
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

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As the owner of the tavern under the banyan tree, after three days of operating the tavern, Li Chenan let go and became the hands-off shopkeeper.

Although there are not many people in this tavern, they perform their duties closely together.

Li Xiaohua's mother urged Sanniang to get used to the huge daily income of the tavern. When the tavern opened, she sat at the counter and started selling brands——

One hundred brands of wine for ten catties a day.

If a customer who enters the tavern wants to drink, he has to spend 200 Wen to buy one brand, and he can only buy one brand.

Until one hundred brands are sold out, it means that today's wine is sold out.

The tavern will no longer accept new guests, and the tavern will close when the drinkers inside finish leaving.

Cuihua has already mastered the wine-making technology. Every morning when the tavern is closed, Sanniang is urged to light the fire, and Li Xiaohua prepares the ingredients. Cuihua is in charge of directing and judging every step.

When the tavern opens in the afternoon, Cuihua will be in charge of ordering and delivering wine in the shop, and Li Xiaohua will sit at the back door of the tavern, in case anyone provokes trouble.

This is the official employee of the tavern now.

Although there are few people, it is orderly.

Li Chenan, the shopkeeper, just got idle.

He still maintains daily morning jogging exercises, and the effect is quite obvious. He feels that his strength has increased a little, his muscles are firmer, and his ligaments are gradually stretched. Reached.

Early this morning, when he came back from a run and just finished washing, a person came to the tavern.

Liu Zhuo!

It has been five days since the tavern opened, and this is Liu Zhuo's first visit, and it was in the morning.

So he didn't come to drink, but Li Chenan still made a bowl of wine and put it in front of him.

"Men left the day before yesterday," Liu Zhuo picked up the bowl of wine and took a deep sip. Although he was surprised that the wine was indeed as mellow as the rumors, he didn't show it at all on his face. I will see you off for my brother, and say goodbye at the Huajian Pavilion three miles outside the east city."

He couldn't help but took a sip of the wine and took a full breath.

"The mentor told my brother that the most important thing about Guangling is that it is the west gate of Kyoto."

"Jade Capital City in Kyoto is connected to Guangling City by the Yuguang Canal, and Guangling Prefecture is connected to the Yangtze River in the north and south of the Yangtze River. Therefore, from ancient times to the present, Guangling Prefecture has played an extremely important role both economically and militarily."

He took another sip of wine, but Li Chenan felt a little puzzled.

The memory of these things is very shallow, but he doesn't care about them now, because his tavern is too small now, and he only wanted to guard this tavern for a comfortable life, but he became the embroiderer of the Lijing Division, For his own safety, he wanted to get all the 800 people in the Guangling Prefecture Lijing Division to work, and that's how he came up with the idea of expanding Huapingchun's production.

Now it's just an idea.

His plan is to save the first sum of money this year, and then go to the outskirts of the city to buy land and open a winemaking workshop.

So when he originally wanted to come and take a look around this world, it would be at least two years later, and there was no other things mixed in, he just wanted to leave some of his own footprints in this world.

So he didn't know what Liu Zhuo said had anything to do with him, so he just listened to it.

"During the Jinghua period of Ningguo... that is, before the Great Virtue, Ningguo suffered a war that almost destroyed the country."

"It's not the barren people from the Northern Desert who went south, but the Qiang people from the Western Regions. There used to be thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, but now they have been unified into one country, called Xiye Kingdom."

"Xiye is warlike, not much worse than the Great Wilderness in the Northern Desert."

"During the Jinghua period, the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions raised 300,000 troops to conquer Ning, and they drove all the way to Linshui Pass in Guangling Prefecture. There are few rivers in the Western Regions, and most of their soldiers are infantry, not good at water warfare."

"Ning State mobilized the whole nation's soldiers to fight to the death with the Allied Forces of the Western Regions on the Yangtze River at Linshuiguan...In the end, they won a disastrous victory. The remaining 80,000 Allied Forces of the Western Regions withdrew from Ning State, and then Xiye State was established."

"Ning State was greatly injured by the war. Fortunately, Shang Buqi Shang Cheng was born accordingly, and Emperor Dade worked hard to rule it. It took a full thirty years to heal the wound, and Ning State gradually became stronger again. "

"Although in the thirteenth year of Jingtai, there was another Tubo invasion in the southwest, but with the battle between General Zhonglipo and Mrs. Fan, Ningguo was not affected by the flames of war."

"Ningguo has been peaceful for a hundred years, but now..."

Liu Zhuo drank the wine in the bowl in one gulp, lifted his sleeves and wiped his mouth, showing a smiling face, "I'll tell you this, the teacher asked Brother Wei to tell you this."

"I think the teacher values you very much, or maybe the teacher smells something different, and I hope you can avoid disadvantages."

Liu Zhuo didn't finish these words, the lingering sound of the three words 'but now' is still lingering in Li Chenan's ears.

Of course, the meaning of these words is already very clear, and now Ningguo is probably facing some dangers that he does not know yet.

But these are still not big things in Li Chenan's eyes, so what if Ningguo is destroyed?

Although he opened a tavern in Erjinggou Alley, deep in his heart, he is still an outsider.

At least for now, he doesn't have a sense of belonging to Ningguo.

Besides, he didn't have the ambition to turn the tide like that Prime Minister Shang.

"Brother Hua's meaning, my younger brother understands."

"Since this is the case, at least there will be no harm in strengthening the military defense of Guangling Prefecture, Brother Liu."

Liu Zhuo laughed at himself, "Brother also wants to do some things, but...Brother, I have more energy than I want!"

Li Chenan was a little puzzled, thinking that the magistrate, who was the highest official of a state, was also a member of the party in his previous life, so why would he be restrained?

Seeing Li Chenan's puzzlement, Liu Zhuo stood up, took two steps, and stood in the yard.

"Guangling Prefecture is mainly a navy stationed in Jiangcheng, but these years, the Ministry of War has not allocated much money to maintain those warships, let alone build new warships."

"Even the most basic rations for the soldiers are difficult to sustain."

"Tell me, what can I do for my brother?"

Li Chenan was startled, "The treasury is so poor?"

"It wasn't originally poor, but since the emperor ordered the construction of the Changle Palace in the east of Yujing City ten years ago... Not to mention the national treasury, even the internal funds are heard to be beyond the means."

Li Chenan was dumbfounded.

How big is the Changle Palace?

No wonder the Department of Mirrors has not paid any salary for three years.

No wonder Hua Manting was worried.

If there is another war at this time, Ningguo is afraid that it will be vulnerable!

"So ridiculous?"

"My dear brother, be careful! These words must not be heard by members of the Fish and Dragon Association, otherwise it will definitely bring disaster to my dear brother!"

"What is the Ichthyosaur Society?"

"A department similar to the Lijing Division was established by the prime minister Ji Tai. He is a fish, and the emperor is a dragon. What he does is to eliminate dissidents!"

"... Isn't this Ji Tai covering the sky with one hand in the court?"

"Of course, otherwise, why would the second prince dare to be unscrupulous!"