
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

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second hand

In the sight of Huo Shufan and the three of them, Li Chen'an was talking and laughing with everyone Shang.

Although they couldn't hear what they were talking about because of the distance, just the fact that Master Shang took Li Chenan to visit this place was enough to show that the two of them were at least not strangers.

"I see!"

Shen Qiao's butterfly eyes were full of anger, "Hua Man Ting Hua Boss and Master Shang are best friends."

"Master Hua named his wine and inscribed a plaque for his tavern. Mr. Hua and him also have a very close relationship."

"So Mrs. Hua should have brought Li Chenan here. For the sake of Mrs. Hua, everyone Shang will certainly not refuse to meet Li Chenan!"

Shen Qiaodie's words made sense, Huo Shufan nodded after thinking for a moment, "This guy knows how to take advantage of Mr. Hua's influence!"

"But what does he mean by coming to the venue of this literary meeting?"

Shen Qiaodie thought for a while, then said

"Tomorrow's Dragon Boat Festival will be judged by Li Wenhan, principal of Takeshita Academy, and Li Wenhan is his father!"

"The second judge is Mr. Zhang Zheng, the director of Qianmo Academy... When Hua Lao came to Guangling City, he lived either in Zhuxia Academy or in Qianmo Academy."

"I thought Mr. Hua should have introduced Li Chen'an to Mr. Zhang when he lived in Qianmo Academy. After all, Qianmo Academy is diagonally opposite his tavern."

"The third judge is Master Shang... So, he is here to strengthen the relationship with Master Shang!"

"There are two other judges left. One is Mr. Jia Fengxian, the academic and political officer of our Jiangnan province, and the other is Mr. Zhang Pingju, the academic and political officer of our Guangling City."

"This Li Chenan is really despicable!"

Huo Chuanming and Wen Huan immediately understood after hearing Shen Qiaodie's analysis——

Tomorrow there will be five reviewers, three of which are related to Li Chenan.

Needless to say his father, Li Wenhan, although Li Wenhan kicked him out of the house at the beginning, but now Li Chenan has such a taste of a prodigal son turning back.

Li Chenan is the eldest son of the third house of the Li family. According to the teachings of the Takeshita Academy, Li Wenhan now regrets what he did at that time, so he will definitely favor Li Chenan in the judgment of this essay meeting, hoping that Li Chenan can return to the door of the Li family.

As for Mr. Zhang from Qianmo Academy... This old gentleman is fond of wine, it is estimated that Li Chen'an gave him a lot of wine.

Cannibalism is soft and handiness is short, Mr. Zhang may also be partial to him.

Today he actually ran to this Peach Blossom Island, and now it seems that he has won the favor of everyone in Shang.

Three votes in hand, sure to win!

"I didn't expect that this fool has now learned to use these means to chase fame and fortune!"

Huo Shufan took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Let's go, the Wenhui will be held tomorrow afternoon... Let's come here first, and expose his ugly face before the Wenhui is held!"

"This is a great plan!"

The folding fan in Wen Huan's hand snapped together, "When everyone has landed on this Peach Blossom Island, they all come here, and then publicize this matter, it will definitely make all the students hate Li Chen'an!"

"It will definitely put a lot of pressure on those three judges!"

"As long as they vote for Li Chen'an... I will drive some students to sigh, and then arouse public outrage, and Li Chen'an's reputation will be rotten!"



Not long after the three of Huo Shufan left, the three of Li Chenan also bid farewell to everyone Shang and left Peach Blossom Island.

Time was too tight, so he declined everyone's invitation to stay, and with Su Muxin, who looked frustrated, and Wu Xichen, who was full of energy, set foot on the ferry for people by the lake.

As soon as they came to the stage where the carriage was parked, they met Huo Shufan and the other three who were about to board the carriage.

"I thought you were such a fool,"

The folding fan in Huo Shufan's hand shook, and he came to Li Chenan's side, and looked at Li Chenan contemptuously, "I didn't expect you to be scheming, but the methods are really dirty, villain!"

Li Chen'an was taken aback, thinking that the young master just wanted to make some advertisements at the venue of the literary club?

How dirty is this?

He grinned, but instead of looking at Huo Shufan, he looked at Shen Qiaodie who was beside him.

Shen Qiaodie was inexplicably afraid of him, and took a step back unconsciously.

"The clothes you are wearing today are beautiful."

Shen Qiaodie was stunned for a moment, and then she heard what Li Chenan said, she almost exploded in anger——

"The clothes just support your exquisite figure. Hey... If I knew that your figure was so attractive at that time, I should have sold your marriage certificate to your father for a thousand taels of silver!"

"You...! You despicable and shameless villain! Is this girl someone you can afford?"

"Half of what you said was right, but one word was wrong."

Li Chenan took a step closer, with a wretched look on his face, "The small characters are wrong, how do you know I'm young?"

"Besides, what do you have that I should climb up to? Is it just these two small hills? This young master is not eye-catching! Don't forget that your marriage certificate is worth a hundred taels of silver!"

"Miss Wen Xiaowan from Ningxiang Pavilion is worth one hundred taels of silver for every appearance. You are actually much cheaper than her!"

How could Shen Qiaodie bear such humiliation!

She didn't understand the meaning of that small character, but she understood the meaning of Xiao Shanqiu and Li Chenan's last sentence——

He actually said that I am a small hill?

Although it is not majestic enough, it is still impressive, okay?

What's even worse is that he actually compared himself with the woman in the brothel!

He even said that he was not as good as the woman in the brothel!

Her face suddenly turned red, and her eyes seemed to burst into flames.

"This girl was born in a rich family, how can she be compared to a brothel girl!"

"You, Li Chen'an, are a toad who want to eat swan meat! Wishful thinking!"

"Don't think that you can earn twenty taels of silver a day in your tavern and think that you are so great! Your little silver is not enough for this girl's daily expenses!"

"Don't think that you are really a big boss just because you built a brewery!"

Her chest rose and fell three times, and she calmed down that anger alive, she smiled contemptuously

"Are you trying to annoy this girl?"

"You are an ant-like existence, why should this girl have the same knowledge as you!"

"This person, the poor, the rich, and the noble have long been determined by God, but there is something like you who does not know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and thinks that he has entered the house before he has entered the hall!"

"You can't stand that wealth. When the time comes... I'm afraid you won't know how you died. It's really ridiculous to still use your tongue here now!"

Li Chenan still had a smile on his face.

At this time, he looked at Huo Shufan, "Brother Huo, with Brother Huo's appearance and talent, there are countless women in the world, why are you blind and want to marry a second-hand one?"

"not worth!"

Li Chenan shook his head, "It's not worth it!"

"If I have Brother Huo's family background... This kind of second-hand woman... I'm talking too much, if Brother Huo really likes it, you can do whatever you want!"


He stepped into the carriage.

Shen Qiaodie was irritated by success again, these few words made her lose her sense of proportion

"Li Chen'an! Come down for this girl!"

"Who do you say is second-hand?!"

"You tell me clearly!"

Li Chenan lifted the curtain of the car, and looked at Huo Shufan with sympathy, "Brother Huo, this woman is unlucky, if you really marry, it will bring great disaster to your Huo family!"

"That's not what I said, it was said by a Taoist priest!"

"Otherwise, why would I have easily withdrawn her marriage certificate?"

"Good luck!"

Wu Xichen laughed loudly, waved the horsewhip in his hand, and drove away in the carriage. A hurried voice came from Li Chenan's ear

"Shufan, listen to me, it's not like that...!"