

Time slowly passed as lunch came around the corner. Now, from what Will could remember in his past life was that in high school you could sit anywhere you like with your phones out but middle school lunch was not like that.

You had to sit with your class that you came to lunch as well while not having any electronics. This was something Will kinda didn't get, I mean they were 8th graders about to head to head into high school. They should at least get them ready by allowing them the experience.


Anyways, Lunch came around with Alex class coming in which was the last class as basically almost half or more of the cafeteria turned their heads to look at Will.

Will was like a fight scene. People just had to look to see what was going on and if the people who weren't looking saw others looking, they would get curious as well but instead of Will fighting it was his face…plus his height, body and eyes

Now while this was not common, it made Will feel cringe when he used to read books about how a handsome guy is seen anywhere and they describe him. It just felt…cringe.

(AN:I don't know if it's me but I find reading or writing a character appearance while also what they wear kinda cringe)

Some stared while others took a look and went back to eating or talking, he knew he couldn't be stared at by everyone 24/7. So it was right when some of them just took a glance.

Like Alex, Will brought his own lunch as he sat down on the table assigned to their class as it was the far left in the 2nd row.

(AN:If you want a better description than it would like this)

Since he was new he just followed Alex and sat down with her as she began to read a book. Will was just about to begin to eat when he saw 4 lunch trays settling down.

3 were girls while the last one was a boy. They were in middle school so he now knows why his face gets attention.

"Will right?"

The boy who had brown hair and was kinda skinny but not much, also tall, said looking at him. Will just nodded

"And you are?"


"The girl with blonde hair is Avery and I assumed you met the red hair one, Lauren, my future girlfriend."

Lauren:"Give it a rest Winn, your not my type"

Ouch. Middle schoolers could be so mean. But Winn just laughed.

Winn:"But I was your first kiss"

Lauren:"That was an accident, who knew you would just sprung it up on me"

The trio laughed with Will looking indifferent while Alex just put her head more into her book.

Lauren:"So Alex. How do you know Mr.popular?"

Alex looked up from her book with a confused expression and just shrugged her shoulders while shaking her head a little

Will:"Wait wait, Who's that?"

Lauren:"Obviously it's you, You do know your appearance just screams, "Here I am" and it doesn't help that you're the only billionaire that so happens to attend this school."

Will scratched his neck as Alex just realized her new friends was rich. Alex looked at him

Alex:"Althing…Isn't that the company your dad is the owner of, don't they research biology?"

Will:"technology and science with branching out into like Biotechnology, biochemistry and the other bios but yeah, why? You interested for an internship?"

Alex:"Duh, I'm actually into biochemistry it combines biology and chemistry to study living matter. It powers scientific and medical discovery in fields such as pharmaceuticals, forensics and nutrition. With biochemistry, you will study chemical reactions at a molecular level to better understand the world and develop new ways to harness these."

Will:"combines biology and chemistry to study living matter. It powers scientific and medical discovery in fields such as pharmaceuticals, forensics and nutrition. With biochemistry, you will study chemical reactions at a molecular level to better understand the world and develop new ways to harness these."

They said the exact same thing as they faced each other with wide mouths. Alex giggled with Will as well when they realized they knew what they were talking about.

Winn:"What just happened?"

Avery:"Uhh looks like the cute new boy is not an idiot"

Lauren:"Of course he isn't, he's the next in line for the company from what I heard."

Lauren thought to herself as she smiled, but she then looked at Alex and inspected her from head to torso due to the table blocking her lower body.

She only smirked as she realized she had no competition. Her parents were well off, not billionaires or millionaires but enough to live in a mansion. She smiled even more once she realized she had the looks and almost the body to catch Will.

Time slowly passed from there on as P.E was the last class for Alex and Will as he was in the gym shooting baskets as Alex sat on the bleachers continuing her book as she would ever so often take a peek at Will.

She had to admit, he was good, he shot 20 times and most of those were, nothing but net, from what she remembers her dad telling her when she had to watch basketball with him.

The bell rang signaling the end of school as they called for Callriders and walkers.

Alex was waiting for Will as he finished talking to a couple of boys.

Alex:"New friends?"

Will:"Yeah, they invited me over their house to play but I declined due to the study session with you"

Yes. Will and Alex decide to study together in her house as Will wanted to catch up on anything he missed from Notes to Bell work

Alex:"You didn't have to do that, I'm sure playing is way more fun than studying with a geek like me"

Will:"Well, maybe someday us geeks, will have those working for us"

Will gave her a smile as she chuckled

Alex:"Your right about that"

Will:"So your house right or mine?"

Alex:"I would say your house due to my family being crazy and loud but my mom needs to know your parents more."

He nodded

Will:"I think your family is cool."

Alex:"My family? No, they're loud and sometimes annoying but family is family."

Will:"Well you're lucky to have a family like that. Loud and always there for you…"

Alex looked to her side as she saw Will look down

Alex:"Oh I'm sorry-"

Will:"No, don't be, I just sometimes wish my parents were like yours. I only met them 2 times, giving your ball back and the family reunion night, but From what I could tell when you describe them, they're always there."

Will chuckled


Alex is seen sitting on a stool doing her homework on the table island

"Okay, I know and have watched a lot of movies as well as read a lot of books to know that rich parents equals loneliness so I kinda felt bad knowing his house might be cold and silent."

——-Commentary ends———


They arrived at the front of the school as Will saw the blackout car waiting for him.

Will:"So I'll see you, gotta ask my parents for permission first"

Alex nodded as she went towards her car and got in as she saw her mom smiling.

Claire:"Soo, how was your friend?"

Alex:"It was good, I'm actually kinda glad another kid that knows what they're talking about is my friend."

Claire:"Just friends right?"

Alex:"Mom. Relax, me and Will just met like yesterday or something like that, there's a process."

Claire just blew a raspberry

Claire:"I know there's a process but one second your friends and then the next your wearing his shirt that-"


Claire stopped herself as Alex just shuddered.

Claire:"Sorry honey it's just the overthinking."

Alex:"It's alright, just know if I did like Will, I would take my time getting to know him and if he does the same with me then I guess -"

Alex was cut off by Claire

Claire:"Wait wait, what do you mean by that? Do you like him?"

Alex made a 'psh' sound from her mouth and looked away saying no but with a high pitch, indicating she was lying

Alex:"No, im just saying if I did like him then I would be getting to know him before dating."

Claire calmed down as she breathe out

Claire:"oh okay that's better than what Haley did."

Silence took over as Alex just looked out the car window

Alex:"Will is coming over to study with me."

Claire blinks multiple times during that as she just nodded slowly

Claire:"Oh…okay….um….Okay, just make sure you do it in the kitchen."


Claire:"What? The sun shines down there more than your bedroom so I thought it would be better"

Alex:"Fine but I don't want you to ask him questions about his dad, he's married you know and i don't want it to be weird knowing my future-friend! Is gonna be my brother"

Claire scoffs

Claire:"Of course…I know… though that doesn't mean anything"

Claire said the last part in a mumble

Alex:"What was that?"

Claire:"Oh no, just said though they do making stuff?"

Claire breathed out, thinking she saved herself but Alex just rolled her eyes.


A knock sounded through the Dunphy house as Alex got up from her seat but Claire ran downstairs quite quickly for her age, and opened the door.

Alex rolled her eyes

Claire:"Hey! Will, your parents dropped you off?"

Claire said wearing a tight shirt while looking out to see the car that brought Will leaving

Will:"Hi Mrs.Dunphy No, it was my butler. Dad is busy at the company while my mom is out."

Claire only smacked her lips together but then smiled

Claire:"Please call me Claire, it's the first time Alex has a boy over"

Will carried his backpack on his back as Claire moved to the side letting him in.

Alex:"Over here Will."

Heading into the kitchen, Will saw Alex on the table with her notebooks already spread out.


Phil:"Yo W, W man, W life, W money."


Will:"Hey Mr.Dunphy."

Phil:"I see Alex finally has her first boy over, quick honey take a picture."

Haley:"Uh Mom, why does Alex get have a boy over?"

Claire:"Because unlike you, I know Alex won't"

She then looks at Alex and will as they looked at her. She then leans into Haley Ear

Claire:"accidentally find herself naked."

Haley:"Mom, you know Dylan is a nice guy"


Claire lied

Haley:"How would you know? You never give him the chance."

Claire just took a deep breath.

Claire:"Honey believe it or not but I was once your age and…."

Clair and Haley conversation started to get muffled as they walked to a different room.

Alex:"Sorry for them"

Will:"No it's okay, believe it or not I would rather have that kind of noise instead of the silence."


Alex raised her eyebrow

"See? Rich parents equals loneliness and silent ."

——-Commentary end———-

Alex and Will then continued to study their classes as well as the notes and anything Will missed out on when he transferred.

And like this, they continued to study together almost ever afternoon from school for the next 2 weeks in Alex house. Over the first week of their school, Alex and Will started to get more comfortable around each other as they would play jokes on each other while teasing.

Making Alex less awkward and come out of her shell, only to him, while also being more comfortable around him.

They also got to know each other better as they talked about what their preferences, their dislikes and hobby's over the course of studying together.

Since Will was over there for the almost 2 weeks he got to Know Alex family a little better, He also made sure to help or spend time with Alex parents which was suspicious to Claire but she thought it was due to him not having his family often so she allowed him to come over when ever he wanted.

He also got to babysit Cam and Mitch daughter, Lily, for about 2 hours and they were surprised when she started to grab onto his fingers when she was being pulled away from him. Jay was good as well as they met each other a few times watching football games as well as working on his planes.

He also helped Gloria cook while helping manny in his homework whenever he wanted to.

The Dunphy family were starting to like Will more and more but not because of his background but because he actually sticked around which surprised Alex as she thought he would leave her alone or ignore because of her crazy family but to her surprise, he stuck around.

Making Alex feel like he wasn't any other boy. It was also surprising that her feelings started to become visible to herself. And like that two weeks passed by with today being Sunday.

(AN:Was that a fast development? It was just 2 weeks! Some might of you say and for that I truly do not have an answer. But I do have a snarky answers which issss—- a Week has days, a day has nights and days, nights and days have hours, hours have minutes and minutes have seconds…..

THIS IS MY FIRST BOOK so please don't get mad I'm still learning.)