
The Moon's Descendant

In a small fishing town on Cape Breton Island of Nova Scotia, is where the young Zelena Baxter calls home. Bullied, abused and all alone, Zelena lived the past 18 years of her life not knowing if she would see tomorrow. All that changes when she runs into the beautiful and alluring Gunner Mathers. After rescuing Zelena from the brink of death, Gunner opens her up to the unknown world of possibilities, showing her all that she had been missing. Zelena dives headfirst into the unusual world of her new family, her path of rediscovery, sexual awakening and the newfound feeling of unconditional love. With each new revelation, Zelena’s ability to draw a line between reality and fantasy is blurring. As she learns more about her mysterious past and where she has come from, Zelena is compelled to question everything that she once thought was true and real. All those childhood stories of monsters in the forest, are no longer just stories. A dangerous threat is fast approaching, risking everything that Zelena has come to love. Now she must swallow her fear and her pain and shun the darkness that has forever surrounded her, if she has any hope of surviving. Can Zelena fully embrace the life that destiny has chosen for her, or is the reality of her legacy too much to bear? With her allies filtering in, the question of whether or not this will be enough to save them plagues her mind. Is Zelena the one they need in order to live, or will she be the cause of their destruction? Only the Goddess knows.

Kay_Pearson · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

Chapter 12 - The Birth of a Wolf


I got to my classroom and slumped down at my desk. I managed to wait an hour into class when caved and finally flashed Smith,

**How's it going, is she okay?**

**Dude she's fine, I even made her laugh**

**Thanks Smith. Walk with her to lunch okay**

**Whatever you say boss**

When lunch came, I went straight to the cafeteria to wait for Smith and Zelena. Cole got there before us, so he stood with me and waited. When Smith came running down the hall alone, I looked for her, but I couldn't see her behind him.

"Where's Zelena?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him,

"She wanted to drop her bag off at her locker first, said to meet her here"

"I told you to walk with her" I growled leaning closer to Smith.

"Gunner, she'll be fine" Cole said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I wasn't happy, but I let it go. We stood and waited for another minute, but she still didn't show. I felt uneasy in my stomach, like something was wrong. I remember what my mum said about sharing feelings on a deeper scale. Is that what's happening here? I closed my eyes and listened. I could hear something happening in a few hallways over. Something wasn't right.

"I'm gonna go find her" I said to the boys over my shoulder as I begun speed walking towards the lockers.

I didn't need to look back, I knew they were right behind me. As we got to the hall there was a crowd of kids all piled in, trying to see around the corner. I pushed my way through them easily enough, and as I got around the corner my entire body blistered with rage. Demi had Zelena by the throat up against the locker. I threw kids to the side as I forced my way through the crowd. I got to the front of people and grabbed Demi by the back of the head. With inhuman like strength, I threw her across the floor. She landed at the feet of the ape from the cafeteria yesterday. I stood glaring at her as she picked herself up off the floor. I could feel my bones starting to twist and break and the heat run through my body. I was going to tear this bitch apart with my teeth. I advanced towards her baring my teeth when Cole and Smith pounced on me, holding down my arms. I shoved them off and took a few more steps closer to her before they pounced on me again. I struggled and fought to get free, managing to only get one arm loose. Throwing my arm out towards the repugnant bitch, I clipped her shoulder with my protruding claws. Nowhere near deep enough, but enough to get a squeal of pain from her.

"LET ME GO!" I screamed, fighting to break free.

I want her dead. I want to taste her blood in my mouth as her life leaves her body.

**Calm down Gunner, you're starting to change**

Cole begged me silently, but I ignored him.

"I'll fucking kill you if you ever touch her again" I howled at her.

The little bitch was now hiding behind her big jock friend.

"Come on mate, enough" Cole said out loud.

I was still trying to shake Cole and Smith off me when I smelt the blood. I turned around and saw Zelena struggling to stand.

**Let me go, now**

I pushed through them and ran to Zelena's side. I grabbed her waist to help her up and she flinched, which made my blood boil even more. Couldn't she see I was the one protecting her, I was helping her. Why does she shudder from my touch, if we're a truly destined then she should crave it, not fear it.

"She's a fucking psycho Gunner!" Demi screeched at me.

I turned to look at her and growled, if she says just one more thing, I will tear her to pieces. The crowd fell silent, and I quickly glanced around the hall at some of them. They were all scared of me, all of them looking at me with terror on their faces.

I lifted Zelena's feet off the ground and began to run for the exit, once we were through the doors and outside, I used my speed and got her away from those parasites. I stopped on the edge of the car park by the forest. I put her back down and stood in front of her. I looked at her arms, her face, her neck, everywhere, but I couldn't see any blood.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

I could still smell the fresh blood on her, but I couldn't see where it was coming from. I put my hands on her cheeks, she was burning hot. She was about to change. I could feel her pain and I could hear the bones cracking inside her. Cole and Smith ran up behind me and I waved to them to get back.

**Stay back, she's changing**

"Zeleeeeena" I said slowly backing away from her.

On the birth of a Weres wolf, the change can make them very unpredictable and lash out at whoever is closest to them. She threw herself on the ground tossing and floundering around. I would give anything to ease her pain, but there is nothing I can do now, she's too far into the change. She was up on her hands, her back end already in the form of a wolf. The deep obsidian fur was slowly crawling its way over her neck. Arching her back and twisting her neck out to the side, she lifted her head and screamed. As the last of her change took over, her face morphed and elongated into the shape of a wolfs muzzle. Her scream melted into a howl and the change was done. She was magnificent. A smaller than average werewolf, with a shining coat, so deep dark black that it had a purple hue to it. She is the most beautiful wolf I have ever come across. She jumped around and stared at me. Her eyes were glowing a bright yellow, she was truly breathtaking. I had my hands up to show her that I meant her no harm. I was taking very small slow steps back from her. I held her gaze hoping she would still recognize me. She quickly turned on her back legs and took off into the forest, faster than I've ever seen a new wolf run.

"Okay, I believe you now" breathed Cole.

I turned and grinned at them with a sense of pride washing over me.

"Wasn't she spectacular?" I gushed,

"Did you see that coat, it was beautiful"

"I've never seen a wolf that color before" said Smith scratching his head.

"I know. me either" I smiled,

"Come on, let's go after her" I said as I started to turn to the forest.

"No Gunner, we're meant to let them run, you know that" Cole said firmly.

"I know, but this is different she's my Mate"

"Mate or not, let her be".

I didn't like it, but I knew he was right. We took off into the forest and headed for home, probably best not to go back to school again after all that. We got to the village not long after lunch. Dad and Spartan were sitting with two other pack members by the smoking hut. He spotted us as we ran in.

"Gunner, get over here" he bellowed from across the clearing.

We shuffled over to them slowly, preparing ourselves for the tongue lashing we were about to get. My dad was a very strict man. That's how grandpa raised him. And that's how he's kept the pack safe for so many years. He was a tall man with big broad shoulders and bulging muscles. His hair was a dark sandy blonde, like mine and my sister's. I don't remember the last time I saw my dad without a big bushy beard. Smith's worried voice filled my head as we neared them,

**Oh shit we are in so much trouble**


**Are you going to tell him about Demi?**

**No, just follow my lead**

"Hey Dad, what's up?" I asked trying to play it cool,

"Why aren't you at school, boy?"

"Free period this afternoon, so we came home to study"

"Really, all three of you?"

He didn't look up from the deer he was skinning. I gulped, I was nervous. I had to fight so hard for him to let me go to an actual school, if he found out what just happened in the hallway, he won't let us go back.

"Yep, all three of us" I said with a cheerful tone.

He was quiet for a minute, still not looking up from his deer.

"Go on inside the house, your mother has chores for you to do" he grumbled and I sighed with relief.

"Yes sir" I said as we turned and walked away, walking a lot faster this time.

**Phew that was close**

I turned and gave them both a crooked grin as we walked into the main house.