chair while the others stood beside him.

"Where the hell were you?!", Nattanon furiously asked as Robert quickly enlarged his sound barrier, encompassing his room.

"I can explain.", Robert nervously replied.

"Bro, today is an important day for us! We suppose to have our first bounty hunting mission as a team!", Frank depressingly protested.

"What could be so important that you left us hanging?!", Filip angrily questioned.

"I… I was with my girlfriend.", Robert bravely answered.

"I knew it!", Nattanon proudly exclaimed.

"Damn it, Natt. You just jinxed it.", Frank complained in dismay.

"Sorry…", Nattanon awkwardly apologized.

"You have a girlfriend?! Why didn't you tell us, bro?!", Filip asked in shock.

"Look, if I told you guys that I have a girlfriend, you guys would to freak out. Just like what's happening now.", Robert unsmilingly expounded.

"Bob… I know you're dating Jin Xiu. I understand that love is a priority. That's why I forgive you.", Sin calmly forgave Robert as he stood up from his seat.

"Really?", Robert asked in confusion as Sin tranquilly walked towards him.

"What?! You're dating the Chinese girl from Yorazaki's team?!", Frank asked in surprise as Filip elbowed him on the stomach to make him shut up.

"Ow!", Frank exclaimed in pain.

"But, there are other exceptions other than love… Like doing your duty as a Sentinel and saving the lives of numerous people.", Sin composedly explained.

"You get what I'm saying, right?", Sin sedately questioned as he stood face to face with Robert.