
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

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260 Chs

Yuanjia road is narrow

The east wing of the backyard of the tavern.

Lu Xiaotian looked up at Li Chenan's bruised nose and swollen face, and asked cautiously

"Mr. Li, I've told you everything the villain knows. Look... can the villain go?"

Li Chenan frowned slightly, he didn't answer Lu Xiaotian's words, but asked, "So, the Ax Gang has disbanded now?"

Lu Xiaotian nodded and bowed his waist, "If you want to blame it, blame the gang leader for being blind and offended Mr. Li. If the villain knows that Mr. Li has such a great relationship with Mr. Gongmen... Even if the villain dies, he will never dare to come to the tavern of Mr. Li Risa wild."

"Can you still get in touch with those members of the Ax Gang?"

"..." Lu Xiaotian swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his heart beating a little, and he quickly bowed and said, "Mr. Li, in fact, those people in the Ax Gang are orphans. It is not easy to survive in Guangling City, so they finally joined the Ax Gang. Under the sect, although there are some evil things on weekdays, but...but the big things that hurt the world and reason are still not done."

"The villain also asks Mr. Li to hold his hand high and treat us like farts, so let it go."

He thought that Li Chenan was going to kill them all.

But he never expected that Li Chen'an was trying to trick this group of people——

Once the winemaking workshop is completed and put into production, it needs a group of nurses to watch over it.

When Huapingchun is on the market, it is inevitable that people will be jealous and some troubles will arise, and this kind of thing also needs to be handled by people.

Since these people are orphans, they are homeless. Instead of letting them live in the city, it is better to give them a bowl of food.

Not only can save a lot of money, but also get their loyalty.

He's just a gangster, and with a little training, he can become the best thug.

Besides, Lu Xiaotian mentioned Song Yuanping's residence. When the news of Song Yuanping's death spread, this kid would definitely think that he did it by himself. If he reported the case to Gongmen, it would be a trouble for him.

"Well, these days, you can contact those members of the Ax Gang. I don't mean to drive you all to death, but I can give you a bite to eat."

Lu Xiaotian was stunned for a while, and after a while he was overjoyed, "What Mr. Li said...is it true?"

"I won't hide it from you. I will build a brewery outside the city in a few days. Your food is not in vain. At that time, I will naturally entrust you with something to do."

"Thank you son!"

Lu Xiaotian nodded and bowed, "Young master, I don't hide anything from you. There are fifty or sixty brothers. After the death of the gang leader, the government officials will hunt us down even more severely. We can't continue our previous jobs."

"Hey... If the young master really rewards us with a bite of food, I, Lu Xiaotian, swear that I would be willing to be a cow or a horse for the young master in my life!"

"Okay, you gather all the people and tell me."

"Thank you son!"

Lu Xiaotian happily left the tavern.

Li Chenan thought for a moment and then left the tavern with Li Xiaohua.

He went to the West Market and sold a dagger in Duan Blacksmith's shop.

I went to Zhao Tailor's shop again, bought two ready-made black cloth clothes, and tore three feet of black cloth.

Then I went to a grocery store and bought a small bag of lime and a small bucket of kerosene.

After finishing these, he walked to Cai Ji grain shop of Cai Zhengyao.

I wanted to talk to Cai Zhengyao about the food supply problem after the brewery opened, but unexpectedly I met a carriage when passing by Shenji grain shop.

A person happened to get off the carriage.

Shen Qiaodie!

Shen Qiaodie was wearing a moonlight dress with a green ribbon tied around her waist.

A pair of delicate silver butterflies dangled from the earlobes, and a silver hairpin tied her black hair, and a magnolia pinned on it, looking extremely fresh, beautiful and elegant.

I have to say that this is also a beauty, but it doesn't fit her character.

Shen Qiaodie did not expect to meet Li Chenan here.

She sized her up and smiled contemptuously, "Look at your face... Cheng Guogong left Guangling City, and the Zhongli Mansion probably lost interest in you, after all, you were beaten by someone, right?"

"This man..."

Shen Qiaodie raised her neck, didn't look at Li Chen'an again, and said, "After all, I have to know how much I have, so I'd like to persuade you, there are some tall branches, not for an ant like you to climb!"

"You, Li Chen'an, are an outcast who was kicked out of the house by the Li family. If you honestly make a living with your steamed cakes and grass cakes, you may be able to live in peace for the rest of your life."

"Maybe I can marry a daughter-in-law who doesn't have long eyes to continue the incense of your line."

She looked at Li Chen'an again, her eyes were full of disdain, "Don't think that just because you wrote such a poem, you're really a literary star."

"Only you know who made that poem. Don't think that you can fool the world. Paper can't wrap fire. There will be a day when it will be revealed... On that day, you will be ruined and become Guangling City again. a joke!"

"I will give you another word, you are a rotten tree, don't really treat yourself as a sycamore tree, the phoenix is not something you can attract, but don't cause trouble, then you won't be beaten like this, I'm afraid You will lose your worthless little life!"

Li Chenan felt a little weird.

Still smiling, he moved his eyes from Shen Qiaodie's face to his chest.

A bit fierce!

But there is no clock left if the water is fierce.

"What are you looking at?!"

"Believe it or not, this girl has someone gouging out your dog's eyes!"

Li Chenan grinned, "Do you want someone now? If not, I can take over."

"You...shameless! Obscene!"

"I said, do we have a half-dime relationship?"

Shen Qiaodie choked, and Li Chenan said again, "Since you care about me so much, do you still have unreasonable thoughts about me?"

"If there is, just tell me, how will I know if you don't tell me?"

"I'm a rotten tree, so I didn't think of attracting a phoenix in the past, but it's just right to attract a sparrow like you, what do you think?"

Shen Qiao's face was flushed with anger, she was about to speak, but unexpectedly, Li Chen'an took a step forward and put that face in front of her, "Little girl, you are not someone who can climb high, but it is fine to take you as a concubine. how?"

Shen Qiaodie was out of breath, and slapped her.

Li Chenan reached out and grabbed her hand.

With an evil smile in his eyes, Li Chen'an squeezed Shen Qiaodie's hand, and rubbed it with his thumb a few times.

"It's soft, but it's like withered. I don't even want you to be my concubine!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Li Chenan let go and laughed, and walked away with Li Xiaohua.

Shen Qiaodie looked at Li Chenan's back with eyes full of anger, took a deep breath, thinking that yesterday her father said that the Huo family would invite people from the Fish and Dragon Society to deal with Li Chenan because of the wine making method.

Fish and dragons will attack, you, Li Chen, have a life!

Do you really think that Miss Zhongli will protect you?

wishful thinking!

Good to die for!

It's better to die by a thousand knives!

In a few days when Huo Shufan returns from the capital, the Huo family will propose marriage to the Shen family.

When this girl marries into the Huo Mansion, this girl will personally master your method of brewing wine.

When Huo Manor's Huapingchun became famous all over the world... the grass on your Li Chenan's grave is probably as tall as a person!