

In this world most people are not aware of mafias. Mafias are cruel, money lovers and the top of that well hidden. The government has tried every way to stop them but they are way too smart for them... Most mafias are good at hiding their crime but some are even above them. They are so well hidden that very few know about their mere existence... Sebastian Leodie is one of them. He is a mafias known by few. A well talented young man who smuggle drugs, runs sex clubs, has an unknown amount of wealth, owns good shares of well known companies, loves to watch people getting live tortured infront of him and only has his grandpa as a guardian. His parents died when he was young. His grandpa was the only person he could trust on. He inherited his father mafias buisness at the age of 12. He lacks love and affection in his life and maybe that's why he usually gets drunk and watches live porn of his sex torture clubs a lot. There was a rumor saying he is impotent, plus his grandpa is finding a future wife for him so, he is been going to the clubs a lot lately; well, who knows that when it becomes a new hobby of his. I just want you to become his wife and then kill him when I'll told you to. Understand agent Choe24. "Yes sir. I'll complete this mission successfully."

KOOKOO · Fantasi
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5 Chs

The Destination

Alaine gets off from her black car, stepping her foot into a forest.The forest was dense and silent enough for her to hear the bar music. 

Alaine follows the sound desperately, which ends up leading her to the the three story bar. The windows were tinted with black, not allowing the disco light to pass through the windows. The bar had an entrance like an abandoned house, which wasn't a surprise.

Alaine knocks on the door gently and a woman wearing black shirt, a white apprin, a hazel brown pant and orange hair appears infront of her.

"Have you lost your way little lady?" 

Says the woman. She seemed surprise and interested in Alaine; afterall which girl knocks on a suspicious house in the forest at such dark night wearing a innocent face on her.

"I... am here for the person who secretly called me."

Alaine says politely while clenching on her bag tightly.

The woman was puzzled since, Alaine looked so innocent in her baby pink lacy frock to be called at a bar.

"Please let me in, otherwise that man will..." 

Alaine says with fear roaming around her face, her hands tightly clenched on her bag and her posture shrinking with fear.

"Ok-Ok I understand who called you here."

The woman says as she calms down Alaine. That woman's suspicious face suddenly get fills with pettiness. 

"I am sorry for delay mam. Please step inside."

The woman says as she obediently gives Alaine a royalty treatment as she bows infront of her while holding the door handle and gesturing her to go inside.

"Thank you."

Alaine says with a scared face as she steps inside. As she steps inside a long white corridor welcomes her. The corridor was so silent that she could clearly listen her breath coming in and out.

After going through the whole corridor suddenly the sound of loud music itches her ear. As she looks around her she finds bartenders in a bunny and cat outfit kissing the customers.

The music was loud but she could still hear the sound of moans and kissing.

Alaine's eyes scanned the area throughly and founds her way to the target. As she was about to walk on the way to her target a gentlemen interrupts her by his greetings.

"Beautiful lady how may I help you with my service."

The man says with a sly smile; his voice husky and filled with lust. He was wearing a white sleeveless shirt on his black shirt. Holding a towel in his hand his gaze lingered around Alaine's high strong and pridefully raised neck.

Alaine's heart flutter seeing such honesty in such a disgusting work. Her cheeks flushes and she tries to hide them by her hand.

"May I know that who is the most V.I.P guest here? I was told that if I ask this question people here would lead me to him."

Alaine asks with fear in her voice and moisture in eyes. 

"Are you a guest of him?" 

The man asks with confusion as he scratches his head from back.

That 'him' was a big hint for Alaine, cause it meant the V.I.P is a male. 


Alaine replies as she hid her face with her bag, making that man see a paper with a special number written on it.

"This way miss."

The man said with a bow while gesturing the way. Alaine follows that man along and he leaves Alaine at the terrace. 

Dancing girls in vulgar dresses, the non stop loud music, the disco shimmering brightly, and a man with a big scar on his eye between four girls with bikni. 

"Sebastian Leodie?"

Alaine thoughts to herself seeing a snake tattoo on his neck, which was mentioned in the details of Sebastian.

Alaine slowly walks towards the man with the scar while hiding herself from his gaze. She kneels down, hiding herself behind a bush in a pot. 

"Weird... . Why does that man has slight wrinkles around his mouth? He doesn't looks old but neither too young seeing the greenish nerves around his neck. The skin looks loose too. Well that man is handsome for sure."

Alaine thoughts to herself as she scans the man with the scar.

Out of the blue that man gazes in her direction, making Alaine shrink her posture with worry of being caught peeking. The man immediately gestures something while looking on the opposite direction of her. 

And with that gesture Alaine feels four strong arms lifting her up. Alaine shrinks her posture in the mid air and struggles to get out of their grip.

"Don't touch me!"

Alaine yells with her eyes filling up with moisture and lips slightly going inwards with a tinge of fear.

"Calm down little lady." 

Says the scarred man as he stands up and comes closer to her, making a straight eye contact with her. His voice was husky and a bit rough but deeply sweet.

Alaine gladly participates the the staring contest too while maintaining her inner feelings.


The scarred man asks as he pointed a gun straight on her head.

"Alaine-Aliane Valentine."

Alaine replies with her eyes showing fear but her tone threatening. 


The man thought to himself as he lowered the gun. Alaine looked like a caged tigress to him; if once freed from cuffs, will definitely hunt him down...

A grin with a devilish thought tugged the man's lips. He throws the gun far away and gestures the two men who was holding Alaine to free her.

"Miss, who are you looking for in this bar with such a getup."

The scarred man asks with a smirk.

"I was thrown out of my family so, of course i needed to go somewhere where I can calm my mind."

Alaine replies with a singh while her eyes scanning that scarred man; her tone was filled with confidence.

"Hmm... In such a cute but vulgar frill dress which clearly shows your half brest, means you didn't even wore a bra under it right?" 

The man guesses as he roams around her in a circle. A slight smirk tugged on his lips with one eyebrow raised high.

"Oh my! You are right about this."

Alaine replies in a mocking tone while her fierce eyes aimed the man's ring which was in silver; the ring had a pattern of snake in which it's eye was made of ruby, which looked so bloody.

"Yound lady are in search of a partner by chance?"

The man asked with a devilish smirk on his face.

"You can say so..."

Alaine replies as she clenches on her skirt with her voice full of suspicions.

"May I recommend someone?"

The man asks as he take sips from a glass of red bloody wine. His voice hoarse and filled with a trouble for Alaine which she wanted.

"Why not? I'll be glad for that."

Alaine says with a confident smirk as she raised her head high.

"Room number 69."

The man said as he gestures his men to show her the way.

The two mens leads the way to room 69 for Alaine while whispering something to each other in the way.

"I think she is gonna be dead for sure."

A man states with a low tone.

Alaine's eyes widens up at their conversation she wondered that what might happen to her now.

Aliane thought that, that scarred man was supposed to be Sebastian but seeing him having trouble in speaking, it became clear that he might just be a clone.

But the question for her was now that, 'Where are these men taking her to?'

"We've arrived."

The two men siad as they opened the door for her. On the inside of that room there were two man and all rest womans with vulgar dreses and some even naked.

One man was bowing and kneeling down, all naked and cuffed from behind while the womans teased his member. A lady beside him also, kneeling on the ground and cuffed with her eyes tightly closed while a river flowed from the corner of her eye; she looked guilty, pitiful, disgust, mad, angry and scared at the same time.

The second man was blocked by the tons of woman around him so, Alaine could only saw his hand with a watch on it; that muscular slim hand which stole her attention.

"Please stop..." 

The kneeling man says with tears in his eyes while a woman teased him by sticking her pussy on his face while the other woman applied his semen on the kneeling lady's face. The other woman's were giggling and mastrubating themselves with loud moans. And that main man was still blocked by those woman's...