
The Most Incompetent Person In This World

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
290 Chs


For children who had turned thirteen this year, today's event was going to

be the turning point of their lives. It was the day they would find out what

their gifts were.

「You're also nervous, right, Kaa-kun?」

An adorable girl with shoulder-length blue hair looked up at me with her

usual gentle expression as if seeking an agreement with me.

Contrary to her words, this girl didn't seem to be nervous at all. She is

Reina Groat, my childhood friend.


We would receive God's blessing today. Last night, I was so high strung

that I couldn't sleep all night.

「Rena has been wondering what Rena will get in her blessi~ng. She's fine

even if she receives the "princess" gift, but please spare her from receiving

the "Rabbi~t" gift.」

She said to me as she turned round and round on her spot.

Naturally, I knew that she was joking. She just wanted to look cute. But

well, she might really feel that way. I mean, her airheaded nature was an

exact copy of my mother's nature.

「Well, I think getting "princess" is pretty much impossible. And there's no

rabbit gift in the first place.」

I mean, that's royalty. Rena's remark was by no means disrespectful to

royalty. However, I've known her ever since I can remember. I know that

she loves to be spoiled by others like a princess, so I didn't feel it was

unnatural for her to become one. Actually, I could hear a muffled laugh

from the child who had lined up behind Rena and happened to hear her


「Really? Too bad…」

When I patted Rena, who dropped her shoulder in disappointment, she shut

her eyes as if she were enjoying it.

「What about you, Kaa-kun」

「Uhm, maybe… something like swordsmanship.」

It was a big fat lie. I don't want swordsmanship or any gift related to

swords. My grandfather wishes for me to receive a swordsmanship gift so

that I can become the successor of the Heineman family's dojo. However,

what I wish for is something completely different. I want a gift that would

help me become an outstanding hunter like my mother.

Hunter―they are the pioneers who explore unexplored regions or

dangerous areas or subjugate dangerous monsters in this world. It was an

occupation where one would often brush with death. Therefore, a hunter

needed necessary gifts to help them in their jobs.

To be honest, I don't have even a bit of talent in swordsmanship. My

memorization ability is below that of the average of a normal child of my

age. The same goes for my strength. In fact, I am the weakest amongst the

children in my age group. Moreover, there is Roman, who is like a mass of

talents amongst my relatives. That's why I think it's okay to appoint him as

the dojo's successor.

Suddenly, I heard a loud cheer from the inside of the temple. It seems we've

got a rare gift holder this year.



I appropriately replied to Rena's inquiry while absentmindedly looking at

the temple.

A few minutes later―


A beautiful girl with long, wavy blonde hair ran toward us.

「Ah! Lyla-chan!」

Rena, who was standing beside me, greeted the new girl with the same,

angelic smile as before.

This blonde girl is also one of my childhood friends, Lyla Hellner. She's the

only ranked girl of the big dojo of Heineman sword style in Lamour. She is

also my fiancee.

「How was the result?」

「As expected! Not too far off from the prediction.」

Lyla shrugged in disappointment. She was the same as me; her future path

has been predetermined. And the gift she has received is the very testament

of that. That's why she feels a bit disappointed.

While I pondered about what to say to Lyla, two men came out from the


One of them was a brown-haired youth with handsome and graceful

features. The other one was a tall young man with long, blue hair tied

behind him.

When I saw lines of adults wearing pure white armor following the two of

them, I approached them while tilting my head in puzzlement.

「Roman, Keith, are you by chance―」

「Lyla-san, my gift is [Spear King].」

Before I finished my question, Roman pushed me aside and spoke to Lyla.

「I know. I saw it already.」

「I-I see!」

After sending a triumphant glance at me, Roman looked at the adults in

white armor who had lined up behind him.

One of those adults stepped out of their formation.

「You're Lyla Hellner, I presume. I'm from the Saint King Sorcery Knight

Order. I've heard about your gift. My apologies, but may I ask a little bit of

your time?」

He called out to Lyla.

「But, I'm different from Roman. My gift isn't a rare one.」

「I know, but you're the daughter of the Hellner family. Anyhow, you're

someone who has received proper combat training every day. When such a

person receives the [Advanced Swordsman] gift, it's bound to be a big

deal. Naturally, you've no obligation nor you'll be forced to go against your

will. It's kinda like a job offer for you.」

The old knight in white armor bowed to Lyla.

Saint King Sorcery Knight Order is the most elite knight order in the

Ameria kingdom. With their authority, they should be able to force Lyla to

join their ranks, but when one of their members bowed his head like that, it

was even more difficult for Lyla to refuse their offer.

「I understand.」

Lyla chewed her lips for a moment after she sent a glance to Rena and me.

She finally gave in to the old man's request.

「This isn't something to talk about in such a place. Oh right! Our knight

order also has an office in this Lamour. Let's talk there!」

After quickly speaking, the old man in white armor headed out of this place.

「Let's go together, Lyla-san.」

「Ye… ah.」

Although Lyla repeatedly looked at us with a reluctant expression, she

finally left this place at Roman's urging.

(Sorry, Kai! Roman has been too excited since he learned about his gift.)

Keith apologized for Roman's actions with a whisper while clapping his

hands together.

(Don't worry about us! Look, you're about to be left behind by them.)

Hearing that, Keith Steinberg hurriedly looked at the two of them. He

nodded to me for the last time, then chased after the group.

「Let's go Kai-kun!」

I was looking at the place where Lyla had disappeared amongst the crowd

of people when Rena's voice snapped me out of my daze.

Since it was our turn next, the crystal released a blinding light the moment

Rena touched it to receive God's blessing. And then―

「S-Sword… S-saint.」

The moment one of the priests muttered these words, the entire temple

erupted in turmoil.

「No way! After Spear King and Archmage, we got a Sword Saint too! Just

what in the world is wrong with the children this year!」

The knight from Saint King Sorcery Knight Order who was beside the

priest couldn't hide his excitement either.

It was natural. Sword Saint was the symbol of pride for any swordsman.

Just like Sage and Hero, when the Demon race had risen in power, Sword

Saint had been a symbol of a heaven's chosen person who was bound to

fight the demon race along with the Sage and the Hero. In short, Rena


「This means that the advent of the Demon Race is just around the


The knight from Saint King Sorcery Knight Order's muttered with an

extremely anxious look on his face.

「This is a temple. Please don't say something that may cause mass panic

in the public!」

The priest warned the knight to shut up for now.

「M-My bad!」

The knight snapped out, hurriedly shut his mouth, and bowed to the priest.

「Well then, next.」

My heartbeat accelerated as I arrived in front of the priest. The priest

recited an aria and placed a talisman on my forehead. Then, my body shone

with a dim light.

Suddenly, I felt like my body had become far heavier than before as if a full

plate mail had been placed on me.

Is this a kind of restriction before I'll receive a revelation? Strange! How

come I've never heard about such a restriction before.

Despite the heaviness, I kept walking up the stairs while thinking about

such matters. The moment I reached the altar, I placed my hand on the



Even though the crystal usually shone when someone placed their hand on

top of it, it didn't show any reaction this time.

After frowning for a while, the priest peeked into the crystal. Then, he

raised his face and looked at me with an expression as if he were looking at


「The Most Incompetent In This World」

He spat out those words.