
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

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The Leader

There is silence here, and the drop of a needle can be heard.

Zhongli Ruoshui's gaze swept across the crowd, "My lady announces that there will be no leader in this essay meeting!"


The cabin suddenly exploded. Of course, these students couldn't believe it. "Could it be that there is a tie for first place?"

"Even if they tie for first place, there should be another round!"

"I thought it was Mr. Yujing Su or Young Master Qi... Their poems are the best even in Ningguo, unless they didn't write any poems!"

"Yes, I saw with my own eyes that they handed in their poems!"

"What exactly is going on?"

"What is this? Are you kidding us?"


All kinds of voices kept ringing in his ears, but Zhongli Ruoshui remained calm and composed.

Su Muxin and Qi Zhixue looked at each other, their eyes were also full of doubts.

In Su Mu's mind, the teacher said that the third lady of Zhongli's mansion wanted to choose her son-in-law based on literature, and he came from a poor family. What the teacher meant was that if he could become the son-in-law of Zhongli's mansion, he would be able to realize his ambition more easily.

Besides, the third lady of Zhongli Mansion is not only extremely beautiful, but also extremely talented in writing. If I really marry her, it will be a blessing in my life.

So he came prepared. He thought that his biggest competitor was Qi Zhixue.

He wasn't too worried about Qi Zhixue's poems, but what was vaguely disturbing was the powerful forces behind Qi Zhixue's Duke of Qi.

If she failed the ranking, it should be Qi Zhixue who won the title of leader, but the third miss Zhongli just said that there is no leader in this essay meeting... What is so particular about this?

Qi Zhixue also looked confused.

Grandpa ordered him to come because Cheng Guogong's mansion wanted to propose marriage directly to Zhongli's mansion.

Grandpa said that if Duke Qi's Mansion can marry Zhongli Mansion, it will definitely overwhelm the other four Duke's mansions. So this matter not only involves his own future happiness, but also involves whether Duke Qi's mansion can improve in the future.

Of course, he didn't dare to take it lightly. What's more, he met Miss Zhongli in Kyoto back then, and after a glimpse, that shadow had already been engraved in his mind.

His love for Zhongli Ruoshui is no less than that of Cheng Zhe, Cheng Guogong's man.

He came to Guangling City.

It is certain to win the leader of this literary conference!

However... Zhongli Ruoshui said that there is no leader in this essay meeting. What happened?

Everyone was puzzled.

Although it is said that there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts, such a literary society will eventually come to a result, and the result announced by Zhongli Ruoshui is obviously not satisfactory to these teenagers.

Zhongli Ruoshui raised a hand, and the place was quiet again.

"Because I got a poem that even the elders and scholars admire, but I don't know who the author is...Everyone, I will recite that poem to you later. If you feel that your poem can be compared with This word is comparable to... Then please come to this stage!"

All the talented scholars were in an uproar once again, and each of them was amazed. Half of the well-known talented scholars in Ningguo gathered on this boat, and among them were the famous Su Muxin and Qi Zhixue.

At this moment, Miss Zhongli can say a word that even Hua Boss and Confucianism are admiring, but she doesn't know who the author of this word is...

Could it be that the other two talented scholars in Kyoto sent poems to others?

It can only be like this.

Otherwise, who else has such a high attainment in the way of poetry?

Zhong Li Ruoshui pressed both hands, until all the voices had dissipated, and she spoke again:

"The name of this word is "Butterfly Loves Flowers". Listen carefully."

The arena was silent again.

All the students pricked up their ears, wanting to hear how this song surpassed Su Muxin and Qi Zhixue.

Zhongli Ruoshui cleared his throat, and looked out of the window.

Twilight has fallen, and a crescent moon is hanging in the sky.

It's not bright, but there is still a clear glow.

A night breeze entered the window, blowing her hair and cooling her mood.

She seemed to be in the song "Butterfly Love Flower" again, as if she felt the ecstasy of spring in the author's heart again.

Her red lips parted lightly, and this poem seemed to float from the sky, and with the cool night wind, it was sent to the hearts of the students——

"Standing in a dangerous building, the wind is soft.

Looking at the extreme spring and worrying, the sky is full of gloom.

In the afterglow of the grass and smoke,

Without words, who would rely on the fence.

I plan to get drunk with Shukuang pictures.

Singing to wine, strong music is tasteless.

The belt is getting wider and I will never regret it,

People haggard because of Yixiao! "

After reciting a word, there is a lingering sound.

After ten breaths, there was still no sound.

All the people present here are talented people with a certain degree of talent and learning. Of course, they have a certain power of appreciation. What's more, Zhongli Ruoshui said this poem just now, which is deeply loved by Hua Boss and Confucianism...

Now that they heard this word, they suddenly realized that this poem is really exquisite.

Maybe they can't read like Hua LaoDaRu, but the powerful melancholy emanating from the words has deeply infected them.

also touched them.

Especially the last sentence!

"It's a good sentence. The belt gradually widens and I don't regret it. I am haggard because of Yixiao..."

Su Muxin opened his eyes, "My servant, the difference is far away, the words I wrote are hard to match, and I am so convinced that I lose!"

Qi Zhixue also woke up from the artistic conception of this poem. At this moment, his heart was also filled with sadness. He knew that he had failed.

He gave a wry smile, and bowed his hands: "If the third lady finds out about this person, I will send you a letter to let me know, and I will pay a visit before the scheduled meeting."

"It's just... what kind of couplet is this person reading? Would it be convenient for Miss San to let me know?"

"His right couplet also won three tops."

"There is dust in his eyes and the world is narrow, but what he is saying is that his chest is as wide as a bed. Take a closer look."

Everyone fell into deep thought again, and Su Muxin and Qi Zhixue instantly understood the magic of this couplet.

"Hearing this word and this couplet... I suddenly feel frustrated. Maybe I should abandon my pen and join the army, and go to the north to fight against the barren people!" Su Mu's mood was waning, and he was suddenly full of confusion about the way ahead.

At this moment Li Chendong has lost his soul like a concubine.

He was still complacent about his poem, thinking that he would have a chance to become the son-in-law of Zhongli's mansion, but now he knows what it means to have someone beyond others.

After all, there was no wisp of smoke rising from the Li family's ancestral grave.

The lintel of the third room of the Li family still had to be kept as it was.

Zhongli Ruoshui was very satisfied with the result.

Was the selection of son-in-law based on literature a failure this time?

No, because this poem is a well-deserved leader.

If the Cheng family came to propose marriage, this would be her best excuse.

It's just that we need to find the person who wrote this poem.

It's very simple, because she already knows that person.

What she needs is time, and to get to know that person next.

"Thank you for your kindness, this essay meeting is over, please go away on your own."

"Believe in your fate, there will be better girls!"

She turned around and headed for the rear cabin, but there was a sly smile on the corner of her mouth——

Li Chen'an, what kind of person are you?

By the way, Shen Qiaodie's marriage contract was broken for her as quickly as possible!



The head of the willow on the moon.

The smell of medicine came from the east courtyard of Li's mansion, and the smell of wine came from the west courtyard of Li's mansion.

Li Qiaoxi was happily decocting medicine for her mother with a small stove, while her elder brother Li Chenan was sitting on the bedside of her mother, talking with her.

Mother's illness may be due to missing her brother. Before taking the medicine prescribed by Dr. Zhang, mother's spirit seems to have improved a lot.

It's just that she was still puzzled in her heart, because in the past, even in front of her mother, her elder brother rarely spoke.

But tonight he talked a lot.

Mostly words of relief, saying that mother should not worry about him, he is living a very good life now...

Is he really having a good time?

Today I went to his shop in Erjinggou Alley, and the inside is still as clean as before.

I'm afraid there is no rice for the next meal in the rice jar.

He didn't tell his mother about the misery of his life, but he kept comforting her.

From Li Qiaoxi's point of view, this is because my brother is sensible.

Whether it was the elder brother beating the concubine and those evil slaves or the elder brother reprimanding the father, Li Qiaoxi remembered all these changes in his heart. He has not yet found a reason, but it is no longer important.

The important thing is that my brother is no longer as cowardly as before, and he even has a responsibility.

He wanted to take his mother and himself to his shop, but his mother naturally refused. After all, in his mother's view, this was her home.

"Your father... Even if he has many faults, he is still your father!"

Ding Xiao'e leaned against the head of the bed, holding Li Chen'an's hand in her palm, the light from the lantern reflected on her face, because the wrinkles on her face formed a dark intersecting light and shadow.

She is only thirty-five years old.

But she already has a fifty-three-year-old face.

This is not due to aging caused by physical labor, her tired heart!

More precisely, she was burdened by her predecessor.

Seeing this, Li Chen'an felt a little pain in his heart, because in his previous life, he didn't have the opportunity to honor his mother after getting rich.

It's a great sorrow, it makes the son want to support but refuses to be loved.

"Mother... I can really live a good life. With you and my sister by my side, I can feel more at ease. After all, I was kicked out of the house by him, so it's not appropriate to come back to see you often."

Ding Xiao'e pondered for a moment, took a deep breath, and showed a forced smile on her face.

"Son, you have to remember that mother is your father's first wife, and mother can only be by his side for the rest of her life... Although he hasn't lived in the east courtyard for a long time, mother is the eldest daughter-in-law of the third bedroom of the Li family. No blame on him."

"Your father is just a bit impatient. Since your grandfather's generation, the third wife of the Li family has been suppressed by the other two. Of course, your father hopes that you can become a talent and be able to support the third wife of the Li family."

"So... don't blame him, he's not bad at heart. Besides, you are his own flesh and blood after all, he just didn't think about it in the past and was too eager for quick success."

"Sooner or later, he will recognize you as a son again. You are the eldest son of the third house of the Li family. No matter what happens, you are half of this family. Mother can't leave, mother has to help you guard...until you come back!"

The moonlight enters the window, and the window screen is slightly bright.

This is the time Li Chenan talked the most when he came to this world.

He waited on his mother to take the medicine, had dinner with her, and left twenty taels of silver before saying goodbye to his mother and sister and leaving Li's residence.

Standing in front of the gate of Li's Mansion, he glanced back, then walked away.

Li Chendong just came back.

The two brothers looked at each other and passed by, indifferent to each other.

Even more speechless.