
The missing cat Zou zou

In a cozy apartment, Rei was facing a dilemma. Her beloved cat, Zou Zou, had gone missing. Days turned into a nerve-wracking search, and Rei was feeling increasingly helpless.

One evening, she couldn't contain her worry any longer and decided to reach out to Heizou, her former roommate and a dear friend. Heizou had a unique bond with Zou Zou, as the cat was originally his. Rei knew that Heizou cared deeply for both of them.

With trembling fingers, Rei dialed Heizou's number. Her voice was filled with concern when he answered, "Heizou, I don't know what to do. Zou Zou has been missing for days, and I can't find her anywhere."

Heizou, empathetic and caring, reassured her, "Don't worry, Rei. We'll find her. Zou Zou means a lot to both of us."

Rei felt a glimmer of hope return as Heizou's words washed over her. She continued her search alongside her friend, knowing that they would leave no stone unturned to bring Zou Zou back home.

The next day, an awkward silence filled the air. It's their first time meeting again after she moved out.

Rei tries to lighten up the mood and says "Uhmm yeah it's nice that I've been promoted to my job and move here. " But she turns quiet when Heizou looks bothered.

She scratches the back of her head and stops talking.Heizou notice her sudden quietness and confessed what has been clouding his mind.

Heizou raised an eyebrow, his eyes reflecting curiosity and a hint of confusion. "You named him Zou Zou?"

Rei's face lit up with a warm smile as she nodded,

" You're more worried than that? Ohh Heizou " she chuckles, with a smug face.

" Can't believe this guy. He's more worried that i change my cat's name... than me losing it " she said in her mind.

Her eyes dancing with affection. "Y'know why."

" I think you can get the hint." She added.

Heizou's brow furrowed, his tone tinged with uncertainty. "Zou Zou means fast in Chinese?"

" You dork, " she playfully rolled her eyes.

Rei leaned in closer, her voice soft and intimate. "I named him after you."

A flicker of surprise flashed across Heizou's face before a faint smile appeared. "I liked her original name."

Rei's eyes sparkled with a playful glint. "Zero? What does it even mean?"


Hours turned into a determined search effort. Rei and Heizou combed through the neighborhood, calling out for Zou Zou and checking every possible hiding spot.

"Wait, Heizou, did you hear that? It sounded like a faint meow." A spark of hope can be heard in her voice.

Heizou quietly listen where the distinct voice is coming from. "I think you're right. It's coming from over there, near the pipes," he responded.

They rushed to the source of the sound, their hearts racing with anticipation.

As they reached the pipes, Heizou, agile and quick-thinking, climbed up to get a better view of the situation. With astonishing grace, he moved along the narrow pipes, getting closer to the spot where Zou Zou was stuck.

Rei watched in awe, her eyes filled with admiration, and then playfully remarked, "Maybe use a ladder next time and stop being a show-off, Heizou."

Heizou, maintaining his balance on the pipe, couldn't help but chuckle. With determination, he reached Zou Zou and carefully rescued the cat.

"Zou Zou! Hang on, we'll get you down." She says.


"We got her, Heizou! You did it!" She exclaims.

"We did it, Rei. I'm so glad Zou Zou's safe." He said with a faint smile.


She extended her arm to take the cat from him and said, "Thank you," acknowledging his effort. Her focus instantly changed when the cat purred in her arms and seemed to miss its owner.

When Rei was finally able to hold Zou Zou again, she was so overjoyed that she kissed the cat. Heizou, with a mischievous glint in his eye and a playful smile, remarked, "I'm quite jealous."

Rei chuckled at his comment and playfully nudged him, saying, "typical heizou." Her remark hinted that Heizou's playfulness was a characteristic she had always known and appreciated.

After a few exchanges of friendly banters. She invited him into her apartment, and the atmosphere was filled with a mix of lightheartedness and affection, keeping the connection between them strong.

As they settled on the cozy sofa, a sense of content washed over them. Rei and Heizou had spent the day searching for Zou Zou, and their exhaustion was evident. Rei, in particular, was feeling the weight of the day, her eyes heavy with fatigue.

Heizou, recognizing her weariness, wrapped an arm around her gently, offering her comfort and warmth. Rei leaned into his embrace, seeking solace in his presence

However, Rei's love for Zou Zou was undeniable, and she knew that it was bedtime for the cat. She carefully tucked Zou Zou in, making sure the feline friend was snug and comfortable.

Then, despite her own exhaustion, Rei couldn't resist the habit she had developed over time. With tenderness in her voice, she began to tell a bedtime story, just like she used to for Zou Zou. It was a heartwarming moment, a display of her unwavering care and affection, even in moments of weariness.

As Rei continued to tell the bedtime story with her soothing voice, Heizou couldn't help but smile as he watched her, her storytelling adding a sense of comfort to their shared exhaustion.

In a lighthearted moment, Heizou gently interrupted and said, "You know, maybe I should tell the bedtime story tonight. But not to Zou Zou." His eyes met Rei's, filled with affection, hinting that the story he had in mind was meant for her.

Rei, surprised and touched by Heizou's offer, nodded with a warm smile, allowing Heizou to take over the storytelling duties. It was a moment of tenderness and connection, as Heizou playfully decided to create a bedtime story for Rei.

Rei listened attentively as Heizou began to tell the bedtime story.

"Once upon a time, there was a cat loved by everyone except the old man."

"So, the old man is very grumpy."

"The cat is so determined to be friends with this old man. Is it for her own satisfaction, or is it because the old man is sad?"

"Day by day, the old man becomes close with the cat. And one day... the cat disappeared."

"Why?" Rei abruptly interrupted, a concerned expression on her face.

" The old man found the feline, and they spend the rest of their days together. "He chuckled nervously when he remarked about the cat going missing, aware that Rei was invested in his story. However, Heizou couldn't help but feel that he wasn't the best storyteller.

He noticed the anticipation in Rei's eyes and decided to add more to the story. "The old man found the feline, and they spent the rest of their days together."

However, Heizou couldn't resist adding a plot twist. "Until the old man passed away," he said with a hint of pride. But to his surprise, Rei's brow furrowed, and her eyes widened in astonishment.

She stands up suddenly, startling the cat with her abrupt movement. "That's a bad ending! Why did you kill off the old man?" she exclaimed, annoyance in her voice.

Heizou quickly restarted the story, narrating, "Once upon a time, in a cozy village, there lived a grumpy old man and his mischievous little cat," all the while chuckling nervously. Rei interrupted him once more.

Rei noticed the change in his mood and calmly tapped his shoulder, saying, "Heizou, your story could use a bit more... a compelling dynamic between the two characters, don't you think?"

Heizou grinned, appreciating her constructive criticism. He replied, "You have a point there. Go ahead, Rei, let's hear your version. I'm all ears."

She responded, "I won't complicate it since it's a bed time story."

"From the very beginning, there was something about the old man that attracted the cat. Perhaps it was his loneliness, or maybe it was the kindness hidden beneath his grumpy exterior. The cat saw something in the old man that no one else did. And every day, as they spent more time together, their connection grew stronger."

"As the days went by, the old man started to feel the warmth he hadn't felt in a long time. He didn't know why, but he couldn't help but smile when he saw the cat. And then, one day, the cat disappeared."

"Why?" Rei continued her story, looking into Heizou's eyes, her voice carrying a hint of emotion. "The old man realized that he missed the cat more than he ever thought he could. He searched high and low, desperately hoping to find his feline friend. And when they were finally reunited, it wasn't just for the cat's satisfaction; it was because the old man's heart felt complete when the cat was by his side."


Rei's voice held a hint of annoyance but also excitement, and her eyes revealed her satisfaction with her version.

Heizou burst into laughter, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He knew how enthusiastic she could be in telling stories.

"You need to say sorry to Zou Zou," Rei exclaimed, her voice filled with concern. "He was sleeping on my chest, and you startled her." She added.

She appeared more concerned about upsetting Zou Zou than Heizou's terrible ending. Her tone softened as she added, "You know how sensitive cats can be, and that's not a very good bedtime story. It should make him feel safe and content."

"It's not for—" Heizou began but then stopped himself, aware that she wouldn't consider that the story was for her.

Rei was distracted, trying to call for Zou Zou, saying, "Zou Zou, baby, come back," and making soft sounds to get the cat's attention.

After sometime, she gently carried the cat and placed it back on her chest, and the feline snuggled close, nuzzling her chin. The soothing sound of the cat's purring filled the room.

Heizou sat across from them, watching the heartwarming scene with fondness in his eyes.

Heizou, feeling a sense of nostalgia, tried to gent

Heizou, feeling a sense of nostalgia, tried to gently pet the cat as well, as it was once his beloved pet. However, Rei swatted his hand away protectively, not willing to share this moment with Zou Zou.

"Zero was my—" Heizou began.

"Zou Zou," she corrected him with a teasing smile.

Heizou gave up and leaned back in his chair, a faint smile on his lips as he watched Rei and Zou Zou.

He watched as the feline slowly tried to wriggle out of Rei's grasp, showing signs of wanting to be free.

Rei kissed the cat and said, "Okay, say goodnight to mommy," referring to herself with a smile.

"You know, in kanji, zero means rei," he remarked. Despite his comment, she remained lost in her own world, still slightly sulky and indifferent to his presence.

With a final "Hmph," Rei turned away from Heizou as she drifted into a peaceful slumber. Her back now faced him.


In the quiet of the night, Heizou softly confessed, "I missed you, Rei." The room was filled with the weight of his longing for her. He leaned closer and planted a gentle kiss on her shoulder.

As Heizou gently kissed Rei's shoulder and withdrew from the embrace, he whispered softly, "I'll be right back, Rei."

Heizou left the room briefly, but Rei remained awake, her cheeks flushed with a delicate shade of pink. The warmth of his kiss lingered, and her heart raced with the knowledge of his affection