
chapter one: grounded

I didn't do anything wrong.

i didn't choose for this to happen or for myself to be born.

The machine of physics makes everything happen and i absorb it all, so quietly, we all do. well not all of us. some are screaming in fear or terror or surprise, others are laughing in humour of condescent or innocence. and the machine keeps running, grounding all of us to mother nature and her beautiful yet dartingly grounding rules.

fortunately the machine didn't put me in a butcher's back kitchen cow or a 14th century slave's body, and unfortunately i wasn't put in the happiest person alive's body either.

i was put in the body of Yoseph Desta, a 19 year old college student who moved from his native home ethiopia where his friends used to be as well and moved to the eye charming yet struggle filled city of Lyon in France.

Cities like these, cities where the economic growth is high and people are hard working is quite inspiring but living in one when all i knew my whole life was luxury and care and support really pulled the carpet beneath my feet and i fell flat on my ass.

And i don't mean that literally although I did fall on my ass literally a few times, i mean i found myself in a mental hospital at 3 in the morning in the middle of april, almost half naked and completely over taken with anxiety.

i don't know what happened between those two intervals and i don't intend on caring enough to pay close attention and find out.

Next thing i knew doctors were putting me in an ambulance to take me somewhere where I can be fed and get taken care of.

i spent 10 days there, it wasn't the best thing I'll tell you that.