
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

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260 Chs

Broken sleeve addiction

A branch of the big banyan tree in Li Chenan's shop stretched out from the yard and onto the alley.

The leaves on that branch were also very lush, and no one noticed that there was a person sitting among the thick leaves.

Of course she is Murong He.

She was in a position where she could see the door to the tavern.

She didn't want to scare Su Muxin, she just wanted to protect him silently until one day he got married.

Are you a little silly?

She laughed at herself, thinking that she was indeed a bit stupid.

When I was fourteen years old, I heard the senior brothers who came back from the sword academy talk about the people and things outside. That was the first time I heard the name Su Muxin, and it was also the first time I saw the book "Su Muxin" that the second senior brother brought back. Anthology of Poems".

The second senior brother said that there are many talented people in Ning country today, but there are still talented scholars who really come from poor families, and Su Muxin is the only one!

At that time, I remembered the name and the poems he wrote.

Then I heard many things about him, such as

He studied under Hua Manting, a great Confucian in Ningguo.

He was a scholar at the age of twelve, an imperial examination at the age of thirteen, and a Jinshi at the age of seventeen, that is, last year, and was handpicked by the emperor as the second place in the palace examination!

People often say that talented scholars are beautiful, and she knows that she can't be considered as beautiful as a flower in those dramas, but the master said that if you really like it, then go for it boldly.

Just like Grand Master Fan Taohua Fan.

Uncle Shi is a legend of Songshan Sword Academy.

The uncle was only seventeen years old when he went down the mountain, and she went down the mountain to run towards Zhong Lipo.

It's not because of Zhong Lipo's literary talent and martial arts, let alone the status of Zhongli Mansion in Ning State.

It's just because Zhong Lipo is handsome.

I also went down the mountain at the age of seventeen, because of Su Muxin's talent, he is both handsome and talented, but I... I don't have the face of my uncle, nor the courage of my uncle.

Murong He sighed inwardly, and saw a young man in white coming to the door of the tavern.

He is Su Muxin.

Today is the first day he has come to this tavern as a shopkeeper.

He pushed open the door and walked in. It wasn't the time for the tavern to open, so he closed the door again and went to the backyard.

Li Chenan looked at Su Muxin.

Su Muxin also looked at Li Chenan, then touched his face, "Is there a flower on my face?"

"No, I think you are more beautiful than flowers."


"Xiao Su, you...do you have a fiancée?"

"Don't call me Xiao Su! How can I, Xiao Su, get married before I start a career? Where did I get my fiancée?"

"Oh, it's better not to."

Su Muxin felt that Li Chenan was a little confused today, "What's wrong with you?"

"Xiao Su, do you like chivalrous women? The ones who are very skilled and willing to protect you for the rest of your life?"

"No, what happened to you?"

"You answer my question first."

Su Muxin thought about it carefully, "I'm a scholar. Although I have a second place title, I don't have any official position. I still have to beg for food in your tavern. How can I choose a fiancée?"

"Does that mean you don't object?"

"Why the conflict? As long as the two are in love, it doesn't matter whether she is a chivalrous woman or a peasant woman, I don't think it matters."

"Oh, all right."

"No, you haven't answered me yet, why are you asking this?"

"It's nothing. As the owner of this tavern, I have to care about your marriage. You are not too young. If one day I meet a suitable person, can I be a matchmaker for you?"

Su Muxin glared at Li Chenan, "You're not young anymore, you should think about yourself first. When shall we open the door?"

"No rush, the guests are used to us opening the door in the afternoon."

"By the way, Xiao Su, have you been to Ningxiang Pavilion?"

"...I went there with Qi Zhixue a few days ago."

"Have you ever met a man named Song Yuanping?"


"Well, man."

Su Muxin looked at Li Chenan like an idiot, "Go to the Ningxiang Hall to find a man... I can't do it."

"How about we go to the Ningxiang Pavilion in the evening?"

"You, do you have a habit of breaking sleeves?"

When Cuihua on the side heard this, she looked at Li Chenan with a strange gaze.

She turned her head to look at Li Xiaohua who was holding a stone pier in the corner, and suddenly found something, no wonder the embroiderer took Li Xiaohua out every morning... no wonder he would not hesitate to send Miss Shen His marriage certificate was withdrawn... No wonder he was kicked out of the house by his father!

Cuihua looked thoughtfully, took another deep look at Li Chenan, and walked towards the west wing.

"Break your sister! We just go to the Ningxiang Pavilion to listen to the song and have a drink."

"I don't have a sister. If I want to drink, the wine in our tavern is much better. As for listening to the song, that's the same thing, I won't go!"

"I order you in the name of Junior Martial Uncle!"

"...You are really shameless!"

"Today you are the second one to call me shameless."

"Who's the first one?"

"Your fiancee."


Su Muxin turned around and walked out. He came to the shop in front of him and didn't open the door. Instead, he ordered a drink or two by himself, sat at a table and sipped it carefully.

Before the glass of wine was finished, there was a knock on the door.

He walked over and opened the door, and there was a policeman standing at the door.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Li in there?"

"Yes, did he commit a crime?"

"Ah, no, yesterday's case has some clues, so I'll come down and tell him."

"Come in!"

Chen Ergou walked in, came to the backyard, smiled and bowed to Li Chen'an, "Mr. Li, Chen Ergou!"

"Good morning catcher Chen!"

"Hello Mr. Li! That's it. Yesterday, Mr. Cai personally interrogated the gangsters of the Ax Gang. Those gangsters were instructed by Chen Chun, the leader of the Ax Gang."

"Master Cai ordered to go down and arrest Chen Chun... Mr. Li, behind this incident, there is the shadow of the Huo family."

"The Huo family is very powerful in our Guangling City. Mr. Huo Chuanming is the general judge of our Guangling Prefecture, so what Mr. Cai means is that this case ends here, but Mr. Li has to be more careful in the future."

Li Chenan frowned, he knew that sooner or later the Huo family in Guangling would do this with him, but he didn't expect that he still failed to deter the Huo family even though he borrowed Hua Manting's name.

This time, the Huo family only used the bastards of the Ax Gang to test it out. Although they failed, they would definitely not give up for this method of Huapingchun.

I have the brand of the Mirror Division on my body, but I can't use it. It seems that the matter of recruiting the bronze agent of the Mirror Division should be done sooner.

Recruit more martial arts masters to keep yourself safe!

"Thank you, Catcher Chen," Li Chenan turned his head and yelled at the west wing, "Cuihua, bring me a catty of wine!"

After a while, Cuihua brought a small wine jar.

Li Chen'an stuffed the jar of wine into Chen Ergou's hands, "Chen Butou, I need you to worry about this place from now on!"

"Young Master Li, you can't do it, you can't do it!"

"That's out of the question, but Chen Butou, don't mention this wine to others, or I won't be able to explain the rules of this tavern to those guests!"

Chen Ergou's face was full of smiles, this is a full two taels of silver!

This Mr. Li is very generous, and he will come again.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, from now on, no, I will send two policemen to guard your tavern after a while!"