
The miracle doctor is awesome

Shen Yizhi, a medical demon from a generation, gained a baby after traveling through time. God even gave me a big golden finger. She said that life is complete! As for the baby’s father? You already have a baby, why do you still need his father? So Shen Yizhi took the little milk baby all the way to make money and make money until he became famous. But one day, the beautiful man she had longed for came to her and said, "Let's talk about the ownership of the child." Shen Yizhi: Don't tell her, the man she has been coveting is actually the father of her son!

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20 Chs

chapter 18 : Qing bao looks similar to him

  A meal that lasted until nightfall.Although the two of them didn't communicate much during this period, it didn't seem awkward with Qing Bao, a cutie, enlivening the atmosphere.

  On the contrary, there is an indescribable sense of harmony.After dinner, Shen Yizhi cleared the table. When he came out of the kitchen, he saw Qing Bao asleep in Gu Xueting's arms.

  The little hands were holding his clothes tightly, his head was tilted up, his mouth was slightly open, and he was making a slight snoring sound every time he breathed in, just like a little pig!

  Gu Xueting looked down at him, his side face illuminated by the light particularly tenderly.

  Shen Yizhi felt in a daze that he was just a young father coaxing his child to sleep.

  "Give me Qing Bao."She walked over and said softly.Gu Xueting raised her head, and a reddish jade face was revealed in front of her. His black eyes as bright as lacquer were astonishingly bright, looking at her scorchingly.

  Shen Yizhi's heart skipped a beat. Gu Meinan was committing a crime by looking at her like this!

  She didn't dare to look at him and stepped forward to hug Qing Bao.

  As a result, as soon as I got closer, I could smell a strong smell of alcohol in his mouth.

  She picked up the wine bottle and saw that it was empty! "Master Gu! How could you drink so much wine for Qing Bao! Don't you know he is still young?"

  Gu Xueting didn't tell the difference and just looked at her. At this moment, he seemed unusually well-behaved.

  Shen Yizhi was really going to be defeated by him. As expected, he couldn't leave the child to a man!

  From now on, she must keep Qing Bao under her nose at all times.

  Otherwise, you don't know what will happen next time!

  She carried Qing Bao to the bed, took off his shoes and clothes, and pulled the quilt over him.

  Just as he was about to go to the kitchen to make a bowl of hangover soup, Li Xiaodong's voice came from outside the yard: "Doctor Shen, are you asleep?"

  Shen Yizhi looked at Gu Xueting, who was still sitting in the room, and suddenly panicked. What if? Someone caught her as a single mother and there was a man in the house -

  no, you can't let anyone find out!

  She made a prompt decision and pulled Gu Xueting up, pushed him into the room, and lay down with Qing Bao. She covered the big one and the small one tightly with quilts, and warned in a low voice: "Don't make any sound." Then she walked out. .

  "It's Xiaodong? What's wrong?"

  Li Xiaodong handed over a basket of eggs, "Doctor Shen, we were too busy looking after our little nephew before, but in the end we didn't even let you have a sip of tea. It's really inappropriate. You saved my sister-in-law and nephew, please accept this basket of eggs!"

  Shen Yizhi didn't refuse and took it. "How is your sister-in-law now?"

  "She just drank a big bowl of chicken soup. I've gone to bed now."  "That's good. You can take these medicines back with you."

  Shen Yizhi came into the room and brought out a few packets of medicine. "These are for health, and your sister-in-law can also drink them. It will get better quickly. Just drink one every morning."

  "This..." Li Xiaodong hesitated.

  "Take it. Qing Bao is still waiting for me, so I won't tell you more. Go back quickly and watch the road carefully."

  The medicine is not only for health, but it is mainly to prevent infection.

  After all, she performed a laparotomy on Yang Cuifen under such crude circumstances. Although she fed her spiritual spring water, it would be safer to drink a few more medicines.

  Back in the house, Shen Yizhi opened the quilt and found that Gu Xueting was asleep!

  Qing Bao slept beside him with his limbs spread out like a frog, one foot resting on his chest.

  She suddenly felt ridiculous and funny.

  "Hey, Mr. Gu, wake up! Wake up -"

  Gu Xueting opened his eyes in confusion, looking dazed and innocent, which made people want to ravage him!

  Shen Yizhi held his chest, feeling like he had been hit by an arrow.

  He was probably drunk like this.

  Otherwise, he wouldn't do such a destructive thing.

  He was obviously a cold and picky young man before, but now he could actually fall asleep on her bed.

  After glancing at her, Gu Xueting seemed to finally realize something and sat up slowly.

  Then walk outside.

  "Do you still remember the road?" Shen Yizhi expressed concern.


However, the next second, he bumped into the door frame.Shen Yizhi felt hurt for him when he heard it."Are you okay?" She supported his shaky body.Gu Xueting turned her head and looked at her for a moment, then suddenly hugged her and buried her head in her neck. Just as her heart was pounding, she heard a voice in her ear: "Mother..."

 Shen Yizhi: "... ..."

  Mom, you are such a big-headed ghost! Do I look that old?

  I am only eighteen! However, before she could react, her neck suddenly felt hot.Warm liquid fell down.Could he be crying?

Shen Yizhi wanted to push him away and take a look, but Gu Xueting held her tightly and refused to let go."Okay, don't cry anymore, I'm here." She patted his back and coaxed softly.

  Just think of it as coaxing a big Qingbao.

He probably couldn't leave now, so Shen Yizhi simply helped him into the house and let him lie down with Qing Bao.

  Shen Yizhi stood beside the bed with his hands on his hips, looking at the two people lying unconscious on the bed, and suddenly realized, why do these two people look so similar?

  I didn't realize it before, but now that the two faces, one big and one small, are placed next to each other, the contrast is clear.

  After removing the two lumps of flesh on his face, Qing Bao's facial features really looked very similar to Gu Xueting's, and the more he looked at them, the more they looked like him.

  Could it be that Qing Bao is her and his son?Shen Yizhi was shocked by his guess.But it was quickly rejected.She lost her memory and couldn't remember what happened before, but Gu Xueting couldn't have lost her memory too, right? If she really had an affair with him, there was no way he wouldn't recognize her.

  So, she still thinks too much! Shen Yizhi shook his head and shook that ridiculous idea out of his mind.

  Now that the bed is occupied by these two, she can only sleep in the space.After tucking the two of them in, she took the candlestick and walked out, closing the door behind her.

  After simmering a pot of soup, she went out and walked towards the foot of the mountain. When she reached the foot of the mountain, she chose a big tree to climb up and entered the space among the branches.

  In this way, when she comes out tomorrow, she will still be among the branches and avoid being bumped into.

  However, after entering the space, she obviously felt that the space had become larger again, and the edge had moved outward by about three meters.

  Based on today's situation, she has determined that treating patients and saving people is indeed the reason for expanding the space. And how much the area expands is directly related to the degree of saving people.

  It seems that the creator of this space intends that those who own it can help the world.Although she is not a pure good person, this purpose does not conflict with her own goals.

  But, what if she kills someone in the future? Will space shrink?

  After all, the world is still full of too many unknowns, and she is not sure that one day she will not do anything to others.These need to be verified slowly in the future.

  Shen Yizhi planted some new herbs on the newly added land. The seeds were bought by her before.

  Ginseng, Atractylodes, Astragalus, Gentian, and Cassia can all be planted from seeds, but they need to be treated before planting.

  After planting, Shen Yizhi looked around the enlarged space and was looking forward to it.

  I wonder to what extent the space will be expanded in the future? How vibrant was it when she planted all kinds of medicinal herbs here? When she thought of this, she felt like her blood was boiling.

  After harvesting a batch of mature medicinal materials and making some medicine, she fell asleep.