
The Mightiest Mortal Grand Order V2

The countdown till the end of the World as we know it is heart thumping, and the people serving as its saviors are a pair of an amnesic Deity and his Demi-Servant, who will journey through the Seven Grand Orders. Let's just hope that will be enough.

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The world he woke up to…

I, Billy Batson, since the time I have woken up some hours ago, had undergone some serious life changing phases. Quite literally, if I had any say about it.

Firstly, I woke up an amnesic. With no clue on who I was, it was even with luck, and a spurt of memory that I clued in my name. Then things entered their own rollercoaster.

A magic organization named, Chaldea. End of world, and humanity as a whole. Time travelling back to the past to fix the Singularity, as they call it. So with no inkling why I was even here in this strange place, I just decided to do what I was quite sure I do best.

Go with the flow.

It was from there I met the shy iliac, Mash Kyrielight. The frisky doctor, Romani Archarman. And the genial engineer, Lev Lainur.

And, of course… The beastly, Fou.

Through them, I gleaned in bits and pieces of why I was here in the first place. And holey moley! Let's just say, even till now, I wonder if the former me was a suicidal daredevil for attempting to partake in what I prescribe as, a perilous undertaking.

Well, that did not matter in the end. As even though I was not of mind to participate, the world still forced me to, in the worst possible way.

An earthquake later, revealed to me that the headquarters was on fire due to bomb explosions. And those in the Control Room had unfortunately been caught up.

Was it just a burst of heroism, or an instinctual part of my genetic makeup that drove me to trail Romani who shot ahead to the Control Room? I may never know at the end. But still, I can say with all my heart, that; I never regretted it.

Thankfully the other Master potentials were safe, locked within their coffins. -God, did the apparatus name sound creepy- and were protected from the falling debris that could have harmed them.

But unfortunately, that couldn't be said for the others. As I would find out later that only twenty members of the staffs in exception of the Master potentials, survived the bombings.

Thankfully, I had found Mash with Fou's help, -the beast, which I was two minds of- only that her state was very horrible to say in the least. Oh, I knew she would never admit it, but at that moment, I admired her strength. Not just her badass physicals, but her mental strength as well.

Even when buried under over a ton plus debris. She still smiled, urging me to leave for safety.

But I wouldn't. Not even for her. As long as there was a way I can help, even if there is a small percentage of success, then this Billy Batson will try with all he's got to offer.

It was from there that things turned strange in the least for me. Like the burst of remembrances that gave me my name, another followed but this one… Gave me, powers.

Yep, you got that right. Full. Blown. Powers! Technically, it is more of a superior biology than anything. But nowadays, who mind the small details!

The cumbersome ton plus debris to me, became one big stuffy pillow. And with a flip, I launched it so hard it flew to the other end of the room smashing against the wall.

If you thought that was the ending, well, halabanga! The Chaldeas; a creepy ball that watches over human souls all over the world, became a ball of flames. A morose imitation of destroyed room.

Then, some stupid A.I declared humanity would be gone, as their survival for the next hundred years could not be determined.

While that sounded asinine. I, paying attention to that information was not the wisest thing to do, as subsequently the Control Room doors were sealed shut. In the end I, Mash, and Fou, suffocated in the smoke, while I cursed my stupidity, while apologizing to a faceless phantom?

From there, things became a mix of apocalyptic fantasy.

The burning city.

The meeting with Olga Marie who was Chaldea's lion boss, -not like I would ever tell her that, mind you-

Fighting skeletons, -ok, that one as morbid as it sounded, was actually hilarious- Oh, and some bow guy trying to kill me with red magic arrows, only to be saved by Super Mash who had now a superhuman just like me… Cool, right? Right….?!

Heavens help me…

Banal, b-comics events, anyone?

Some minutes later. After some explanation of what was going on, I went on to clashing against Lancer Medusa. If it weren't for the snake themed Heroic Spirit swaggering around, I reckoned that I would have already been dead at the initial start, because she was that strong.

But thankfully, I and Mash pulled through in a display of wonderful teamwork.

Also with the help of a certain gangster.

Although now that I look back in reminiscence, I just have to conclude that while victory had been archived, it felt too hollow for me.

Afterwards, I and the others met Cu Chulain. An Irish Heroic Spirit, and a hooligan. I had prepared there and then to knock his teeth out for rubbing Mash like that. No matter how fine a girl is, ask for permission first!

Well, I admit that the spearman, or was it Sage wasn't a bad guy. He was just a battle hankering perverted old man.

With the location of the Grail. Not the Abrahamic one, it's the magical one, in mind. I and the three super-humans -Olga Marie just had to be one for owning a magic organization- set out to Fuyuki Mountains to settle this once, and for all.

Now, remember when I said things got worse? Well scrap it out of your memory as things went from gear one, to gear ten.

Demi-gods, scions of the divines who in particular appear as some of the most notable figures in our history. Why am I saying this? It just so happened, that my sudden enhancement came from one of them.

He was one of the physical strongest. Someone, who at the end became a God of Strength. Heracules. Not Hercules, Heracules. The one from Greece.

To make things worse, it was at that moment I had an agonizing migraine smashing my head like a sledgehammer! Really, a fine state of affairs!

Ok… I honestly shouldn't be complaining about that. As, if not for that migraine I would not have been able to defeat Heracules. As for how I did it? It's quite simple, actually.

I became a demigod.

By meeting with the three fragments of Heracules; arguing with them, and then, accepting the mantle of being an incarnation of Heracules, which meant receiving all of his powers in its raw entirety. I woke up, killing his shadow after a heart stirring battle, and a slash of Keranous's Noble Phantasm.

Which according Marie, held more destructive potency than a Tsar bomb.

Looking back in retrospect. The fact that I had to be saying all those lines to use my Noble Phantasm was just too embarrassing. Thankfully the others did not look at me like an idiot for saying them.

With a little bit of rest, and some diabolical planning. We went onwards to the mountains, there we were blocked by Archer, who was then taken care of by Cu Chulain, even though at the end he lost his life in doing so.

I certainly did not feel anything about his death. No sir, I did not… Ok, maybe a little. Just a tiny weensy bit of grief…

Oh who am I kidding…? Alright, while it was painful to think that someone I had been speaking to some minutes ago was gone. Still, I shouldered on and fought against Saber, who apparently is King Arthur.

Now everyone, remember how your families and friends always say to not trust everything that comes out of the internet? Yeah, I want to add my own. While you keep doing so, do not trust your history books!

Read them, yes. But do not trust that tree bark piece of crap!

Arthur as I saw was a woman, a small statured woman. Looking at her just makes me thankful for the glasses of today. As unlike the medieval times. We don't call blue, yellow as a result of bad vision. If she is a she, write she, and he, write he, goddammit!

Ugh… Now that I think about it. Was there not a system of gender oppression at that period? Hmm… Ok, end of story.

I won against, the owner of Excalibur. And was preparing to say goodbye to this hellish world for the rest of my life, when the real culprit revealed himself under the moonlight.

Talk about being dramatic.

Lev Lainur Flarous. The Demon God, Flarous. One of the members of the Ars Goetia, and the Demon in charge of information. He was deceptively kind of strong, I admit. But Christ! Does he pisses me off!

But I have to admit that amongst all I had fought, only Flarous was the only one who ironically came close to killing me.

He had me pressed down with the entire mass of Fuyuki, both sky, and land on my shoulders, while immobilizing Mash, and in a burst of sadism, decided to kill Olga Marie by pushing her into the Chaldeas, which was essentially a black hole.

Even though I had been able to lift it due to my demigod's rather unsafe Noble Phantasm, it still did not help much. But luck apparently was still on my side as there was still an inheritance waiting for me. Which at the end, ascended me from mortality into a godhood, a Chief God to be specific.

SHAZAM! Solomon, Heracules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, Mercury. The amalgamation of their names made me into something more than I could dream of, and gave me powers beyond what I could imagine. Why was I given this power, still remained a mystery to me.

But in the end, I had uncovered some very juicy and horrifying information. Flarous is actually part of my Noble Phantasm, him and seventy three others. All contracted to King Solomon under the name, Ars Goetia.

Second of all, I could feel that one of the functions of the rings was active. The function that held the potential to destroy the whole world in one shot. Not just physically, but also conceptually as well. It was a band of light deployed by the Heavens in their never-ending war against Hell.

And Goetia used it wipe out the entire planet, burning everything to cinders!

It felt disturbingly satisfying to strike Flarous to cinders with my lightning bolt. But still that did nothing in the long run. Flarous had just returned back to Goetia. And now, my existence has been taken into account and will be planned against.

The need for caution just became imperative.

My powers were not meant for human hands, that I can agree with Heracules's sentimentality. But now that I know that the world out there is burning, and I can stop it. I believe there is something I should be doing.

… Just as soon as I lay down to get some shut eye.


"Eh?" Billy questioned skeptically, while he slowly rose back up. The purple lock of hair still in his view as he wondered how was there purple when it was supposed to be black.

His left hand went up stroking it as the hair scintillated with a luxurious gleam. It would have been cool if it weren't for the fact that the Chaldean Master was supposed to be a mortal at the moment.

Hastily, Billy scoured the room looking for a mirror or a reflecting object. The thought that his mortality may have been tempered with, soured his stomach to no end.

As luck would have it, Billy spotted a wall mirror at the extreme and of the room.

'Talk about convenient.' The Master quipped to himself in amusement.

In reaching the mirror, Billy's jaw dropped at what he saw.

"You've gotta' be kidding me?"

He tilted his head, and sure enough the image of the reflection screen followed suit. That was enough confirmation for the Chaldean as he draw nearer to the mirror gawking at the alien being who also gawked back.

The God incarnate could still remember back when he check himself, when he was a Godsblood at Fuyuki city. Even in his muscled form, Billy could have fashioned an image from how he looked like before. Meeting his doppelganger also helped.

So what he was expecting to see when he looked at the mirror, was a thin boy of a height befitting his age, with curly black hair, and cerulean eyes. But what Billy saw was just wrong.

Firstly the image staring at him, was a boy of inhumane beauty. Not handsomeness, beauty. Appearance delicate, and graceful enough that Billy had to do funny looks to ensure that it was really his face that he was dealing with.

His eyes were now dark purple, and a deeper observation made Billy swore that he could actually see his pupils pulsing with light? Long eyelashes, and flowing back-length purple hair made Billy unsure whether he should be happy, or just plain disgusted at his unearthliness.

The incarnation's height was almost peaking five ft. and seeing him in his white Chaldea's uniform, only made him appear like an inhuman.

He breathed out, as his mind was filled with one boiling emotion.

Unbridled anger.

"What kind of funny joke is this?!" Billy growled. His fist clenching so hard it turned white, his face appeared disgusted by what he saw in the mirror.

'My mortal form should not have been tempered to this extent.'

As a result of inheriting all seven Gods authorities. Billy could say that he knew all what their powers entails, he even understood that their godly physiology would affect him in his mortal form.

'The only Gods I have a strong connection to presently are Zeus, Atlas, Mercury, and Achilles. All Grecian Gods, and even then, my connection to Zeus who could probably be the culprit isn't even a hundred percent due to two things. The others… No, they aren't powerful enough to meld me like this.'

This, was entirely different.

His hands went against the wall, head scrolling as Billy tried to make sense of what happened to him. But amongst the Gods in his repertoire, none could have done this. Not even Solomon.

In frustration, the Master slammed his right hand hard against the wall with enough force that the room shook, and the light flickered before resuming in its stalwart radiance.

Looking at the hand sunk into the wall in astonishment. Billy slowly pulled it out, eyeing his dust coated arm in bemusement.

'It seems like, I also possess super-strength as a mortal.'

While beneficial, he glanced at his image in mixed emotions. Ostensibly, it was advantageous that he had the capability to protect himself both as a God, and as a mortal. But he still didn't like it.

'My mortality is supposed to be a reminder of my human status. A thread-line connection to what I am from my roots. I don't want my godly aspect to intrude, and take that away from me. It's not fair to Billy Batson, that Marvel has a say in his life.'

With that thought, deep within his soul. The eternity shard twinkled, responding to the reasoning of its Guardian and new Master.

Outwardly, Billy gave a small wince as a wave of shock passed through him. Immediately the effects were fast. He stared as his purple tresses receded back reducing in length as black took its place. Purple turned cerulean, as Billy was now starting to resemble himself bit by bit.

But then it abruptly halted as an intense itching crawled around him. Scratching his skin, it was there he noticed dark lines appearing and solidifying on his skin, forming tattoos.

"Oh, not again." He moaned.

Pulling back his sleeves, Billy watched as the tattoos appeared on his skin taking on a form of chains. In peering closer, he realized that those chains were made up of many cultural alphabets.

The Master recognized the English, Greeks, and Hebrew languages, but there were two other alphabets, -he could tell as even the two strange letters differed among themselves- he did not recognize even though it gave him a funny feeling.

A bad kind of funny feeling.

As for the three languages. Thankfully he could read them clearly as a result of his new found status. And in doing so, he now comprehended what was happening, which he summed in one word.

"It's actually a seal…" He muttered.

Straightening his sleeve, the God's avatar, now saw that his inhuman appearance was now gone… Or in concise words, technically withdrawn. Billy could say that his mortal form was almost how it was before… Even though he still looked like a thug.

His height still remained the same, while the feeling of strength was still there, only muted. The only thing of note was that his eyes no more pulsed with an eerie light. Now giving himself a look over, Billy could honestly say he looked like someone from a biker gang.

His hair was more wavy than spiky, and his blue eyes appeared sharper. The natural disposition the Chaldean Master presented looked like one itching for a fight… Which was absolutely not true!

Not like the tattoos helped, anyway.

The door hissing open prompted the Chaldean to look at the entrance, but he saw no one there. Raising an eyebrow, Billy moved forward to investigate when he felt something tap against his pants.

"Fou! Fou!"

"Oh, it's you." Billy muttered as he looked down to see the familiar squirrel creature, Fou, tapping against his legs.

Crouching down, he absently petted while a small smile surfaced on his face. "So little rascal, why are you here?"

"Fou~" The creature intoned, giving him a look that screamed 'seriously!'

Letting out a laugh, Billy picked up the smart beast placing it on his right shoulder. Eyeing Fou, Billy noted that the strangeness he picked up around it before, appeared more discernable. He could now see a frightening black haze occasionally coming out of the seemingly normal pet.

He still remembers the monstrous shadow behind Fou when they had first met.

'Even now, it still gives me the itches. What the hell are you, Fou?' He wondered.

The Chaldean pet rubbed affectionately against his cheeks, before jumping down heading towards the door and then stopped and looked back at Billy.

"What? You want me to follow?" Billy asked.

Fou chirped positively, waiting a bit to be sure Billy was following, before exiting the automatic door.

Walking out into the hallways, Billy paused getting a look at the glass that showed the outside view. Hazardous snowstorms, with bone numbing blizzards were all he could see blocking out the blue skies above. But the Master knew that the image was nothing more than a lie.

The entire world was torched down, everything burned to cinders. The fact that there would even be any ice remaining is nothing more than a hopeful dream, a morbid assurance compared to the true darkness the outside world had become. A false sense of assurance so as to not run mad.

It was truly sickening.

But still, "Nice holograms, they got here."


Fou's chiding chirp, drew Billy's attention as he shook his head apologetically, and followed suit. While as they walked, he took note that everywhere seemed clean and pristine, the lights stayed stationary showing that the power lights had been turned back on, and the base settled.

It made him wonder for how long he had been unconscious. Hopefully not too long.

The sites became more familiar as Billy realized where Fou had been taking him.


'It's all still here.' Billy commented as he took in the debris, and metallic remains of the Control Room.

While a small part of him wished that it was all just one big dream, reality on the other hand slam-dunked him with the destructive scene before him.

Thankfully, the Chaldean noticed that the Master Potentials, who were stuck inside the coffins were carried to safety. Probably in the cryopreservation section.

While climbing over the slabs of rocks, Billy considered whether he should heal the Master Potentials, and wake them all up. After all, more than two heads are better than a measly twenty plus in this situation, but he halted himself there.

While he did not want to sound protrusive; as someone who was initially skeptical when Mash informed him about magic, and magecraft. Billy felt that they shouldn't be woken up, at least not now. He will heal them, of course. But they still have to remain in deep sleep.

Was it right to do this? Billy had no idea. But this situation demanded that this had to be done. The food, and resources statistics among others were unknown. But knowing Flarous, the store may also be among the sites he may target. Although that would not be a problem now.


"Fou-san? What's wrong?" Billy's eye widened, as he saw the spectacled lilac, Mash Kyrielight, crouch down in concern while talking to Fou.

To the God incarnate his perception dimmed, narrowing down as he looked at her hale and hearty, obviously smaller in height unlike before. He surmised it due to her Noble Phantasm being inactive.

A smile bloomed on his lips, as he took a step forward and loudly cleared his breath.

Mash's world froze when she heard his voice. While different from how it was before, there was no way she could mistake it, and also there was his presence that always made her feel giddy.

With a smile filled with joy, she moved ahead to her Master, "Hey, Billy-kun."

His mouth opened and closed, unknowing of what to say. Letting out a mirthless huff, Billy replied. "Yo, Mash."

No words were needed for what he was about to do. Determined steps carried him ahead, as he reached Mash, pulling her into his bosom in a hug.

"Bi-Billy-kun?!" Mash squeaked flustered.

"Thank you, Mash. Thank you for being alive." Billy whispered emotionally, it was an emotion of fear he held even back in Fuyuki. The fear that even with all the power bestowed upon him, he would still be helpless and powerless in the face of danger as it took everything from him.

Hiding such frightening thoughts with a confident smile, was Billy's way of dealing with his fears.

But at least for now he can let it out. Squeezing her tighter, Billy soaked in the fact that even though he had begun, at least this chapter of his amnesic life was without pain of loss.

'Ah… There it is again.' Mash thought, as her heart began to beat faster. Her stomach felt like it was tumbling, and her face flushed red. This strange happening that always occurs when she is with him.

This was not the first time this had been happening to her. Even back in Fuyuki city, but due to the perilous situation at hand, the demi-Servant had no chance to ruminate on this new feeling, and to make things worse this feeling only grew stronger!

Slowly her hands went around his waist as she reciprocated his hug, pulling him just as tight.

While she had no idea what this feeling was. She secretly admits that she really likes it.

Looking upwards staring into the electrical blue eyes of her Master, Mash replied. "No, Billy-kun. Thank you for making sure we all survive."

While the oblivious dance of feelings occurred. Romani sat on a nearby rock forgotten, or ignored by the two budding lovebirds in their own little world.

'I already feel bad about doing this.' The Doctor thought uncomfortably.

Drawing breathe, Romani gave a loud cough, drawing both Chief God, and demi-Servant out of their self-created reverie.

"Oh Doctor! It's good to see you." Billy greeted after a let out a surprised sound. As he disengaged from Mash who let out an embarrassed squeak.

"To you as well, Billy-kun. Or is it Chief God now." The Doctor replied tiredly.

Although Billy might not be too sure, but the Doctor seemed to be a little wary of him.

'Maybe it's because I've become a Chief God.' The Chaldean Master speculated.

Romani on the other hand let out a mental sigh of relief, it was as he suspected.

'Billy-kun does not possess the full authorities of Solomon, because if he did…' The truth would have been revealed at this moment. Romani did not want that, it wasn't time yet. Also he also wants to see what it was in Billy-kun that deemed him worthy of God's blessing.

Until then, the don of Romani Archarman was needed.

"Billy Batson-kun." The stern voice of Olga Marie pierced through the ruined Control Room.

"Yo Marie." Billy greeted, eyeing the High-Human who was an inch taller than before, and more defined.

"Glad to see that you're doing fine."

"Thanks to you." Olga Marie huffed. What followed after was a smile that Romani would swear in all his years as the Head-Doctor of the organization, he had never seen on her, blossomed on the Tower Lord's face.

"I glad that you are alright. I was really worried what had happened to you, Billy-kun."

Billy raised a hand, bulging his muscles. "As you can see I'm alright. It's just that my ascension took too much toll on my soul. Now, I'm back to a hundred percent."

Olga Marie nodded, "Well that's alright then."

Meanwhile Romani moaned that he was without a camera. For this had to be recorded for prosperity!

"Romani Archarman. Did you just think of something incredibly rude concerning me just now?"

The pink doctor flinched, as the Director's inquiry hit too close to home. 'Is she an esper now?!'

"Hahaha. Nothing of such sort Director!" Romani replied with a strained smile, while nervously rubbing the back of his head.

"I was just worried about the logistics, I'm about to deal with."

Olga Marie eyed him for some seconds, before letting out a sigh. "You and your laziness, Head-Doctor… You have to learn to fix it, in case you are missing it, the world as a whole has been destroyed."

Romani's shoulders slouched, "Yes, mam."

Billy let a chuckle as he and the others left the Control Room. Bumping Mash's shoulders, he threw a smile which she returned brightly.

Yes, the world has destroyed, that was an irrefutable fact. Evil held as the final victor, laughing at the futilities of the remaining humans… But as long as there is that one tiny dot of hope in the sea of despair and bleakness… Then the battle isn't over yet.

So Marvel swears.


The Servant hummed as she tinkered in her workshop, all forms of objects from mundane objects to magical items all crafted with her hands, all coming into creation as a result of an inspirational burst. For that was all she could do at the moment, she is a Caster after all.

As they always say, 'Leave the fighting for the brawns.'

At the desk away from her tinker table an ancient telephone rang, blaring away the serenity of the workshop.

"Yes, yes I'm coming." She moaned, "Mo~ maybe I should just stop being so stubborn, and accept the modern telephone. At least that one is quieter, not to mention you could even set the ringing tone… Or was it the normal phone."

The ringing continued incessantly, until she picked it up, "Yes, yes. This is the beautiful genius speaking."

In hearing the subject of the call, her smile changed into a full blown grin.

"Oh~ so he is awake then… No need, I'm heading out now. I assume you are all going to be at the private conference room, yes?" Hearing an affirmative reply, she smiled and promptly dropped the call.

"Billy Batson-kun, huh." The beautiful medieval brunette muttered, her lips stretched into a predatory grin.

"I can't wait for us to meet."