
Don't Touch Me!

Julian covered his body while one of the perpetrator's hands bent holding the crown. Dewi immediately stood up to take a look.

"Gosh Julian, your forehead is bruised. Sorry, I didn't know," said Dewi regretfully. Julian while moving forward, making sure I'm okay.

"It's okay. Just an ordinary bruise. Tomorrow I'll get better tomorrow too. I'm sorry that I can't serve you now. My body still hurts all over."

Dewi chuckled. Her smile was very sweet, "Yes, I understand. You don't have to feel bad for me, because your presence here makes me happy," said Dewi as she was.

Julian could catch the direction of Dewi's conversation. However, he didn't take it too far.

"Oh, yes. Almost forgot. I was guarding the outpost. I'm dead!" said Julian who just remembered Anton's order. He quickly put his clothes back on.

The Dewi was disappointed. He still wanted to be with that cool burly man for a long time.

"Julian, don't go yet," said the Dewi, taking Julian's big arm.

"I can't, Dewi. Your husband will be angry later."

"I want to smoke," Dewi sighed which made Julian frown.

"You smoke? I don't have one."

"Cigarettes that can be gripped. Yours."

Julian was silent for a long time. Still haven't caught Dewi's meaning, even though it's clear what she meant.

"Mine? Can you hold it?"

"Yes, Kon-."


Julian's laughter exploded when he heard the words of the Dewi. He didn't expect that the Dewi could say such vulgar words. Moreover, to use the unusual. Silent women have many surprises.

"It'll be a bit late, be patient. You don't want me to do anything because of your husband," said Julian.

The Dewi sighed in disappointment, but she couldn't help it. Somehow he didn't want Julian to be okay. He cared deeply for that mighty figure.

Julian disappeared behind the door. Julian's development, Dewi immediately indulged herself.


Julian stuttered at the checkpoint. The third thug who was guarding with him woke up. They didn't dare disturb Julian considering how vicious Julian had been last night.

The indo-looking man was capable enough to break their bones. They need dozens of personnel if they want to challenge Julian empty-handed.

At the guard post, there was a television playing the morning program. Nobody saw it. The television is played so that it is crowded.

Until the event turns to shocking news. Julian's sleep disappeared instantly. A news story about the marriage of a coal businessman ex-husband of the mayor's wife who is none other than Fatur. Marrying a woman who became Julian's dream survived this.

"Amber," Julian muttered, holding a million disappointments. The woman looks beautiful in her white dress holding Fatur who is wearing a toxedo. Like a beauty and a beast, Julian sneered.

The camera is pointing at a beautiful girl with a gloomy face. Nala, the third girl Julian took his virginity. I don't know why there is a deep regret from his heart.

In contrast to Amber and Luna who are happy to give up the 'future.' Nala who is under the influence of stimulant drugs is helpless so she surrenders when Julian fucks her.

Now, Julian was sure that Nala's life was completely destroyed. Losing my beloved mother, living with a despicable stepfather who has no shame in getting married when it should still be a time of worry. Worst of all, there is Julian's seed that resides in Nala's womb.

'Hope you take good care of the child, Nala. One day I'll see you guys," Julian muttered hopefully.

The news then turned to the case of the murder of the official's mother. Julian watched the news without blinking. Most recently, several journalists who were interviewing a burly man in his old age were Santo.

Julian knew that what he had done had tarnished Santo's face. The most valuable person in his life. Although his disposition is hard, he is very good and disciplined. Santo was also his savior in the past.

"I don't know anything about Julian's case. All I know is that he's been doing well in my workshop," he said in a high Bataknese tone. Julian knew there was a streak of disappointment there.

"You'd better get out of here! Don't bother me working in my workshop," said Santo harshly. It's his character. Loud and indifferent, not many cameras that highlight it.

Julian threw his big body on the back of the chair. His breath was heavy. The performance of the police was extraordinary. Able to reveal himself as the perpetrator of the robbery. It's not possible that the police will find him here again.

"Whoa!" shouted Anton which almost made Julian tiptoe. He turned to the dwarf man who was standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips.

"Good, it's been daydreaming in the morning," growled Anton, who was acting like a boss. Julian clenched his jaw. However, he preferred to sigh. Arrange him.

"Is there anything I can do Boss?" asked Julian with a fake smile. Anton smiled disdainfully.

"Oh, now you don't mind if I tell you. All right. Here! I'll give you a job." Anton's hand waved. Approaching signal. Julian complied.

"You see the grass?" Anton pointed at the tall grass around the garden and front yard.

"You trim it clean. Don't forget the side and back of the house."

Julian's head wasn't itching. The page is very wide. Anton should have a special lawn mower. In a moment it will be fine.

Anton disappeared behind the post. Then come back with a scythe.

"You're clean with this."

Julian stared. Sickle? Are you crazy people? Julian cursed in his heart. anton. For the umpteenth time he managed to prank Julian.

Again Julian had to restrain himself. He must not be rash before this plan to escape from the house is successful.

Julian shuffled into the garden area. The sun had started to rise. The grass is still wet from the dam. The slashing motion makes the work easier. His arms looked muscular and worn.

While continuing the thoughts that had been paused earlier.

'How did the police find me here?'

Julian was troubled at the thought. The spooky and frightening of the thugs, the police will not stay silent if they are in trouble. Moreover, until hidden the most wanted fugitive in this city!.

Hanging in prison, Like languishing with wild animals. All the baddies from petty to shark class are there. Like a jungle, who is strong they rule, but Julian was never afraid of that.

He will be proud to surrender if the verdict that will be given is only robbery. But the murder was sworn to nothing, he didn't do it.

Suddenly, Julian fell silent. Perhaps.

Fatur, the culprit?

For some reason he was so sure that it was the old fart who did it. It's not wrong anymore. The flash of shadow was not his hallucination, but the figure of Fatur. The knife is missing and stuck in the stomach of the official's mother, Fatur must also be the culprit.

Julian growled. Unlucky! Fatur must have deliberately taken advantage of the situation by scapegoating Julian. Evidently Fatur is happy because he managed to master the treasure of the official's mother! even snatched Amber from him.

Motherfucker! bastard! Dog!

Julian didn't stop swearing. Anger flared every time Fatur's face smiled innocently on the news program earlier. He wanted to punch a man until he was battered.


Julian is rude so quick to clean the garden area. He wiped his sweat while looking at the other areas that were still plentiful.

"So stupid! I'm sleepy. Want to sleep," he muttered.

Julian threw his scythe into the ground and stepped back. His eyes felt heavy to close.

Until he found a gazebo shaded by a shady tree. Julian seemed to find a soft mattress there. He couldn't wait to lay his big body in the Gazebo with his eyes closed. A breeze is created quickly.

Julian didn't realize that someone was stalking him. He crept closer to Julian. Hesitantly he stroked Julian's region of might. Afraid of getting caught by the dashing owner.

"I want to try your big one, Julian," he sighed, squeezing the bulge. The bulge he often saw dangled was imprinted between his sturdy thighs and curly bristle.

Momentarily directing sweeps of sturdy thighs with bulging front muscles, Similar to a soccer ball that has kicked a ball.

Then he came back into focus with the bulge starting to harden to the max.

The woman was like spiciness at the feeling of warmth and Julian's giant 'club'. Can't wait for him to unzip it. His hand reached inside. and now it was clear what his shadow had been all this time.

"Wow! Julian is so manly."

The woman couldn't stop being amazed. Far exceeded expectations. Never had he seen such a large 'club'. Only this time and right before his eyes.

He saw Julian who was still asleep. He wished Julian a sweet dream and didn't wake up.

Her face reddened as she pointed at the pendulum. He opened his mouth with a thumping feeling.

"It's big, we don't have enough grip on it," he muttered.

His sense of smell caught the smell of sweat between the hairs that grew wild. Things that should be there, but because the woman is possessed by lust, instead enjoys it.