
Chapter 8

Disclaimer: I do not own the 'Dragon Ball Z' anime/manga or 'Fallout 3' and the other games in the saga; and the only thing I own is this alternate/parallel story that I wrote for fun.

The Misadventures of Goki-Kakaroko

Chapter 8: Dr. Lesko



"KameHameHa!" Attacks / Skills / Ki / Techniques

Reading / News / Intercoms


Back to the present

When our beloved protagonist came back to reality by shaking her head and pushing those memories away ... For now. At this moment, she decided to concentrate on confronting this 'Dr. Lesko'; so, she then leaned her right hand on the metal door where she began to exert some of her strength.


The metal door was completely buckled with no possibility of fixing it and the fact that it was at a rather strange angle ... But with a shrug of her shoulders, she peeked her head inside the new place; and almost instantly met the frightened gaze of a certain doctor who clutched his chest instinctively.

"Y-You scared me, Mrs!!! I thought you were a d-deathclaw!" exclaimed the unknown guy with a trembling tone one of the most common phobias in the Capital Wasteland; while the 10mm pistol in his hands trembled further demonstrating his obvious condition. "... Y-you shouldn't scare people like that," he scolded this time with an annoyed tone; to be followed by him lowering his firearm a bit as he saw that the unknown woman was not a 'threat' to his safety.

The coal-dark eyes of the woman in exotic and striking orange with blue clothing narrowed with annoyance as she watched the human turn away as if it were nothing; and head toward a desk cluttered with strange things unknown to her.

"I need to talk to you, Dr. Lesko. Now," Goki ordered between his teeth; as he watched this human ignore that she was there.

The scientist now known as 'Dr. Lesko' upon hearing again the voice of the woman; remembered of her presence, so he turned around slowly with enough attention before a possible attack from her, but at the same time he went up and down the voluptuous body (the breasts of the intruder is what stood out the most, but her hips were not far behind) being perplexed by such a body ... But just in time he shook his head away those strange thoughts.

"I don't have time for small talk, miss .... Science doesn't rest!" again exclaimed the guy without giving importance to the Saiyan woman's words, while at the same time preparing a pair of hypodermic needles.

The black-haired woman with spiky black hair in the shape of a palm tree had to hold back the urge to give this inhuman guy a good punch.

"You're the one who caused this whole mess! You left Bryan fatherless!!!" exploded Goki with both hands clenched into fists; to the point that his veins were slightly marked.

The scientist instinctively took a step backward at the woman's emotional outburst, no doubt those words hit him a little because he knew who were the people who died because of his experiments with the giant fire ants ... But he decided to put those thoughts aside; and instead, he plucked up a little courage to answer this annoying intruder.

"There are times when one must make ... Sacrifices for the greater good," Dr. Lesko said very confidently; but he was also implying that he had no remorse or even a little guilt that 'thanks' to him several people had died in gruesome ways.

The irises next to the pupils of the Saiyan woman's coal-dark eyes for a moment turned an intense turquoise color at the scientist's cruel response.

"How dare you!" growled Goki loudly in anger; and at the same time, he tried his best to control himself from transforming into Super Saiyan.

Surprisingly the scientist this time did not back away and even took the tense moment to look more closely at the young unknown woman and instantly noticed something different ... Or so he thought.

"You're not from around here, are you?" asked Dr. Lesko as he noticed something he had missed a minute ago.

This question took the black-haired woman with palm-tipped black hair by surprise; she gave up some of her anger, to the point that her eyes returned from stormy turquoise to their typical charcoal-dark color.

"I see..." muttered Dr. Lesko to himself as he saw the intruder's confused look; for that alone confirmed his question. "Then you grew up in a vault underground, so you have no idea how cruel this godforsaken world is," he confirmed with some anger in his tone of voice.

The Saiyan woman went from a surprised expression to a totally confused one, as she didn't understand what the mad scientist meant by 'vault' underground; humans sure have weird terms for everything. Although she didn't even have a chance to get her doubts out of her mind because again the guy in the white smock started talking:

"You may not know it, but this world used to be beautiful; a green and blue so intense it seemed like the stuff of a dream," Dr. Lesko said every detail with a dreamy look; as he recalled the images, he found of Planet Earth's past before the war. "But now it is a repulsive shade of gray because of the last Great War that ended it all..." he grumbled bitterly at the hostile world he was born into and survived.

The charcoal-dark-eyed woman took a step back at the human scientist's last words.

"War..." whispered Goki sadly because he obviously doesn't like that word.

The scientist nodded his head at the reaction of the woman with the exotic and peculiar black hair in the shape of a palm tree.

"Yes, war," Dr. Lesko confirmed with a neutral expression; while at the same time adjusting his glasses with his left hand.

The black-haired woman with spiky black hair in the shape of a palm tree did not know what to do now after hearing the scientist's sincere words.

"Maybe I'm an insensitive fool ... The worst human being on the face of the Earth and I accept that without complaint because it's my choice; but I'm doing all this so that those damn ants will return to their original size and stop being a problem for what's left of civilized society," Dr. Lesko assured with sincerity and a determined look on his face.

The lower-class Saiyan woman had been speechless at the scientist's comment, but her surprise was also in that determined look in the man's clear eyes.

"Changing the subject for a while ... I don't remember you telling me your name, what is it?" asked Dr. Lesko with a curious tone as he gave another small glance at the intruder who intruded into his lab without his permission.

The coal-dark eyes of the woman in exotic and striking orange with blue clothing perked up a bit at the question from the guy in the white smock.

"My name is Goki, but they also call me Kakaroko," she introduced herself with a slightly shy smile; she even leaned her body forward a bit as a sign of respect ... Although this only caused the man in front of her to almost faint from a nosebleed because the Saiyan woman's huge breasts were almost in plain sight.

The scientist tilted his head a little to one side at the strange and exotic names of the woman with striking coal-dark eyes, but almost lost the balance of his feet when he saw the latter's huge breasts pressing against that exotic and peculiar orange and blue dress; although he had the decency not to stare like a pervert and instead concentrated on her name.

"Go ... ki? kaka ... roko? I think those are oriental names..." said Dr. Lesko to himself with a thoughtful look, while Goki scratched his right cheek with a hint of nervousness. "I guess you came to my little experimentation ecosystem to kill me, didn't you?" this time he asked with a serious tone and his arms crossed in a somewhat accusatory manner.

Surprisingly, the black-haired woman with palm-shaped spiky hair shook her head; and at the same time, she clenched her right hand into a fist where she waved it in a threatening manner, causing the scientist to swallow saliva with some fear.

"No, I was just coming to teach you a lesson for what you had done indirectly at Grayditch, but-" suddenly Goki was silent; frowning slightly as he centered his gaze on the ground.

This caught the scientist's attention because he still could not believe this turn of events.

"But?" said Dr. Lesko with a little more curiosity than before ... He was even able to temporarily stop his studies of fire ants; just for a moment.

The woman with the striking charcoal-dark eyes let out a sigh because she didn't like to say she was slightly wrong, but she lifted her gaze from her feet anyway and focused it on the light eyes of the guy in the white smock.

"But now I realize that you're trying to help people; and maybe what happened with the fire ants was just an ... accident," Goki admitted half-heartedly because she obviously wasn't used to 'fighting' in dialogue fights.

The scientist's blue eyes grew wide with astonishment at the words of the woman with the voluptuous body.

"Ya... I see. That's good to hear, Miss Goki," Dr. Lesko said with a somewhat fake smile.

The Saiyan woman's coal-dark eyes narrowed with some anger at the brown-haired guy's expression because she immediately noticed that fake smile.

"Still don't think you won't pay for it somehow," Goki warned with a serious tone as she folded her arms; causing her oversized tits to jiggle at such a somewhat abrupt movement.

Again, the brown swallowed saliva at the mere thought of getting beaten up by this woman who despite the fact that she looked 'fragile' and that it would 'cost' her to move with those large breasts (If only she knew xD) .... But he didn't know how or why he didn't doubt at any moment that she could send him to sleep until the next day with a good punch.

"But we'll postpone that for another time..." assured Goki with the same tone of voice. "How can I help to bring this all to an end?" he asked with his gaze roaming a second time around the strange place where he was; where what caught his attention the most was the ant meat on the shelves and the table with laboratory materials.

The scientist was thrilled at the unexpected question from the exotic woman dressed in orange and blue.

"Since you are offering, let me explain in detail!" exclaimed Dr. Lesko with a broad smile. "My portable terminal is set up in the hatchery; near the queen ant. If I can get to it, I can continue looking at the mutagen," he explained with an unusually happy tone; while at the same time he walked briskly to the door leading to the hatchery.

The black-haired woman with palm tree-shaped spiky hair followed the guy in the white smock with her gaze as he quickly headed for another metal door, but she was already lost as soon as his explanation began; and she was completely at a loss as to what to do.

"Look your goal is simple..." Dr. Lesko caught the Saiyan woman's attention as he noticed that the latter had a very confused expression. "You just have to eliminate what I call the 'Ant Hill Guardian Quintet', disgusting abominations!" he exclaimed with a disgusted expression as he recalled those anomalies that shouldn't exist.

The charcoal-dark-eyed woman quickly understood what the brown-haired man wanted her to do.

"Oh! Now I understand!" said Goki loudly, while at the same time giving little jumps of happiness; although this only caused her tits to again jiggle in time with her jumps.

The scientist did not know how much his body could withstand the unconscious 'erotic' acts of the black-haired woman in the shape of a palm tree ... But the latter's next question immediately brought him out of his perverted fantasy:

"What about the queen, can I eliminate her?" asked Goki with a happy gleam in her coal-dark eyes at the thought of tasting the ant meat .... Just thinking about it caused her stomach to grumble in a sign that it was begging for food; and this also caused her to stop jumping.

The look on the scientist's face when he heard the young woman's questions said it all.

"Oh, no, no, no, not that, no. If you were to injure or kill the queen, I would lose months of data!" cried Dr. Lesko in horror at the mere thought of losing all the research that so much effort, sweat, blood and tears he had to endure to obtain such data.

The woman in exotic orange-with-blue clothing winced at the hysterical screams of the guy in white overalls, as her ears are a bit more sensitive than a human's.

"Alright, alright I won't kill the queen. Got it!" reluctantly accepted Goki to the scientist's 'order', while at the same time cradling his ears. "I just hope this all works out." he added with annoyance; once he once again focused his coal-dark eyes on the weird human.

The brown-haired guy formed a rather haughty smile at the voluptuous woman's last comment.

"Don't worry about that. I have manipulated the equipment in my portable terminal to emit what I call inhibitory impulse," Dr. Lesko confirmed with absolute certainty, but seeing Goki's confused look he decided to give her a better detailed explanation so she would understand. "How to explain it ... When I send this 'impulse', the ants left both on the surface and in here will lose their empathic bond with the queen and go crazy; destroying each other," he explained a little 'easier' what would produce such an 'impulse' to the fire 'spitting' ants.

The woman with eyes as dark as coal nodded her head repeatedly at the scientist's explanation, while the latter looked at her with a touch of astonishment because she understood everything at once.

"Do you have any questions?" asked Dr. Lesko with a smile, as he was in a bit of a mood and the reasons were several.

The Saiyan woman looked with a serious expression at the guy in the white smock for almost a full minute; it even caused the latter to think that he would have no doubts regarding his part of the 'mission'.

"Yes. Could you explain everything to me again, please," Goki said with a cute shy smile as he watched the chestnut's smile almost instantly wiped off his face.

The scientist almost fell backwards at the woman's request; she was too dumb and airheaded for his 'superior intelligence', but he let it pass and continued with his part.

"Just take care of the quintet of guardians of the anthill. Leave the rest to me," said Dr. Lesko with his right hand on his face; massaging his forehead in anticipation of a possible migraine.

The black-haired woman with palm-shaped spiky hair nodded her head, while an amused smile formed on her lips; so that she then moved at a quick pace towards the metal door that happened to be open this time ... So, this time it would not be shattered under the mighty fist of the beautiful Saiyan woman.

"By the way, what did you use to bore the door?" asked Dr. Lesko quickly before the young woman left to fulfill the mission, he entrusted her with of eliminating the quintet of guardians of the anthill; at all times the brown-haired man's gaze reflected an obvious curiosity at the possible answer of the intruder.

The woman in striking orange and blue clothing stopped just outside the exit at the doctor's sudden and unexpected question; at the same time, she turned her body in a mysterious way.

"With my hand," Goki answered as if it were nothing and even greeted the brown-haired guy with said hand; although it didn't last long because he quickly continued on his way to the anthill to fulfill his part of the mission.

The scientist froze in place with a thoughtful expression as he listened to the woman's response.

"Oh, I see... W-Wait, W-What?" exclaimed Dr. Lesko in disbelief; and his glasses almost fell to the floor at his reaction.

The Saiyan woman began to giggle in amusement at the white smock guy's desperate cries and pleas to return again to his 'lab' to examine her closely.


End of Chapter Eight


The chapter has 2800 words.


Uploaded: 03/07/22

Updated (Corrected): 16/11/22