
The Moonlight That Brings You To Me

"You wish to leave?" The young count sneered at her threateningly. "This castle will become your grave! "You are a sicko, Blaine!" They were the half-siblings, for the god's sake! After transmigrating into the body of Arianell Fiore, a minor character from the bad-written book, she found herself entangled in completely different story. The heroine was a spoiled brat, the crown prince only thought about the freedom and run away from the responsibilities, her half-brother was weirdly obsessing over her... But wait, why wasn't this handsome swordmaster hiding by her side ever mentioned in the original novel? She just wanted to finish her meal in peace, but the family that kicked her out is planning for her downfall. Ladies and gentlemen, please brace yourself. The Goddess is coming back and she will have her revenge.

JadeLuna91 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
324 Chs

Leaving the house (1)

"Listen, those are spicy, so warn people before they try it," Arianell instructed a girl. Before them laid jars filled with fruits of different green shades, some of them even black. They were stuffed with various ingredients, including the bright red chilli pepper. Arianell prepared several brines and marinades, in which olives were pickled and preserved. 

In the past three years, Arianell has introduced several olives products to the market. She started with oil, olives bread, ointment or even skincare cream, and people gradually got used to those weird experiments. Now, she wanted them to eat olea fruits directly. It was a risk, as people were still prejudiced.