
The Mikaelson Family in an Irregular World (Paused)

"We've all heard the legends, the first vampires. Their eternal vow. How they roamed the Earth a thousand years, saw empires rise and fall. To most, they were monsters, but to a few, they were something more. If you look closely, you'll find traces of them through history. They've got a bit of a reputation. After a thousand years, things can get complicated. Eventually, they were drawn back to a place they once called home, somewhat reluctantly. But they just couldn't resist New Orleans where the good times roll, and the heads do too. It wasn't easy, but some things are worth fighting for. Some things you can't give up on, even when all hope is lost. Even when it seems like it's over; it's never over. Some things can't be broken. Every family has a legacy, and this is mine. I intend to fight for "Always and Forever", even if it destroys me." The Youngest Mikaelson, Henrik, is trapped inside an alternate world after being killed by the werewolves. His soul is bounded by strong magic which prevents him from ageing, and he is alone inside the alternative world with no living being present other than him. The only thing keeping him from going insane is the fact that from this alternate world, he can watch his family using Esther bloodline as a link. Over the centuries, he observes how his family lived, how they loved, how they hunted, how they hated, he saw it all. Over the years, Henrik grew to crave the bond that his siblings had; the love and trust was the thing he wanted more than anything. So he made a plan, to escape his imprisonment, he started absorbing more and more magic from his prison world. This world was not only his prison but also the source of his power. Henrik had a unique soul that caused his magic to grow more durable and more robust as he aged, this world steadily strengthened his soul so that his soul would become indestructible and handle his ever-growing magic. For a century he absorbed the magic around him and finally one day he was able to escape from the prison world successfully. He doesn't have a body; thus he created one for him, seeing that wherever his family went trouble would always follow he decided to escape from the clutches of the spirits and be reborn in a new word. A world that is different yet similar to the previous one at the same time. Now that he is back, he will claim what is rightfully his, he will have his family, and he would do anything to achieve his goal. [Discord Link:-https://discord.gg/MH4QAKF] [Average word count:- 1000 words per chapter] [At least four chapters per week] [Only constructive criticism is needed.]

Legendary_Person · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
135 Chs

Chapter :-74 A New Dawn (Part-6)

"You feel it…?"

"I fear your safety has been compromised Ieyasu-sama, we should immediately return to the throne room."

"It's too late for that my friend."

Ieyasu turned around and stared at the four individuals who suddenly entered the garden without alerting anyone. All four of them wore armour and radiated a raging aura, making it clear that they were elites and not some contracted killers.

"Lord Ieyasu, we are elites of the Gerard family and we have been ordered to kill you." (Tachibana)


"Well, as expected from Mr.Goody two Shoes…." (Nobunaga)

"*Sigh*….Let's get this over with." (Kiyohime)

Kiyohime suddenly disappeared from her position in a blur and rushed towards Ieyasu at full speed. Her Katana unsheathed, intending to end it all in a single strike.

"No!… Kiyohime-san do not approach him carelessly." (Tachibana)

Before Tachibana could warn Kiyohime, it was already too late as she had rushed forward at full speed, trying to end this fight as soon as possible.

But just as she neared Ieyasu, an armoured figure appeared in front of her, his hands holding a long-sword and before she could react, a bright flash of blinding light engulfed her body as the entire southern corner of the castle was blown away in a mighty blow, the entire floor cracked, the whole castle shook, the power behind a single blow by Honda Tadakatsu was strong enough to rival that of Minor-divine beasts with Tachibana being his only equal.

"What!?" (Nobunaga)

"Damn it..!" (Tachibana)

"Such strength…!" (Sarutobi)

Rocks fell down from the broken ceiling while the smokescreen created by the blinding attack finally dissipated, revealing an unharmed Kiyohime who's armour was sliced from a few places but still held against such mighty blow.

"Now I know why 'he' is so interested in him…"

Kiyohime could win against Tachibana because he was very kindhearted and always held back whenever they spared but Honda was different, he would do anything to make sure that his Lord was safe, no matter what price he must pay for it.

[So this is the power of the Hero of the East, he would give Sasaki-san a run for his money and what was with that move, I didn't even sense it until it made contact with my body. I must avoid getting to close, using Flintlock and magic is the best option.]

Kiyohime unequipped her Katana and equipped the long-barreled Flintlock within her hands before starring at Honda who had a serious expression on his face.

[She was able to take on my strike head-on and remain near unaffected! I can't protect Ieyasu-sama under such unfavourable conditions. Now that she has switched to long-ranged combat, it is very dangerous for Ieyasu-sama to remain here. I must retreat and get him out of here.]

[The exit is in the opposite direction…. while escaping through the windows is out of option, leaving only one way out.]

Honda suddenly turned around before rushing towards Ieyasu and picked him up on his shoulders, knowing that he couldn't use any door or exit to escape, he decided to create one of his own. Raising his sword up high in the air, he slashed downward with a tremendous force which would have surely destroyed the floor they were standing on if not for another sword interrupting his attack.



Large amounts of air burst forth from his position and assaulted the other living souls in the garden, causing them to raise their arms and block the incoming wind from entering their eyes.

Tachibana had disappeared from his position and used one of his three swords to block the tremendous blow delivered by Honda Tadakatsu, intending to destroy the entire floor. Their sword didn't move an inch, both of them were equally matched against each other and no one was able to gain an upper-hand.

"I can't allow you to leave Honda…"


Honda Tadakatsu pulled his sword a little and tapped Tachibana's sword a single time as a terrifying battle-intent burst out from his body and expanded outwards in the form of a ring. Nobunaga and Sarutobi jumped up to avoid the attack while Tachibana and Kiyohime broke through the ring with sheer strength.

"You can't defeat me Honda-san, we are evenly matched…."

"That attack wasn't for you…."

The ring made out of Battle-intent continued forward and impacted the pillars holding the ceiling, the 8-pillars made out of pure Enchanted metal broke apart while the ceiling collapsed on top of them.

"Damn it!…..don't underestimate the Demon King!, [Big-bang explosion]…."

Nobunaga pointed her long Flintlock towards the ceiling and pulled the trigger, hundred thousands of bullets made out of pure battle-intent bombarded the ceiling which was falling on them. The constant barrage of bullets pulverized the debris into nothingness.

"Hahahaha…..I am OP!!!!"

Honda utilized this distraction and tapped the tip of his sword on the floor, causing it to break apart.

He then escapes downward but Kiyohime, Tachibana and Nobunaga followed after him.

The whole place was already abandoned when he arrived except he saw an injured servant supporting himself using the wall. Knowing full well that he couldn't outrun his pursuers, he stops in front of the servant and places Ieyasu back on the ground.

"Take Lord Ieyasu out of here as fast as you can and send reinforcement!…."


Honda turns around only to see that Tachibana, Nobunaga and Kiyohime had already caught up with him, he takes his stance and attacks Tachibana with full force.





Their swords sent waves of battle-intent burst outwards whenever they collided, the force behind their blows were so strong that not even Kiyohime could close into their positions carelessly lest she would be assaulted by the combined might of two monsters.



A scream followed by a body falling on the ground woke Honda and Tachibana from their battle, Honda retreated and turned around only two see a Katana piercing the chest of his lord. The injured servant stood near Ieyasu with a Katana in his arms. Blood flowed out of his chest and soaked the servant's clothes, staining the ground red.

"Sleep now…."



An immense power burst forth Honda's body as he smashed Tachibana deep in the ground before appearing near the injured servant in a blur. Fury, bloodlust and anger radiated from his body as he roared.


He swings his sword horizontally towards the waist of the servant, intending to slice him into half. Just as the sword neared the servant, the seemingly injured servant jumps in the air and tilts his body, parallel to horizontal, narrowingly avoiding the slash. A Kunai appears in his palm, he launches it towards Honda who was astonished by the event which had just transpired but still deflected the attack aiming for his forehead.

He jumps back before locking his eye with the servant who had suddenly disappeared.

"Where did he-….."


A drop of blood fell on the ground while Honda could feel a Katana being placed at his neck from behind.

The person who did so was no other than the servant, or rather…..[Sarutobi Sasuke the Ninja], master of Ninja arts and Ninjutsu. The only person who had the ability to hide his presence even from Henrik's detection, also the most dangerous Gerard family elite of all.

"Ieyasu isn't dead, you can save him...if you are willing to pay the price?"

Hearing his words, Honda took a deep breath before asking in a heavy tone.

"What do you want?"

Hearing his words, Sasuke smiled while revealing his teeth to Honda.