
Unexpected Arrival

Raphael- "It was a windy day and nothing particularly interesting has happened. I was just doing my normal routine of waking up, taking a shower, eating breakfast, and then going to my shitty job on the bad side of town as a fast food worker. I wanted to become a teacher but sometimes you can't do what you want to do in life." When I got to my job right away I heard my co workers arguing all ready, baby's crying, and the manger all ready screaming her head off at some of my coworkers. She then turned around and saw me enter work.

Maria manger- " Thank God your here Daniel. Your coworkers are incompetent fools who can't do anything right."

Raphael-"Dam what happen to get you so angry."

Maria manger- "Some how Dillon and Jose broke the fucking Ice cream machine. You know how expensive it's going to be to replace that. machine.

Raphael- "Don't worry ma'am I've got this. If it's all right with you I can take the machine back to my house and fix it free of charge."

Maria Manger- " You sure you know how to fix it."

Raphael- "Yup a cousin of mine taught me how to repair various machines and it helps I used to have an ice cream machine like that until someone stole it from me."

Maria manger- "Mmm All right then hurry up. That ice cream maker makes this joint bank."

Raphael- " All right ma'am see you in a jiffy." I went to get the machine and once I grabbed it I went out for the back. When no one was looking I used my super speed to get to my house in under a minute.

"Oh yeah did I forget to mention I have super speed. I'm part of a very low sub group of magic users who has very low magical abilities but get superhuman abilities that varies. We make up about one percent of the magic population."

"For example some one apart of this sub group can get slight super strength like being able to lift a car or super strength to destroy buildings in one punch."

"For me I got lucky and got super speed on the strong side. The fastest I've clock my self is mach 40. Pretty fast if I say so. Using my low tier magic I put a 2in force field around my entire body to keep all the kinetic energy with me and not releasing it but recycling the kinetic energy into myself so I technically don't have to have to eat."

When I got home I went to the garage and got my tools. It took me less than a minute to fix it. I pick up the ice cream machine and zoomed back. I entered through the back and placed the machine down."Yo guys I fixed the machine."

Jose- "For reals. That was fast homie. That shit only took you like 10 mins."

Raphael- " I just had to plug in a screw that came loose so it wasn't really a big fix and I don't live that far from here."

Jose" Cool cool. Can you go tell Maria it's fixed. I got to take a order right now.

Raphael- "Yeah it no problem."

Jose- "Thanks homie."

Raphael- As I walked to my mangers office I heard screaming in the office. I'm not really one

eavesdrop so I waited till I heard her stop talking and then I knocked twice.

Maria manger- Yes!!!

Raphael-"Its me."

Maria manger- "Come in."

Raphael- "You all right Maria I heard you screaming."

Maria manger- "Sorry about that. It just my annoying ex husband."

Raphael-"Oh ok. I just wanted to tell you I fixed the ice cream machine and brought it back."

Maria manger-"Thank you so much Daniel. Your a life saver. Also I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place this weekend."

Raphael-"Mmm sure I'm not doing anything this weekend."

Maria manger-"Good good."

Raphael- As I was about to leave I heard Maria get up from her chair and say "wait." I turned around as she walked over to me and gave me a kiss.

Maria manger-"I can't wait for this weekend. Now get back to work sexy."

Raphael-I nodded and exited the office.So yeah me and her have a friend with benefits thing going on ever since I started working. As I came out of the office, the building's started to move a little and I was starting to hear a noise getting closer and closer. I used my speed to zoom out to see want was wrong. I looked up and saw a metal tube or something coming straight to where I work.

I immediately used my speed to get everyone in the fast food joint out of there and to safety. I Then ran to the surrounding buildings and tried to get as many people to safety as possible. I heard a boom as I was taking someone to safety and then everything went black. I woke up with a killer headache and I'm pretty sure I broke some bones but my advanced healing should heal that up in a couple minutes. I looked up to check my surroundings saw at least a couple buildings being brought down.

I zoomed to where I saw the smoke coming from. To see some weird type of spaceship. I then heard the hatch opening. I quickly ran to get a metal pipe in case whatever came out of that ship was a danger. As I looked through the fog of the hatch I saw a red skinned female limping out of the ship towards me .

??????- "Please help me prepare, their coming."

Raphael- As soon as she said that she started to fall over. I quickly ran over to grab her. "Whoa you all right." I stared into her pure black eyes until I started to hear her muttering something. "What are you saying."

??????-"The Druucors are coming."

Any criticisms you have of the story please tell me. I want to improve as a writer so any criticism will be look into and taken seriously.

Leonard0creators' thoughts