
The miracle doctor is awesome

Shen Yizhi, a medical demon from a generation, gained a baby after traveling through time. God even gave me a big golden finger. She said that life is complete! As for the baby’s father? You already have a baby, why do you still need his father? So Shen Yizhi took the little milk baby all the way to make money and make money until he became famous. But one day, the beautiful man she had longed for came to her and said, "Let's talk about the ownership of the child." Shen Yizhi: Don't tell her, the man she has been coveting is actually the father of her son!

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20 Chs

6: Damn old women

  "What a slut, you rotten-hearted bitch! My son has been unlucky for eight lifetimes before being entangled with you! Who are you harming? Why did it happen to be my Sanjin...

  "My old lady has finally managed to bring me Sanjin up, so she points to him to carry on the family lineage of my old Li family. But you, a vicious slut, actually ruined the foundation of my Sanjin. My old lady is not done with you anymore." ..."

  Shen Yizhi carried Qing Bao and walked to the door of his house. He saw a circle of people outside. In the center of the crowd, a woman in her fifties was sitting on the ground crying, cursing, and her hands rhythmically Slapping the ground.What is going on?

  "What are you doing around my door?" "

Seeing the real owner coming, the melon-eaters who were holding bowls and watching the excitement hurriedly moved out of the way.

  Shen Yizhi walked over and saw that the yard was in a mess, and all the medicinal materials had been knocked to the ground, and his heart was filled with tears. There was a fire.

  Mrs. Wang, who was sitting on the ground, got up and rushed over to give her a big slap.

  Shen Yizhi held Qing Bao and hid aside, fearing that Qing Bao would be accidentally injured, so he put him down to block him. Behind him.

  "Little bitch!" Pussy-itchy slut! How dare you hide! Today I have to peel off a layer of your skin! "

  While Shen Yizhi was looking after Qing Bao, Mrs. Wang rushed over and grabbed her hair, and twisted her chest hard with her hands like iron pliers.

  Shen Yizhi was so painful that he wanted to curse, this old Qian Damn, you're crazy!

  She wanted to push her away, but Mrs. Wang's hands were so strong that she couldn't push her away. Instead, she pinched her hard several times.

  "Hey, Sanjinniang, yes. If you say it well, why do you still hit people? "Aunt Li hurriedly came over and tried to break up the fight.

  "That's right, we all know how Yao Niang is in daily life, and the scolding you said to Sanjin Niang was too unpleasant. "  Several other women who couldn't stand it also came forward to stop them.

  Mrs. Wang swallowed a mouthful of thick phlegm and said, "Say what you say! This coquettish hooves is flirting with people everywhere, how can she be honest without a beating? Today I have to teach her to be good! "

  A few people were disgusted by her. While they were avoiding it, Mrs. Wang ripped off the backpack from Shen Yizhi's back and trampled it to pieces along with the medicinal materials she used to conceal it.

  "What kind of doctor do you think you are? ! I think you are just using the name of a doctor to get around! "

  Old Mrs. Wang pulled Shen Yizhi's hair. She couldn't break free for a moment, and her heart became angry. She threw Mrs. Wang over her shoulder and slammed her to the ground, taking the opportunity to save her hair. "Oh my old waist! "Old Mrs. Wang fell so hard that she couldn't get up for a long time.

  Qing Bao saw her mother being bullied, her little face was bulging with anger, and she rushed over like a cannonball and gave Mrs. Wang a hard blow. , "Bad guy! Clean you up! I told you to bully my mother!

  Mrs. Wang's drooping triangular eyes shot out a sinister light, "You little bastard without a father! " You dare to hit me? Today, old lady, I will teach you a lesson! "

  Slapping Qing Bao in the face, Shen Yizhi became angry! He kicked Qing Bao and pulled Qing Bao behind him: "Damn old woman! If you dare to touch Qing Bao, I will fight with you! "

  Old Mrs. Wang was frightened by her cold and cruel eyes. After reacting, she lay down on the ground and cried and howled: "It's unreasonable! My three golds were ruined by you, and you, a little bitch, bullied an old woman like me. You were so careful that you were struck by lightning! "

  Shen Yizhi sneered, "Li Sanjin? I've never seen him before, so don't rant here! "

  Aunt Li echoed: "Sanjin Niang, Yao Niang usually doesn't go anywhere except seeing patients and going to the mountains to collect medicines. How could she be related to Sanjin? Don't just think that the drug lady is soft-tempered and just deliberately throw dirty water on her. Others

  also chimed in: "That's right, we don't know what kind of virtue Sanjin is. He drinks, gambles, and wanders around all day long. Maybe he got injured in a fight. You still want to take advantage of the opportunity to rely on Yao Niang." Can't? "

  These villagers have all been favored by the Yao Niang. She usually treats people and only charges a nominal fee for treatment, so everyone remembers her. When they see Mrs. Wang acting mischievously, they all stand in front of her. On her side,

  Shen Yizhi couldn't help but feel warm.The situation was one-sided. How could Mrs. Wang still make waves? She gave Shen Yizhi a sinister look, got up, patted the little bitch and left. Sooner or later, she will take her in!

  Qing Bao was so frightened by her eyes that she hugged Shen Yizhi's legs tightly. She was worried, damn old woman, if you dare to scare her little baby, she will get back this debt sooner or later!

  Seeing that there was no excitement to be seen, the crowd gradually dispersed. Aunt Li and several other women helped clean up the yard and comforted her before leaving.

  Shen Yizhi carried Qing Bao into the house. The guy's expression suddenly became fierce, he raised his little fist and waved it, "Wash you!" Clean you up! I told you to bully my mother! "This fierce look made her feel soft and sore.

  She wrapped his little fist in her palm, hugged his little body and swayed gently, leaning her face against his head, "Qing Bao, it's okay. Oh, my mother has beaten the bad guys away, don't be afraid anymore..."

  Under her gentle comfort, Qing Bao's mood gradually calmed down, his head fell softly on her shoulder, and he made a sucking sound. He yawned a little, apparently he was sleepy.

  "Baby, go to sleep. Mom will go make some delicious food first. I'll call you when it's ready." " Shen Yizhi gently placed him on the bed and kissed him on his forehead, face, and nose.

  Seeing that the little guy was completely asleep, she carefully pulled her fingers out of his little hand.

  She entered the space and came out with a pheasant and several eggs in her hand.

  The pheasant was caught in a trap. She put a few earthworms dipped in the spiritual spring inside, and not only did she catch it. Pheasant, and a fat striped rat snake. This kind of snake is non-venomous and is absolutely delicious after being processed.

  Shen Yizhi first cleaned the pheasant, divided it into two halves, cut one half into large pieces, and oiled it. Keep stirring until the meat is half-cooked, then add water, add ginger, wild garlic, star anise, fennel and other spices, cover the pot and

  let it simmer. Simmer in the corner of the stove.Use the firewood in the stove to slowly heat it.The soup cooked in this way is rich and delicious. Even if you only add a little salt, it still tastes good. Yao Niang learned this from Aunt Li.

  Simmering the soup in this way is not only fragrant, but also saves firewood. Don't worry about it in the middle, just add a handful of wood chips from time to time when the stove fire is about to go out to keep the stove fire going out.

  She made steamed eggs from a few bird eggs.Steamed eggs are best for children.When the braised chicken pieces were almost cooked, she added chopped yams.After the meal was done, Shen Yizhi filled a large bowl of chicken and sent it to Aunt Li's house.