
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

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The women of Zhongli Mansion 2

Zhongli Mansion originated from Guangling City and rose to the same level as Jingdu Yujing City.

After Zhongli Po and Fan Taohua got married, Fan Taohua gave birth to five boys and three daughters for Zhongli's family!

Now Zhonglisu who is guarding Zhongli Mansion in Guangling City is not the eldest son of Zhongli's family, he is the fourth eldest.

Zhong Lisu has two older brothers and one older sister, and two younger brothers and two younger sisters.

Zhonglisu's five brothers spread out, and now Zhongli Ruoshui's generation...cousins, cousins, cousins, cousins, there are thirty-two of them!

There are eight cousins in Yujingcheng, Kyoto.

Apart from his cousin Zhonglidang who followed behind him, standing in front of Li Chenan and Zhongli Ruoshui were four young cousins.

Perhaps it was Zhonglipo's handsomeness that Fan Taohua liked. All the women in Zhongli's family were extremely pretty, and they inherited Zhonglipo's advantages and Fan Taohua's character very well.

Therefore, none of the women in Zhongli Mansion are as shy as those daughters of high-ranking families.

In addition, almost all of them were taught by Fan Taohua, or they may have stayed in Songshan Sword Academy for a while, all of them are excellent in martial arts, and of course they are also in excellent shape.

With the family motto that has always been in Zhongli Mansion, as well as Fan Taohua's precepts and deeds since she was a child, coupled with her prestige in Zhongli Mansion for being unambiguous, the people in Zhongli Mansion are very united, and there has never been any bullshit of intrigue.

Of course the relationship between the cousins is also very good, no, I heard that the young man Zhongli Ruoshui is in Guangling City is going to come to the capital today, Zhongli Ruoxue and the others invited them together and came to Huaxi farewell hospital--

The grandmother said that Ruoshui would take him to live here.

Of course they were very curious.

Because among the many brothers and sisters, Zhongli Ruoshui is the most beautiful one and the only one who can't practice martial arts, so she has been cared for by everyone since she was a child.

Now that younger sister Ruoshui has grown up, she actually rejected Cheng Guogong's marriage proposal, and found a good husband in Guangling City... That young man named Li Chen'an, of course, also touched their hearts.

After that, I heard a lot about Li Chenan, such as his poems, his poems, and of course his status as the master of the fish-dragon club and so on.

For this, the people in the capital looked at Li Chenan differently, but in the eyes of the people in Zhongli Mansion, since the old lady agreed to Ruoshui to bring Li Chenan to Huaxi Bieyuan, it showed that the old lady acquiesced in this marriage, which also showed that Li Chenan was My own people??——

Since he is one of his own, what kind of identity he has is no longer important, what is important is that he can be worthy of Zhongli Ruoshui and be good to Zhongli Ruoshui for the rest of his life, that's enough.

This is the simple concept of right and wrong that Yuan Fan Taohua instilled in everyone in Zhongli Mansion.

"Hee hee, sister Ruoshui, this young man is very handsome!" Zhongli Ruoxue was only twenty years old, and was the oldest of the four sisters.

She was wearing a long purple dress, and a dark green belt outlined her figure unevenly.

With her hands behind her back and her chest upright, she stood in front of Li Chenan and Zhongli Ruoshui generously, looked at Li Chenan's face for a moment, and then said, "It's no wonder that sister Ruoshui is so restless all day long, she doesn't think about eating and drinking, It's worth it!"

Zhongli Ruoxue blushed, she glared at Zhongli Ruoxue, and introduced to Li Chenan in a low voice, "She is Sister Ruoxue!"

"She is sister Ruoyu, she is sister Ruoyan...she is sister Ruoyan."

Li Chen'an grinned, and looked at these four fairy-like girls. In this moment, based on his countless experience in reading girls in his previous life, he discovered a very shocking problem——

The development of this woman who left home is really good!

All of them are about 1.67 meters tall, all of them have Liu Liang's figure, and their skins are as smooth as jade. Of course, the most important thing is that all of them are extremely proud of their chests!

Even for that younger sister Ruoyan, who looks only twelve or thirteen years old, although her brows and eyes are young, her chest has just begun to show her masculinity. The future is sure to be promising!

He cupped his hands and saluted with a spring breeze on his face, "Hi, sisters and sisters!"

"I'm Li Chen'an, a wild boy from the small place in Guangling City... I came to the capital in a hurry, and I really forgot to bring some gifts for my sisters and sisters. When I settle down, I will make up for you!"

"Hee hee," Zhongli Ruoyu covered his mouth and smiled, "you have a very sweet mouth. Gifts are not important, but the wine that sister Ruoshui brought last time was really delicious... you Have you brought wine?"

Zhongli Ruoshui took over the conversation, "There are indeed, but they are not here. If you want to drink, you can go to grandma. Let me tell you, the wine he brought this time is better than last time. If I go late, I will worry about grandpa. Grandma has already drunk it!"

Zhongli Ruoyan raised her beautiful brows, "Hmph, there is a reason for your words, little girl. You want to send us to grandma? So you two can have some intimate whispers here?"

"Impossible! Grandma told me that from today onwards, our sisters will also live in your Huaxi courtyard."

Saying this, her almond eyes flew away, "Do you understand what grandma means? After all, you haven't left the cabinet yet, so don't let this kid take advantage of you!"

Zhongli Ruoshui didn't expect Zhongli Ruoyan to see through her trick, and she gave Zhongli Ruoyan another look, "Let me tell you, Chen'an didn't bring much wine, and it doesn't matter if you don't believe me, then we Just go in."

At this moment, the youngest Zhongli Ruoyan stretched out his arm to stop him, "Wait!"

She looked up at Li Chenan, a sly light flashed in those beautiful eyes.

"A few days ago, the whole city of Yujing was boasting about your poems. Recently, it has been rumored that you have created such and such poems. Although this other courtyard belongs to sister Ruoshui, it is still difficult to enter the door of Zhongli's house. There is a rule..."

The little girl looked like a young adult, "Since you have such talent, sister Ruoshui also said that you are very talented, then you should write a poem or that poem to listen to, otherwise, I won't let you in! "

Zhongli Ruoshui suddenly became a little anxious, after all, Li Chenan was exhausted all the way, and he still needed to take a shower when he arrived at the other hospital, he hadn't had lunch yet!

She was about to act like a big sister to suppress this little girl Zhongli Ruoyan, but unexpectedly, Li Chenan patted her on the shoulder lightly.

Li Chenan likes this kind of atmosphere very much. In his previous life, he had no younger siblings, but in this life, the younger brother in Li's Mansion in Guangling is still hostile to him.

This little girl seemed to be embarrassing him, but on second thought, they were not helping Zhongli Ruoshui to check it?

So, he took a step forward, stood in front of Zhongli Ruoyan, and said with a smile, "Actually, I have never liked writing poems."


"Because it's boring!"

Zhongli Ruoyan was startled, she obviously didn't understand the meaning of these words.

"You don't want to play tricks, do you?"

"That's not it, it's just that in my opinion, poetry is mostly about moaning and chanting without illness, or sorrowful autumn, or hurt feelings, or sending away sorrow, etc. You are still young, and it is difficult for you to understand the taste. Why don't you wait for you to read it again. How about I make more for you when you are older?"

The little girl was startled, then turned to look at Zhongli Ruoyu.

Zhongli Ruoyu blushed, lowered her head, and said in a low voice, "Well, that's it, can you write me a poem about love?"

Now it was Li Chen'an's turn to be surprised, "No, didn't we just meet? Besides, I have Ruoshui and this life is enough!"

Zhongli Ruoyu raised his head and glared at Li Chenan, "It's not because I'm in love with you!"

Li Chen'an rubbed his nose, and smiled calmly, "Oh, I understand, it's just...with sister Ruoyu's beauty, how ignorant a young man from the He family made you miss her?"