
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Fantasi Timur
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260 Chs

mid autumn night 9

Imperial City Division, the eighth floor of the Black Building.

Changsun Jinghong stood in front of a window, looking at the brightly lit Yujing City in the night rain.

He has been standing like this for a long time.

There was a person standing behind him, and this person also stood there for a long time.

He is Wang Zhengjinzhong!

He should have taken the people from the Imperial City Division to Shuangjiao Mountain to wipe out the gang of water bandits and escort back a large amount of tax and food that was transported to the capital, but he was here.

Wang Zheng Jinzhong did not look at the night outside.

What he was looking at was Changsun Jinghong's back.

Finally, he couldn't help but asked, "My lord, if this batch of taxes and rations are lost again, we, our salaries have already been halved, and I'm afraid that in the future...even the remaining half will be gone!"

Changsun Jinghong smiled slightly, "Don't think that I don't know what you have done all these years when you are old and have not left the Palace of the King of Hades."

"Is your Wang Zheng Jinzhong short of that salary?"

"How come the old man heard that you went to Mushandao this time, and the money you paid to the geese of the mountain owner alone was as much as five thousand taels!"

Wang Zhengjinzhong's swarthy face flushed slightly, which was naturally invisible, but he lowered his head a little.

"Hey, isn't this something that can't be helped?"

"But don't worry, my lord, the little private work I did did not violate the rules of the Imperial City Division, nor did I borrow the name of our Imperial City Division."

Changsun Jinghong stroked his long beard, pondered for a moment, and then said slowly, "If you have done something illegal, how can you stand behind this old man at this time!"

"However... there are quite a lot of little ghosts in our Hades Palace, and many of them have done some outrageous things."

Wang Zhengjinzhong was stunned, bowed his hands, and said righteously, "My lord, if there is a list of these people, the villain should go and clean up the house!"

Changsun Jinghong waved his hand, "Don't worry, there is a list of course, but whether they can be used... depends on their performance in the future."

Wang Zhengjinzhong raised his head in astonishment, and then looked at the back of Changsun Jinghong, not quite understanding what the meaning of the future was, nor did he quite understand how they should behave.

According to Changsun Jinghong's temperament, the current rules of the Imperial City Division are almost all set by him. For those who violate these rules, the method he adopts is extremely simple——

Kill it!

Then confiscate his illegal income and put it into the private treasury of the Huangcheng Division as the funds for the handling of the case by the Huangcheng Division.

He suddenly discovered that these elderly Mr. Sun seldom kill people anymore. He thought it was because the current Imperial City Secretary had become a rare clean stream under the management of Chang Sun Jinghong.

But I didn't expect that it was just that I was negligent and didn't know what those people did.

Just when Wang Zhengjinzhong was puzzled, Changsun Jinghong turned around slowly.

"Do you know why I told some people that the Imperial City Division will give up attacking the headquarters of the Ichthyosaur Society to deal with those water bandits?"

"Do you know why I set up a suspicious formation again and left the most elite SI7 in the city?"

"Do you know why I still want to disclose to Ji Tai the news of the attack on the headquarters of the Ichthyosaur Society tonight?"

Changsun Jinghong asked three consecutive questions, of course he did not expect Wang Zhengjinzhong to answer, because this was Wang Zhengjinzhong's doubts.

"Make tea!"

Changsun Jinghong stepped up and walked towards the tea table in front of another window.

Wang Zhengjinzhong hurried forward, took the fire folder, lit the tea stove, and boiled a pot of tea.


The two sat opposite each other.

Changsun Jinghong turned his head to look at the night outside, and said something that had nothing to do with these three questions

"Literary world... Your Majesty should be in Zaidaolou by now."

Wang Zheng Jinzhong was taken aback, his eyes stared like two copper bells, he leaned over and lowered his voice extremely low, "My lord, could it be, could it be that your lord intends, intends to kill the emperor?"

Chang Sun Jinghong was taken aback by his words, "What are you thinking about?"

Only then did Wang Zheng Jinzhong realize that he had misunderstood the meaning of Changsun Jinghong again.

He smiled mischievously, scratched his head, "Hey, please speak clearly, sir."

"What the old man means is that the literary meeting in the literary world is about to begin."

"Do you think Li Chen'an can beat the sixteen students from Yue State?"

Wang Zheng and Jin Zhong learned how to be good, and he replied, "This... if your lord thinks he can win, he will definitely win!"

Changsun Jinghong suddenly laughed, "He is not a Wenqu star, how can he win?"

Wang Zheng Jinzhong quickly said

"Then he will definitely lose!"

"But if he loses, he will lose his head."

Wang Zheng Jinzhong was startled

"...If his head is lost, there will only be a scar the size of a bowl. In another eighteen years, he will be a good man again!"

Changsun Jinghong was speechless, he stared at Wang Zhengjinzhong, and after a while he said, "You bastard, the old man likes you more and more."

"But Li Chenan can't die!"

Wang Zheng Jinzhong was stunned, "Why?"

Changsun Jinghong didn't explain, so Wang Zheng Jinzhong couldn't figure out how Changsun Jinghong could rescue Li Chenan under the emperor's decree.

"Taxes and grains, if you lose them, you lose them. It's not the first time you lose them. Everyone feels used to losing them."

"Food can be planted again in the coming year. If this person dies, he will really be gone."

"What SI:7 is really going to do tonight is..."

Wang Zheng Jinzhong immediately sat upright, because the next order was from Changsun Jinghong.

"The old man has spread all these news. Of course Ji Tai will think that the main force of the Imperial City Division has really left the city to save the tax and food. After all, that matter is extremely important to many people, and it is related to Ningguo. The overall situation of stability."

"The overall situation is fart!"

"He, Ji Tai, has already ruined the overall situation, why should the old man still accommodate this bullshit overall situation!"

"Ji Tai will definitely gather all the sons of the Fish and Dragon Society in the entire capital at the headquarters of the Fish and Dragon Society, because he is worried that the Marquis of Dingguo will send people to besiege... But Mrs. Fan... Li Chen's safety, I can't rely on it on someone else."

"Even if it's Mrs. Fan, it won't work!"

At this point, Wang Zheng Jinzhong suddenly understood how important Li Chen'an was to Chang Sun Jinghong's heart!

He still didn't understand why.

Now he doubts whether this Li Chenan is the illegitimate son of Changsun Jinghong.

But he dared not ask, so he continued to listen.

"After a while, you will disperse all the people in the General Intelligence Seven, Zishi...all the people in the headquarters of the Ichthyosaur Society, remember, I am talking about everyone, kill them all!"

"We must not surprise Li Chenan in the slightest!"

"By the way, rescue Wen Xiaowan from the water prison."

Wang Zheng Jinzhong cupped his fists and saluted, "Subordinates understand!"


Changsun Jinghong looked out of the window again, and asked after a while, "If the old man handed over the Imperial City Secretary to Li Chen'an... If someone is dissatisfied, remember... kill all those who dissatisfy!"

Wang Zheng Jinzhong was taken aback again, and a turbulent sea suddenly set off in his heart, because the Imperial City Secretary is as important as the country's important weapon, this should be appointed by the emperor, but the lord actually said such a sentence.

But he still refrained from asking why.

"There's a box buried under that crooked-neck tree."

"If one day the old man leaves the Imperial City Department and doesn't come back for five days, you can dig out the box under the tree."

"You will naturally understand the reason for this old man's arrangement."

"The old man hopes that you and your son Wang Zhenghaoxuan will follow Li Chen'an to the death, no matter... no matter what difficulties you face!"

After saying this, he got up without waiting for the pot of tea.

He walked towards the stairs.

"The literary meeting is about to start, and the old man will also go to see the excitement."