
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

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260 Chs

long night sky 2

"Miss, where are you going now?"

"Go...to the palace!"

"What are you doing in the palace?"

"Go and see the fourth princess!"

Lin Xueer didn't know what the miss was doing to see the fourth princess at this time, she was very flustered and confused, and only then did she know why the miss wanted to be quiet when she came.

But she doesn't want to be quiet now.

Because the silence frightened her.

"Miraculous doctor Sun said that there will be a solution."

"I know, it's just that those methods are all too slim."

Zhongli Ruoshui looked at Lin Xueer. After knowing the truth, she calmed down, and the strength in her bones naturally emerged.

"Since ancient times, the confidante has been so unlucky. In fact, I should have died a long time ago... I should have died in the winter when I was ten years old."

"Grandpa Sun dragged me back from the hands of Hades, and God rewarded me with five years of life."

"I've been happy for the past five years."

"But the happiest is this year."

"God still takes care of me, and it sent Chen'an to my side."

"You once asked me what I liked about him...Actually, I couldn't tell at that time. But now I know!"

Zhongli Ruoshui opened the curtain of the car, looked at the bright moon in the night sky, her face was covered with bright moonlight, which made her more beautiful, the kind of beauty intertwined with regret and joy.

This kind of beauty is not seen by anyone, and even if someone sees it, it cannot be described in words.

If I had to have a metaphor, it would be like a lily flower with raindrops on a cliff under a rainbow after a rain in a mountain stream.

"I like to smell him."

"I like his wicked smile."

"I also like his indifferent temperament...and of course his amazing talent!"

"Sometimes I always think about a question, can people really have such a big change? So I often feel a little dazed, and I always feel that this Li Chenan is not the same person as the rumored Li Chenan!"

"The thought-provoking words he said, the addictive wine he brewed, and his eyes that seemed to see everything... I always feel that he is not from this world!"

"He was sent to me by God!"

"I would secretly wake up with a smile in my dreams."

"but now..."

The smile on Zhongli Ruoshui's face gradually faded, her expression became lonely again, and she withered like that lily.

She closed the curtains and shut the moonlight out of the car.

In any case, she is just a young girl, and this winter, she will be sixteen years old.

She is in the blooming season and is in the happiest time of a girl's life.

Ever since she met Li Chen'an in Guangling City, ever since she fell in love with Li Chen'an inexplicably one day, the girl's heart is sweeter than honey every day.

There are more smiles on her face than ever before, and even those peach blossoms in Peach Blossom Villa, she thinks are more beautiful than in previous years.

That's what it feels like to be in love.

She seemed to have changed a lot for him quietly.

For example, she restrained her behavior habits that were not very particular, and pretended to be weak in front of Li Chenan.

For Li Chenan, she even acted out an assassination plot.

For example, she was not active in the past, and stayed more in Taohua Villa, but later, in order to meet Li Chenan, she often went to that tavern.

Then do as she wishes.

Li Chenan also fell in love with her.

So, the figures of the two stayed in Taohua Villa together, and also stayed in the tavern under the banyan tree in Erjinggou Alley.

She doesn't care about Li Chenan's background, just like she said to Ning Chuchu——

As long as he has me in his heart, that's enough.

I am originally a wealthy family, after I marry him, the Li family will also be a wealthy family!

In her plan, when the trip to the capital is over and the two return to Guangling City, Li Chen'an will invite his father to Zhongli Mansion to propose marriage.

As for her mother's obstacles, she thought that she would be able to solve them after meeting her grandma in Kyoto.

Because everyone in the Dingguohou Mansion loves her dearly, and grandma even more!

Grandma will decide for herself, and the matter with Li Chen'an is like a nail in the coffin.

It should have been like a nail in the coffin.

Even if her mother really wanted to object, she even made plans to elope with Li Chenan.

Just like what she said to her mother, even if I leave Zhongli Mansion, so what?

But now she knew that grandma didn't ask her to come to the capital because of Li Chenan.

It's a matter of my own body.

How did it become like this?

Everything shattered in the girl's heart at this moment.

After going through the past, the girl's tears finally flowed out uncontrollably in this dark carriage.


Lin Xueer felt Zhongli Ruoshui's convulsions, she quickly supported Zhongli Ruoshui's shoulders, but she didn't know how to comfort her.

"I'm fine, just, just a little unwilling!"

Zhongli Ruoshui took out a handkerchief and wiped the tears off his face, then sat up straight, "Remember, don't reveal anything about me in front of Chen An!"

"Especially your demeanor. You have to be the same as before. He is very sensitive. If you behave strangely, he will definitely notice."

"I don't want him to worry."

"The Mid-Autumn Festival is very important, and you must not make any mistakes because of me!"

"After the Mid-Autumn Festival...we will return to Guangling City."

"I will go to the fourth princess's mansion for a while, so don't say anything. As for what I talk about with the fourth princess, you also remember what you hear... rot in your stomach!"

Lin Xue'er bowed her head, "The servant girl knows."

When the carriage came to the gate of the palace, Zhongli Ruoshui showed the badge that Ning Chuchu had given her, and the guards let her in.

However, when she arrived at the Fourth Princess' Mansion, she failed to see Ning Chuchu.

Even the maidservants in the princess mansion don't know where the fourth princess went tonight.

Zhongli Ruoshui left a word, inviting the fourth princess to meet at Huaxi Bieyuan tomorrow.

She left the palace, boarded the carriage, and headed for Huaxi Bieyuan.

No one knew that Ning Chuchu went to the headquarters of the Mirror Division.

Tonight, she is going to bring the masters of the Lijing Division to the Huo Mansion in Kyoto to make a big deal!



Huaxi Bieyuan.

A lantern was lit in the gazebo.

The first and second floors of the west building are all dark, Li Chenan went to Cheng Guogong's mansion for a banquet and hasn't come back yet, did he bring Amu with him?

Zhongli Ruoshui sat in the gazebo, propped his chin with both hands, and suddenly his eyes widened, only then did he see that the originally beautiful lotus pond under the moonlight had changed beyond recognition!

"What happened again?"

"Xue'er, go ask Xiong Da and the others."

"The maidservant first asks the kitchen to make some food for the young lady."

"No, I'm not hungry."

"...All right!"

Lin Xueer held a lantern and headed out of the courtyard, Zhongli Ruoshui thought for a moment, then also held a lantern and went to the second floor of the east building.

She took out a wooden box from a chest.

She carried the wooden box to the desk, opened it, took out the contents one by one and placed them on the desk.

These are her family property that she has bought over the years!

There are many land deeds, many house deeds, and many bank notes from the Eight Blessing Bank!

She sat in front of the desk and picked up the title deed of Huaxi Bieyuan, "This has to be given to Chen'an, otherwise he won't have a place to stay in the capital."

She picked up the land deeds and house deeds of those shops on Yuping Street, "These have to be given to Chen An, too. In the future, his reception will be sold in the capital, and these shops just need it."

"Juxian Pavilion...he will have entertainment in the capital in the future, so I have to give it to him."

"Shuiyunjian, he likes to drink tea, and he also likes to be clean, so I still have to give it to him."

"As for these banknotes, if Ning Chuchu really married him, he would definitely not just watch Ning Chuchu worry about the Department of Mirrors. The Department of Mirrors needs a lot of money. With these banknotes, he doesn't have to worry about money. It would be easier for him to live in that way."

The moonlight poured in from the window, and the girl took out two letters and a piece of paper from the bottom of the wooden box.

Unfold this piece of paper and spread it on the desk.

There are ugly words on this piece of paper, but there is the best word in her heart!

This was written by Li Chenan to her when she left Guangling City.

The name of the word is "Magpie Bridge Immortal".

"The slender clouds play tricks, the flying stars spread hatred, and the silver man travels secretly.

As soon as the golden wind and jade dew meet,

It wins but there are countless people in the world.

Tenderness is like water, good times are like dreams, and I endure the magpie bridge to return.

If the two feelings last for a long time,

How can it be day and night. "

"If the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night... But now, I only fight for this day and night, even if I can accompany you for one more day, it would be good."

She opened another letter.

The letter was still a piece of unattractive writing, but she showed a smile, thinking that the writing was extremely beautiful.

This is Li Chenan's letter back to her.

There is also a poem in the letter that she likes very much.

The title of the word is "One Cut Plum"!

"Red lotus root is fragrant and jade is left in autumn.

Untie Luo Chang lightly, and get on the Lanzhou alone.

Who in the cloud sent brocade books,

When the word geese returns, the moon is full on the west tower.

Flowers drift by themselves, water flows by itself.

One kind of lovesickness, two places of worry.

There is no way to get rid of this situation,

Only under the brow, but our hearts. "

There is really no way to get rid of this situation!

There are still three people in the world who know this poem, they are Chen Zhe, Qi Zhixue and Ning Chuchu!

I still remember that Ning Chuchu was there when I received this letter, and I recited the poem to them like a treasure, and even told Ning Chuchu that if you really begged the emperor, I really have no objection, but... ...There really is a time when you have to call me sister!

It was originally a joke, but now... I can't even be this elder sister.

In this letter, Chen An also said that after the peaches in Peach Blossom Villa were harvested, he would use those peaches to brew a kind of peach wine for himself.

He said it was a kind of wine that could be used to cool off the heat, and it was better to drink it chilled.

He never expected to come to the capital as well, those peaches had already ripened, and they were probably all rotten in the ground.

If you want to drink the iced peach wine he said, you can only have it in the next autumn!

Fall next year!

The girl looked sad, and looked at the night sky outside the window with her chin propped up.

The night sky is beautiful, with a full moon and stars.

But they all seem lonely.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for next autumn."

"If you still remember me...sprinkle that wine on my grave!"