
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

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It rained for three days.

Three days later, Li Chenan got up.

The bandages were still wrapped around his body, but even Dr. Zhang was slightly surprised when the dressing was changed in the past two days, surprised at how quickly Li Chenan's injury healed.

What Wu Xichen said three days ago has happened, of course it is not that Li Chenan is pregnant, but an internal force has been generated in his body.

Although that internal force was still as weak as a gossamer, its appearance gave Wu Xichen a glimmer of hope.

He knows that there are very few people in the world who can understand the Bu Er Zhou Tian Jue.

Throwing this inner strength mental method that originated from the Sword Cleansing Building to Li Chenan, he had no hope at first, because even the current disciples of the Sword Cleansing Tower itself no longer learn this mental method.

I can't learn it!

This mentality is extremely simple to say, just like what he said to Li Chen'an, you can practice however you want.

However, the extremely talented disciples recruited by Xijianlou were unable to do so when faced with this mental method.

Practicing this thing actually wasted their time.

So this mentality was shelved.

So when he left the Sword Cleansing Tower decades ago, he was brought out.

In his life, he has also found many talented young people in the rivers and lakes, but still no one can comprehend this mental method.

Now Li Chen'an actually said that he understood the four movements, which was beyond Wu Xichen's expectations.

He didn't practice for a long time but he had already developed internal strength, which made Wu Xichen feel very relieved.

This internal force is very special, and one of them is the powerful self-healing ability produced by it wandering through the meridians.

And the reason why Li Chenan was able to unlock Song Yuanping's acupuncture points was also the result of it forcibly colliding with Li Chenan's meridians.

It's called Bu Er Zhou Tian Jue.

No two, is the only one!

On Sunday, you need to be fulfilled without hindrance!



Strolling in the drizzled Taoyuan, Li Chenan sniffed the fresh air and moved his stiff body a bit, but he didn't dare to do the four movements of the "Bu Er Zhou Tian Jue".

It's too involved, so don't tear apart the wound that has been healed with great difficulty.

Li Chenan suddenly found that his eyes and ears seemed to be smarter than before.

He looked at the peach trees in the rain, and felt that the green leaves of the leaves were more intense and vivid. This was a bit subjective, and he couldn't be sure that it was the benefit of the Inexhaustible Heaven Art.

But hearing is more objective. For example, right now he heard the slight sound of footsteps coming from the moon gate two feet away.

It was the footsteps of two people.

He turned his head and looked, Zhongli Ruoshui was walking in front, and her personal maid Lin Xueer was following Zhongli Ruoshui.

The two came to the pavilion in the yard.

Lin Xueer held a tray in her hand, and there were two earthen pots, one large and one small, in the tray.

"It's a bit chilly today. Although your injury is better, you shouldn't come out. It's not good if you catch a cold."

Zhongli Ruoshui sat opposite Li Chenan, put the small jar beside Li Chenan, and said, "Come on, eat this jar of bird's nest while it's hot."

Li Chen'an was not polite, he took the small pot, took a small spoon, and stirred it gently a couple of times, the soup was not as crystal clear as in the previous life, but dark red, and two red dates were added in it.

He took a sip...

The taste is much worse than what I ate in my previous life.

First, it is not delicate and smooth enough, and second, the sweetness is rather abrupt.

It is estimated that the soaking time of Yanzhan was not mastered, or the heat was not mastered when stewing.

As for the sweetness...it's not the sweetness of rock sugar, it's even worse than the sweetness of white sugar.

"how is the taste?"

Zhongli Ruoshui looked at Li Chenan expectantly, because she stewed the bird's nest herself.

"...Pretty good!"

Zhongli Ruoshui's eyes turned into crescent moons with a smile, "Then eat it quickly!"


Li Chen'an was very gentle when he ate this food, spoonful after spoonful, he looked very elegant, which gave Zhongli Ruoshui a strange feeling.

She felt that Li Chenan often ate this stuff.

But she knew that Li Chenan had never tasted it before.

Li Chenan finished eating this cup of bird's nest, and then asked Zhongli Ruoshui, "Sugar... What kind of sugar is there in the market?"

"Maltose or caramel, the stewed bird's nest is made of caramel. Caramel is sweet and has the effect of nourishing the spleen and nourishing qi and relieving pain. It's just right for you to eat."


Li Chenan understood why the bird's nest was this color, because the caramel was not white in the first place.

"Is there such a thing as sugar cane? It's a kind of plant with a lot of juice and sweetness."

Zhongli Ruoshui was stunned, "I've never heard of sugar cane, but... isn't it bamboo cane that is juicy and sweet?"

"But that thing can only be available in autumn, and someone in Guangling Prefecture grows it."

Li Chen is at ease, bamboo cane should be sugar cane.

With that thing, white sugar can be made.

And white granulated sugar is far better than maltose or caramel, if it is made out, it will definitely be a best-selling product with high quality and high price.

"Why are you asking this?"

"You will know when the time comes. Now our focus is still on the brewing workshop. Have all the craftsmen who built the brewing workshop been recruited?"

"Steward Xiao has already invited all the first ones, but I thought about it, we'd better wait for you to recover before we start work, and there is no rush."

"Okay, about Song Yuanping, is there still a lot of trouble outside?"

"Last night, I asked my brother. Thirty-nine people died in the lakeside family. After all, it was a major case in Guangling City over the years."

"Liu Zhifu personally handled this case. Many people have been arrested and locked up in the prison in the past few days... Oh, by the way, the dozens of people from the Ax Gang were released, but they were all kept in prison for three days. Huaxiangzi used to be the entrance of the Ax Gang."

"My brother said that in this case, Huo Chuanming of the Huo family, that is, the judge of Guangling Prefecture, had some conflicts with Liu Zhifu."

"What contradiction?"

"You drink the soup first, and I'll tell you slowly."

Li Chenan took the can of chicken soup, and while drinking it, he heard Zhongli Ruoshui slowly coming.

"Huo Chuanming thinks that this case is related to you, because before this case happened, you and Li Xiaohua had been to people by the lake several times."

"You disappeared after the other case happened, and Li Xiaohua was injured again. Huo Chuanming wanted to summon Li Xiaohua, but Liu Zhifu denied his proposal."

"Liu Zhifu said that you and Song Yuanping have nothing to do with each other. In addition, Song Yuanping is a member of the Fish and Dragon Society. He also has martial arts. You or Li Xiaohua together are not Song Yuanping's opponents. What's more, Zhuoyu Xiaozhu and the Fish and Dragon Society at that time There are so many masters."

"Anyway, Liu Zhifu asked the government's arresters to focus on the Jianghu people in Guangling City. As for how the case will be concluded in the end, my brother said that it must be beheading a few white ducks... that is, the original death sentence in the prison. He committed the crime of pulling out the autumn queen and asking to be beheaded."

From this point of view, this is a great favor owed to Liu Zhuo.

Zhongli Ruoshui leaned over at this moment, looked at Li Chenan seriously and said, "Brother reminded me of one thing."

"What is it?"

"Yulonghui is a sword in Prime Minister Ji's hand!"

"The masters of the Ichthyosaur Society in Guangling Prefecture have almost been killed. This matter will definitely reach the ears of Prime Minister Ji."

"Brother said that even if this case is covered up, Prime Minister Ji will definitely not let it go. I'm afraid he will send more powerful people. You should be more careful in the future!"