
The Mind God

royalroad novel - summoner https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/52007/infinity-core-summoner Brion was just a normal college student. Since childhood, he was interested in the abilities of "Mind Power" and "Mind", and although the people around him looked at him with the "crazy" eye, he continued to work on these abilities. But he never succeeded in his life and died as a result of a disease. When he woke up, he was in a cave and soon realized he had a system, and at the same time, he realized that he had come to a fantastic universe. And only the system tailored for his own "Mind" abilities and only belong to him. It was glory given to him to realize his dreams that he couldn't do in his previous world. - https://www.webnovel.com/book/origin-night-lord_16167247606177705#review -

Krizantem · Fantasi
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194 Chs

Home - Talk - God - Power - Chapter 149

The night already came and Rigar came to the house of the Brion.

Brion opened the door and after Rigar entered the house he was pretty shocked to see the inside of the home of Brion.

It was pretty luxurious compared to the many homes that he went to talk with his friends and have a little bit of fun.

But after thinking about it he understands why Brion can live in a house like this without having to think about most things.

The spear throwing ability and him easily killing an Ice Tiger from a 40 meters distance is a thing that can easily earn him many things.

With that kind of ability, he already has 45 kg of meat in his home and he can buy everything he needs with five to ten kg of meat.

Brion right now in his mind did not even need to work for 3 months at all.

As Rigar was still thinking about many things Brion started talking.

"Please sit"