
Chapter 8: A long days end

Denver and Jenna made their way through the crowds of witches and wizards, with Jenna excitedly clinging to her wand box. 'How is this even possible?' She wondered to herself, not caring in the slightest that she was once again tagging along after Denver like a trained puppy on a leash. 'If the wand is compatible with my magic, do I get to take it with me? Will it work in my world? Am I ever going to get back to my own world?'

She frowned at that last thought, her green eyes growing darker. Denver had said something about a book when he had first rescued her and explained that she had done something called 'jumping'. But while she may have been told how she got here, she still didnt understand why.

Just then, Jenna felt her stomach growl. A quick glance at Denver told her he had not noticed. Jenna reckoned it was well past dinner back in her world, and she had probably missed an entire nights sleep as well by this point. Biting her lip, she reached out and grabbed Denver's arm. "Um...Denver? I'm kinda hungry."

She didnt know why she felt so embarrassed to ask for food. He had just bought her a wand, which she did not believe was a cheap purchase. Asking for a sandwich on top of that couldnt hurt.

"We can eat once we get a room at the Leaky Cauldron." Denver replied with a smile. "We really need to get down to business with tracking down your book, but it will be getting too late to do anything soon."

Jenna frowned, looking around them. It was only now that she noticed the shadows had started getting rather long. She looked around at the still bustling store fronts, noting that there were a lot less school age children out with their parents shopping, and instead it seemed to be adults and elders out picking up things they themselves required. She had been so star struck at being in the real Diagon Alley, she hadnt noticed the time.

"Will school be starting soon?" She asked, following Denver towards the pub. Since the books were mainly based during school, and she wasnt certain which of the school years depicted in the books that she had landed in, she assumed it would be a good guess that school would be starting soon here too. Plus, there were all of the students earlier who had been shopping.

"Of course. Not that it has anything to do with you." Denver replied nonchalantly.

"But...shouldnt I be taught how to properly use my wand?" Jenna asked, tilting her head at him. "I dont know any useful spells aside from what I might recall from the books, and it's been a while since I last read them. Plus, I'm under age and I dont want the ministry to-"

Denver stopped in his tracks, turning to face her abruptly. "Listen...the ministry doesnt know of our existence. So they arent going to do anything about you using magic as long as you dont go out of your way to make trouble."

"But..they track underage wizards and witches." Jenna insisted, looking up at Denver and marveling at how much the three or four inches difference between them made.

"And you are neither of those." Denver said softly, watching her. "Jenna...just because you're here and I got you a wand, that doesnt mean you've suddenly got a part in this story. Travelers like us keep to the sidelines. We dont intervene, we dont help or hinder events. We do not exist." His eyes silently searched her expression for any signs of retaliation, but he only saw disappointment and sadness.

"I'm sorry...but you cant be confused about this." He laid a hand on her shoulder, as if to try to comfort her, then he turned and started towards the pub again. "Let's go."

Jenna remained silent as she followed Denver into the pub. She didnt meet the eyes of anyone around them, instead following Denver up a handsome wooden staircase after he booked and paid for two of the available guest rooms. At first she was surprised when he handed her a key to her own room, which Denver must have noticed for he blushed and avoided her gaze while explaining, "It wouldnt be proper."

Jenna couldnt stop the burst of laughter that sprang from her throat, and she covered her mouth with her hand. "Well then, we must always be proper." She teased him, as if her following a stranger along anywhere all day long without an adult escort would have been viewed as 'proper'. Who even considered things like being 'proper' in today's day and age?

Jenna felt a bit more light hearted however after that. She went to her own room, glancing back at Denver for a moment before scuttling in when she noticed he was watching her. Once inside with the door closed, she went to the mirror that was hanging on the wall, looking at her face. To think someone actually blushed at the thought of sharing a room with her.

She traced the shape of her eyes and nose, her lips forming a pout. Maybe it was just her imagination, but she didnt feel like her eyes were as disappointingly dull as she'd always remembered.

Turning from the mirror, Jenna went to lay on the bed, hugging her wand box against her chest

as she stared up at the ceiling. Perhaps this wasnt as horrible a thing as she had first thought...

I am sorry for taking so long to get this chapter out. The kiddo has been a little fireball this week and my chronic illness has flared up badly. Between her and laying in bed for hours, I've been trying to do buts and peices here and there. :) Be safe and stay healthy. Best wishes.

Pippa_Aricreators' thoughts