
The Moment I became a Priest

The Moment I became a Priest is a tale that takes place a Fantasy world filled with monsters, eldritch beings, and many more of the supernatural. In one of many tales, we follow the journey of a young Priestess loyal to her religion and has a simple goal of becoming an Adventurer. Once she found a group she was thrilled to walk alongside them and thus began her journey. (Warning: This story may have elements unsuitable for some readers.)

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1 Chs

Chapter 1 | Ceremony and Adventure!

Quick disclaimer: For those of you sensitive to disturbing details, click off this chapter

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In the chambers of an abandoned Cathedral, a melodic voice called out. Under the moonlight, there was young Maiden dressed in white robes clinging to a dead body, by the sight of his body his death was gruesome for he was disemboweled as the young Maiden caressed his bloody face, bathing her pure white robes in the blood the Maiden rather than sadness felt confusion. Her blissful thinking of this conflict was to be resolved by peaceful means ended up with her overpowering her opponent.

Slowly emerging out of the darkness was undead Knights donning in dark armor dragging with them their heavy longswords and the bodies of the boy's party members, torn in half or ripped apart by brute strenght the Knights would throw them towards near the Priest as she stood up.

"Rest well. Prosperity awaits you." Her soft voice spoken, sending them off to the unknown, the Knights would liquify its presence and would crawl towards the Priest whom which slowly walked out of the Cathedral.

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In the chambers of a Cathedral, a ceremonial matter took place. It was a special day for many, especially aspiring Priests and one of them was summoned upon.

"Alice Rosanthel."

As her name was called, she stood from her seat and walked on the red carpet elegantly and gracefully like a proper Aristocrat. As she neared the Bishops, many in their seats would comment of her beautiful white hair, fragile white skin and her medium bust but none could see her face as it was covered by a white cloth with golden trinkets many were concerned of just how fragile because on this ceremonial day, the blessed Priests can finally part ways from the Church and spread the word of Avalon whether in the Battlefield or an Orphanage.

Once she walked upon the stairs, she kneeled on her knees and her blessing commenced. With the 51 present Bishops all of them prayed with a series of prayers, a series of multiple prayers that sounded harmonious. All 51 Bishops, wrinkled and old asked for Avalon to bless the generation after

"May Avalon guide you child." The old man declared.

"In this life, I will not be astray."

Right after the ceremony was over, Alice immediately went straight to her dorm to rest before departing tomorrow, given that the Ceremony lasted for 4 hours it was draining to say the least. Before heading to take a nap, Alice wanted to write about the experience before stepping off the comforts of Cathedral and walk alongside a Party that she had always dreamt off as Alice was about to write on her memoir, a voice called out.

"So, your finally going to depart huh?"

"Uh, yeah I guess." Alice answered to her friend Erza, despite maintaining the matters and act of an Aristocrat, those that know Alice personally knows that she's usually timid though given her circumstances it was understandable as her parents did not support her dream of becoming a Priest and argued that she should find a powerful man to marry, Alice remained stubborn and so she was left alone under the Cathedral's care allowing guilt to build up over the years.

Erza would sigh, walking towards her bed to sit down she would continue.

"Do me a favor Alice, once we separate paths can we see each other again."

Alice flinched for a moment, this was the day she and Erza was gonna separate paths. Alice wanting to go on wild adventures while Erza wanted to remain in the Cathedral as devout helper.

"Of course." Alice replied, fully aware that her desire to adventure may cost her life. As time passed, Alice still covering her face and with her luggage would step out of the Cathedral, having laid out her plans for the future her first move was to register as an Adventurer. Moving through the busy City, making a few stops before arriving at the Establishment's entrance. Inside, she would find a large number of people discussing on what their next hunt should be, what equipment they should buy, etc.

Making her way to the counter after a long line, she would be greeted by a brown haired woman with green eyes.

"Good morning, how may I help you today?"

"I would like to register please." Alice replied.

"Very well, may I acquire a Baseplate?"

Alice would follow, offering a Platinum Baseplate leaving the woman with a shocked expression. "May I ask, but are you an Aristocrat-"

"Yes, I am." Alice was quick to shut her down, the woman didn't elaborate further and took Alice's Baseplate, placing it on a Magical Circle the Baseplate would show all of Alice's information and her family name.

"R-Rosanthe-?" Alice would quickly act to keep her identity a secret.

"Hush." Alice said, she took out her pouch and asked.

"How much for a room?"

"10 Trocats per night."

Alice would give her 70 Trocats for a full week, while the Cathedral is benevolent it doesn't offer any Trocats for Priests who wants to be independent this was usually because the Cathedral kept on spending on multiple Government programs such as Urbanization Programs, Agricultural Reforms, and is one of the biggest investors in Adventurer Enterprises naturally it would leave the Cathedral's funds dry thus, most Priests would have to work under the Cathedral for a year or 2 to be finally independent and under the Cathedral's care is a luxury in itself as it accommodates all of its workers in good living conditions. Alice was able to skip through this typical process as her family gave her annual funds which would be worth an entire 2 months of work by a peasant provided that his expenses were the bear minimal.

Alice would be guided to her room, once inside she placed her luggage and looked at the interior. It wasn't particularly the best but not the worst either, however it offered a comfortable bed and that's all that mattered though she might have to do some cleaning.

Once it was noon, after Alice was done cleaning she figured that it was time to look for a Party. Being basically set financially for life all she needed now was a party, and so grabbing her staff and covering face with a white cloth she would walk towards the Adventurers Hub to hopefully find a group, not a moment later a young black haired man would approach Alice

"Uhh, pardon me miss. But are you a Priest by chance?"

"Yes I am, why?" Alice replied

"Oh, wanna join our party. We're lacking a Healer you see, we were hoping that you could join us."

Observing the party closely, Alice deduced the big guy as the Tank, a blonde haired female Elf an Archer and the Party leader as a Mage. From her deduction they were indeed lacking but nonetheless a sufficient party for Short-Term engagements.

"Very well, I will join your party."

The leader's expression would glow up into a huge smile with his party members sighing in relief signifying their desperate need of a Healer.

"Thank you, my name is Anderson. His name is Hanson and her name is Istru."

"You can call me Alice."

"Alice huh? I see, please take care of us." Not a moment later, Hanson would intervene. He was big and bulky to say the least.

"Seeing that your now a member of our party, you up for an Engagement?"

"Uh, sure." Alice's reply would be followed up by a loud laughter from Hanson. "That's the spirit! My life is in your hands.". Alice would inwardly squeal, now doubting her abilities to be a sufficient healer as Istru would mostly remain quiet.

Having everything sorted out, the Party would head towards the board to take an Engagement. Varying from multiple tasks such as the extermination of Goblins, burning a Ickrannids Hive, or simple herb collecting.

"Hmmm, you all want to take this one?" Anderson questioned, looking at the Engagement the task was rather simple mapping out a Monster Cave with a promising bounty, from the description the monsters appear to be low level a non-risky Engagement with a promising bounty was too good to pass up.

"Hmmmm, very well we shall take this Engagement. What do you think Istra?" Handerson said, mistaking Istru's name.

"It's Istru, idiot."

Left to their own devices, the two would start to argue as Anderson asked.

"Do you have anything to say about this quest, Alice?"

"No, I do not."

Anderson satisfied would declare. "We will depart early in the morning, for now we will have to rest. Finding a healer was rather exhausting." Alice laughed a little before agreeing to the designated time, returning to her room Alice would bathe in a personal bathroom. The room Alice was given was donated by the Cathedral, kicking off a hunch that the Cathedral seemed to know where Alice was going. For the most part, the special rooms were mostly empty for most of their owners is probably on an engagement.

Once morning came, Alice with her new Party would depart from the Town cramped in a covered carriage full of goods with Anderson in the front accompanying the man, they would stay in the cramped position for a short while. Nothing Alice expected but it was nonetheless progress.

Once the journey hit the 1 hour mark, the Carriage would suddenly stop.

"We'll have to stop here to take a short break, the Horses are thirsty." Anderson explained, hopping off the carriage as his party does the same. Alice would breath in for fresh air stretching her back, the others went to grab water as Alice sat with the Cart's wheel on her back as the Horses were disconnected from the Carriage to drink some water.

"So, when are we going to move again?" Alice asked.

"5-10 minutes most likely." Anderson replied, pouting a little bit Alice was indeed impatient, she expected something rather exciting as the tales of Adventurers go.

Once everything was once again done, they were once again on the move. The peaceful and beautiful farmlands, the soothing winds and the dancing flora it was like traveling through the steps of Heaven.

To pass the time, Alice would document her time in the Carriage describing it as rather mundane somewhat betraying her expectations but was patient to see the boring journey through but writing wasn't sufficient and so she resorted to reading a book, specifically her old notes during her time in the Cathedral to test if she had forgotten anything.

"You sure like books." Istru said, surprising Alice in turn as she assumed that both of them were asleep.

"It's just a habit that I developed during my time at the Cathedral."

"I see, did you recently graduate?"

Alice was taken aback a bit, asking. "Was it that obvious?" to which Istru replied. "I'm an Elf, I've seen and remember things." As the 2 talked for a bit, the Carriage would suddenly stop, allowing everyone to fall forwards and forcefully waking Hanson up. As Istru was about to investigate they would hear multiple murmured voice but one particular voice stood out.

"Give us your goods and we'll let you go scot free."

Alice was unsure what to do however she could see both Istru and Hanson prepare themselves roaring to go. As Istru gathered her arrows while she whispered.

"Alice, prepare casting were gonna have to fight."

Heeding to her Command, Alice casted silently as the covers behind opened. Istru let out an Arrow scoring a hit in the chest. Hander son was the first to jump out, taking any bandits in the back by surprise clearing out space for Istru to shoot. Alice would finish her casting allowing for Plate like structures to orbit in a tilted manner around the trio, just in time as Hanson was about get shot by arrow if it weren't for the sudden intervention of the Divine Plates.

"Woah, I feel stronger." Hanson commented, smirking at the bandits and went all out. As for Anderson's situation, he was being assisted by Istru who stood on top of the Carriage firing out arrows and fire magic at the unfortunate bandits while Alice remained inside of the Carriage before suddenly a Bandit managed to sneak past and attempted to assault Alice only to be grabbed and choked by an invisible force.

"May Avalon guide you to a better path." Alice prayed kneeling herself infront of the floating man before eventually the invisible force denied the man's ability to breath and slowly die.

"Alice are you alright?" Anderson worriedly asked before seeing the man float in the air lifelessly.

"Yes, I am." Anderson would nod in relief before once again looking back at the floating man and let out a deep breath.

After a few minutes, the dead bandits were gathered as Alice prayed for them. "You know, for a Priest. Your a ruthless one." Hanson commented.

"The Cathedral defines death as a restart to those deserving of it, for some it could even be seen as the highest of mercy, this philosophical reasoning was established by Pope Ramiel that not everyone is truly evil they are only a product of their circumstances. But nonetheless their actions cannot be forgiven hence why the Cathedral executes only the most heinous of people as a mercy to redeem themselves in the next life."

"Hmm, I see." Hanson was in deep though for a moment before the bodies would be burned by Anderson, Alice remained on her knees and prayed.

"May you all live your life well in the next."