
The Mightiest Mortal Grand Order V2

The countdown till the end of the World as we know it is heart thumping, and the people serving as its saviors are a pair of an amnesic Deity and his Demi-Servant, who will journey through the Seven Grand Orders. Let's just hope that will be enough.

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4 Chs

Squeeze It Out!

So the mortal dreams…

A world on fire. Heat blistering against his skin, but his eyes remained on his prey, ready to rip and shred. Hands raised, fists clenched, he was doused in a bloodlust haze.

He had wondered where it had been all this time.

Her face was set in agony, but his fists just kept on digging. Bones shattered, blood rumbled, muscles ruptured and ruptured under the technique and power accompanied by his fist and legs that sang destruction. Singing mockingly to her death.

Ah… There it was... Now, it have decided to show itself.

Buildings collapsed upon them. Sword glints accompanied their dangerous dance, as he twirled to the beat. He had never felt so alive. It was too much fun to overcome the legend that stood before him. Oh, how he ever so wondered, 'How it would feel for his face to fall below his feet. Utterly conquered.'

That one thing he tried to not dwell on as he battled through the Singularity.

Maniacal giggles spurted out from his mouth as he swung the manifestation of Thunder! The uncomfortable grunts of the Dragon Tyrant were lyrics to his ears. Rocks exploded under their feet due to their inertia. Their battle was on the level of legends! Ever still, slowly but surely, Victory will forever remain his as his blade cuts her into two.

The quiet voice that questioned him on the morality of the things he did.

He stood undefeated, forever the Champion. Below him the ravings of the thing he once acknowledged, and the thing that was responsible for the death of millions, about to deliver his execution. It was vindication, oh sweet vindication. But still...

Why did it bother him so much? It was a live or die circumstances.

The mortal, the Godsblood, the Demi-god, the Chief-God was surrounded by only three bodies, but they made him uncomfortable. His stomach squeezing, head twirling and breath becoming heavy as he stared unblinking upon their mutilated states.

But deep inside he wasn't surprised, for that was what it meant to be Human. Yes, it had to show him the truth of what he has done and will do. For it was his one and only…



"… ….!"

Letting out a loud gasp, Billy eyes opened widely, sitting up on his bed while breathing heavily. He looked around, half expecting to be met with the furious heat of Fuyuki, only to see that he was once again within the confines of his unlit room.

Sighing, the Chaldean Master rubbed his brows, as he looked down at his hands. "Again, this is the fourth time this has happened."

His hands felt sticky… Soaked with the blood of his adversaries.

A cold shiver ran through Billy, drawing a deep breath, he muttered. "This conscience stuff is becoming more of a burden, than a morality reminder."

After staying in the same spot for some moments, he got up from his bed going to the bathroom. Where he splashed water on his face from the facet sink to get rid of the lagging feeling. Billy looked at the wall mirror as the image of the tall tattooed boy with piercing blue eyes glared back.

For a moment, the reflection interposed with his Godsblood, and Demi-God forms, all covered in blood, while they grinned back menacingly. Flinching, Billy clenched his eyes shut, shaking his head as if to get rid of the comparison, before opening his eyes to see the mortal once again.

"Mortal, eh… Is that the correct term, now?" He morosely muttered, futilely. As only the sound of running water was his answer. Sighing, he twisted the facet shut, while cleaning his face with a hand towel.

'Let's just stop with this pathetic line of thought, for my sanity, at least.'

Laying down minutes later had shown the Chaldean that Morpheus had fled from him completely. He didn't bother to start counting ewes jumping over bars as he did not even want to sleep anyway. From his bed, Billy looked at a section of the wall noting the neon display of the time.

"2: 21"

He counted, while feeling mentally restless. Still too early he observed, but it was around this time that Chaldea was currently a tomb of whirling ACs and empty hallways. For Billy, this was the best time to blow off some steam by himself. Luckily for the God incarnate, he knew how.

Hopping off his bed for the second time, Billy put on a grey hoodie that had Chaldea's logo over his black tank-top, and cargo pants with black sneakers. His destination already set.


Billy pass by the familiar hallways. The white bright lights, tiled floor, and the nominal holographic blizzard that displayed a magnificent illusion of a fake world outside of Chaldea. A barrier of cold lie, if he had any say about it. But it was a lie desperately needed.

He entered the elevator, his aim towards the lower floor. Almost a minute later, the Master came out as the door opened, revealing the same scenery only without an outside view. Meanwhile, he absently ruminated on the past four days since the meeting concerning the Grand Order.

Chaldea repairs ran smoothly. With the help of mages available, the residual rubbles were quickly and safely disposed of, and the remaining destroyed sites were managed by the cleaning bots. The sci-fi of this organization was just that cool, the Master admitted.

In non-sequitur, Billy's mind travelled to Leonardo Da Vinci, who he concedes is an interesting Woman.

When she wasn't ogling him with her eyes, obviously.

'The mysteries within your body are truly one of a kind, Billy-kun.' The Servant would say obliviously, while running tests on him. Meanwhile, Mash would hold him back from giving the Universal Pervert a black eye.

Although to the Chief God, Mash also had a funny look in her eyes when she glared at Da Vinci who subsequently zipped it.

'That woman really is an annoying airhead,' he concluded.

Clicking his tongue in irritation, Billy returned to his earlier line of musing. The Caster, as Marie had said, truly had some great ideas relating to the FATE summoning system, and some others, which he had already implemented. Particularly the summon system which is to be tested today.

Yes, before the day ends, Chaldea would be graced with the presence of a new Servant. Marie had informed Billy that this had been the plan all along, but since the mana available to sustain the summoning was nil, the Chaldean head would have no choice but to scrap it off.

That was until, the Chief Deity presented an alternative. With the use of magecraft, the King of Magic crafted an orb, filling it with magical lightning that held the potency of powering up a continent for a millennium, with more to spare. Offering it as battery for both the FATE system, and for Chaldea.

Needless to say, Romani looked like a jellyfish raging on about environmental safety, while Marie graciously accepted the orb awaiting instructions on how to use it, as Mash and Da Vinci looked on.

Although, Caster's gaze was quite feral. Billy had even heard her muttering of more projects she could power with the orb.

A strange woman indeed.

Breaking away from his inner thoughts, the God incarnate looked as he arrived at his destination. A gigantic bunker door, in which at the top was the written, SIMULATION TRAINING ROOM. He moved to the side of the door, where which he placed a hand on the print scanner. Green lights passed by his hand biometrics, and instantly a loud beep followed.

{Access granted: Welcome, Administrator409321.}

"Or, you could just call me, Billy." He groused at the emotionless female voice that welcomed him. While with a hiss, the door automatically opened. The lights flickered on as he walked into what appeared to be a large underground dome.

The ground itself was spotless white, the walls around him had what appeared to be a lattice work of aluminum foil, and when looked closely, one could see runes of Grecian origin pulsing in hibernation awaiting command to do its duty.

This was one of the projects the Master had worked with Da Vinci on these past four days. Normally, this was a Simulation Room meant for Master Candidates, and Masters who had summoned their Servants. In here, they practice their teamwork for better on-field cohesion.

Through the use of hardlights. Rudimentary enemies were coded and crafted to serve as basically target practice for the Servants. But Billy knew this Simulation room could be so much more when he had first heard of it. So, with Da Vinci's help, he put his idea into play.

Ignoring the door closing behind him, Billy sauntered on, only stopping at a considerable distance from the entrance.

Facing the air, he gave out a voice command, "Set difficulty to Lv 8, combat terrain. THE BURNING VALLEY. Enemy spawning: infinite, First set: 500."

{Access Code Required.}

Billy grunted, not surprise at the disembodied A.I's reply. Lv 8 difficulty according to Romani was set for 3 Star combat Servants above, with the highest Lv being 12. The more you fight the more enemies' keeps getting stronger and stronger.

The additional fact that the spawning Limit was infinite meant that the enemy just keeps evolving, becoming better than its previous set. But honestly, Billy couldn't bring himself to care.

"Access Code, 032wqjky."

{032wqjky. Access Code, accepted… Good luck.}

'I didn't add that.' Billy thought when he heard the last part. But he was given no chance to ruminate as the terrain immediately changed. With a loud clank, all the lights in the dome shut off, and what followed was a wave of heat that assailed Billy.

Before his very eyes, flames crawled into the horizon as a ruined lowlands sprang forth. The stifling carbon dioxide made the air heavy. The set background was day time as the sun peeked down from the acid filled gray clouds. Truly it was like he wasn't in Chaldea anymore, and in a way he really wasn't.

These was an application of a subspace manipulation, in simpler words, the creation of a pocket dimension. This was done mostly to accommodate a Servant's training. If someone like King Arthur decided to release her Noble Phantasm in a Simulation session, there wouldn't be a Chaldea left in the ending, same with any other Servants with such kind of firepower. But with this, depending on the terrain being chosen. Space itself is being stretched to fit it.

So as Billy looked around the burning valley, he knew that it was very much tangible. Even the flames that licks his skin, and the sooth that follow.

'An illusion that is very much real.' He thought, feeling quite satisfied of himself. The utilization of Josfiel, in boosting the illusion and hardlight potency was an ingenious one. With this in place, all six senses will not be able to distinguish what is real and fake here. So yes, it was Billy's right to feel proud of himself.

The chattering of bones across the distance swerved cerulean eyes to his opponents. Yellow dotes of hardlight manifested, forming the familiar skeletons which Marie had explained to Billy as Dragon-tooth warriors, the same bone warriors he destroyed in Fuyuki city.

Sword, spear bearers, archers, and even gandr cursers' skeletons, all of different varieties. The Chief Deity even spotted some that had more pronounced appearances, hidden within the undead horde.

Billy had to admit that Da Vinci really is something to code in all the rattling sounds of bones and clanking weapons. Above the room was a holographic display of Billy health gauge, which serve as a means to determine when the damage attained on oneself has exceeded limit, in which the Simulation automatically stops.

{Simulation beginning in three counts; 3, 2, 1, FIGHT!}

At once from the distance over two hundred meters away, the sword and spear dragon-tooth warriors moved as one with each step, their speed increased more, and more. From behind, the archers notched their bows, taking aim at the lone mortal in the burning fields, while the gandr users stayed dormant, with their staff orb heads giving an ominous purple glow.

Billy narrowed his eyes, as he took off with a jog. 'Maybe now's the time to use it.' With lips stretching into a lopsided grin, he activated one of the gifts bestowed upon his mortal form.

{Aries: your ever warring might!}

Billions of engineered cells roared to life.

Nanites older than the Man itself, the alien Machine Gods gifts to Atlantis, made of Orichalcum, the silver ichor of the Deities themselves, Theos Kilronomia! A normal version of these nanites can boost a normal human to fight on par with combat ready Servants. It should be of no surprise that as Billy holds dominion over Zeus's Authorities, his Kilronomia was of a much higher level.

His pupils turned red, pulling away his grey hoodie leaving only his tank top revealed the same ruby pulsing glow around his body in form of thin lines on his skin. Cloak of red aura bursts around him, the Chaldean Master abnormal power surging even more, as he was submerged with the power of the Machine God of War!

"Ha… Hahahah! Let's do this!" Jog became a sprint, sprint transitioned into a charge, and the God incarnate shattered the earth as he zipped away.

Meanwhile the archers had let loose their arrows, the sky dimmed due to their number all heading for their one opponent. To some this was a daunting endeavor, but to Billy, he scoffed.

The power of Aries Kilronomia, had granted Billy four things aside from the substantial boost of strength. His perception of the World itself slowed into a crawl. The only thing he could hear was the loud beating of his heart, and also…

'Only seventy-eight will land… The rest ignore them.' Billy concluded as he observed the lines showing where the arrows were heading. It was like a precognitive assist control showing him where the attack will land, a playback of sorts. But Billy just decided to call this one…


Hands turned into blurs as Billy began plucking the closet ones out of the air, gathering them till his hands were filled with eight on each. Pausing, the Chaldean flipped doing a no hand cartwheel before ascending some considerable distance into the air, releasing the arrows that returned to the approaching frontlines at thrice the speed.

Accurately, each of the speeding projectiles pierced through the skulls of the sword and spear bone warriors, with still enough force to continue damages to the skeletons behind them. The moment Billy landed down without any loss of momentum, thirty of Dragon tooth solders had been vanquished.

"Now, that's what I'm talking about!"

The wooden hails still kept on falling, and Billy kept dodging, while occasionally returning them back. This continued until the armies were almost upon him. Tilting his head while an arrow whizzes pass, Billy sneakers sunk into the earth as he shot up higher, air flipping while evading the wooden blurs that pursued him.

Reaching a vantage point, Billy in the heat of the moment called out a hackneyed attack name as he plummets down with a drop kick.

"Meteorite… Devastation!" Although he blushed when he said that. 'Wait! Did I just say that? Thank God, there isn't anyone watching me. I'll die in embarrassment!'

Even so, the power behind the kick was phenomenal. The wind parted beneath his soles, and his feet carved up into the earth, resulting to a devastating crater.


His fall disrupted the frontline skeletons footing, a wind-like shockwave blasted away the remaining, leaving a visible hole in their contingent. Without wasting time Billy went to work.

Letting out a scoff at the clumsy swing, the Chaldean crouched down whipping legs in a red blur exploding four of the Dragon tooth upon contact. He vaulted over a spear warrior's thrust landing behind it and then clamped its collar bone before turning it into dust.

With precise movements, Billy twirled sideways as another sword passed by, only this time he grabbed the offending wrist ripping it away from its body socket with a sickening snap. The Chaldean laughed at the way the sword skeleton looked at its missing arm bemused before continuing to attack like it hadn't been impeded.

Shaking his head, Billy gave out a leg as it clumsily fell to ground, before he cracked its numbskull with his foot.

'Da Vinci puts too much focus in smallest details.' He noted amused. Settling his eyes on the worn-down sword for a moment, Billy gave it a skillful twirl as he settled into battle stance.

This is the second capability of Aries Kilronomia. While trying not to sound banal, to Billy in that moment, the sword he wielded was an object he understood. The knowhow of swinging, slashing, cutting, dicing… Every single thing that makes a sword a weapon belonging to the battlefield had been engrained into him.

Fixing his sword hand for better optimization, Billy vanished as his ruby aura flared brighter. Without bothering to clash with any of the swords, he tore through the skeletons, his instincts warned him of an attack from behind, but his hand was already moving, without looking back he gave a downward chop bisecting the arrow into two.


Billy deflected a lucky sword strike towards his midsection, as he found himself surrounded by abnormal skeletons. Seven spear-bearers, and twelve sword-bearers. A weakening feeling came over Billy as he realized that the gandr skeletons had begun pelting him with attacks, purple hex orbs washing carelessly on the surrounding crowd, with the Chaldean unable to dodge.

In hindsight, this would have been prevented if he hadn't decided to jump into the crowd. But this was what he wanted. His heart drummed, as he began to utilize his unnatural speed blitzing the surrounding skeletons. His worn-down swords left red trials as he became a human tornado of destruction.

His grin never leaving even as his sword broke due to its poor quality. Narrowly avoiding swings from two of the nearby skeletons, Billy crossed his arms, shooting off like a trailing star! Running without stopping, the Chaldean tore through the army heading towards the curse users like a sandstorm!

The spells that blasted against his form was futile as he only felt his body instantly reject their effects. In reaching their camp, Billy caught one in the ribs using his entire form as a windmill blocking the archers shot.

Clinking his tongue in annoyance, the God incarnate admitted that going to the gandr users was a waste of time. 'The archers are more problematic.'

Ripping the curse user, he was holding into smaller pieces, Billy pillages the wand filling it with enough mana it overloaded, resulting to purple dome explosion. Arcane curse energy washed over him uncomfortably, but its job was done.

The surrounding spellcasters caught up in the attack crumbled into dust, as the explosive energy destroyed their undead forms. With the casters taken care off, Billy went to deal with the remaining Dragon tooth warriors.

He bounded, clearing the distance while performing gymnastic stunts as he skillfully saw the movement of the enemies. His fists shot ahead smashing skulls, hands blurred using the enemy's projectiles against their own, by the time he gained full cognition of what happened, the A.I chimed.

{500 Enemies defeated; First set cleared.}

"What?" Blinking bemused, Billy looked around his mouth opening a little. Without him knowing all the enemies had already been defeated.

'Really is that it?' Billy couldn't help but question feeling disappointed, he doubted five minutes had even passed, even with the Dragon tooth warriors daunting numbers they all were still too weak. His grumbling countenance remained until the next announcement.

{Next set; 1000. Simulation beginning in 3, 2, 1, FIGHT!}

"Alright~!" Billy pumped his fist. "Maybe this one will be more of a challen… Gah!"

But the Chaldean Master never had the opportunity to finish his sentence, as he let out a pain filled cry. Before he could perceive it, a powerful haymaker smashed the back of his spine, lifting him off his feet. The punch contained enough power that he had skipped the ground, eating burnt grass and dead soil before stopping due to loss of momentum.

Spitting out the foreign dirt in his mouth, while making a face. Billy's scowling became one of trying to hold himself from bursting out laughing.

"Really, Da Vinci?! You really can't help yourself with your bizarre imagination." He hollered. The thumping steps coupled with the undead form, gave it an appearance that provoked mirth and wariness.

"Of all the undead forms you had to choose. It just~ had to be a crazy one."

Twelve ft. of hairy whitened rotten skin, and bones roared along with its summoned brethren, occasionally smashing their chest in a display of might.

Billy watched all this, while giving his neck a few pops, making a face of relief at the loss of stiffness. The Chaldean watched as over a hundred undead gorillas matched forward towards him with the one who had struck him first as the lead.

"Alright then." The ascended mortal spat to the side, as he muttered with narrow eyes. "Let's hunt some undead, shall we?"

Blasting off into battle once more.

Taking a rolling tumble at a slamming palm, Billy crouched underneath the behemoth looking at its chassis. Seeing that he was without any form of weaponry, the Chaldean called upon the third gift in the War God's Kilronomia.

To his eyes, reality bathed in the color of blood while some certain parts of the abnormal undead gave off a whitish glow, some parts being brighter than the others.

'So, that's where to break ya, huh.' The Master commented, observing its weak spots.

Before the undead to make a move, Billy's fist flew, burying itself into a duller spot around its thigh. The impact it carried wasn't as strong as his normal ones, but it dealt twice the damage. The Chaldean took two steps back exiting the undead canopy as it gave a mournful cry now missing a leg.

Assuming a boxing stance, the God Incarnate sidestepped a grab, hopping lightly, as he replied to its attack with a punch to a side of its jaw, where the light shined the brightest. Billy winced as the head of gorilla type popped off its body with a sickening snap, while the body floppily collapsed.

'Thus, I say. Damn too effective.' He whistled.


An essential battle capacity to discern the weak points of any adversary in the form of a white glow. The intensity of each glow determines the level of damage, a low glow meaning double damage, while striking the brightest signifies critical damage. This one, and the last, Billy knew was what brings about the battle potential in Ares Kilronomia.

Grunts, and huffs pulled the Chief Deity back to the battlefield. The Dragon tooth warriors were within the attacking distance, while Billy swiped away some stray shots.

'Hmm… This is boring.' An unsatisfied emotion washed over him. It was an emotion born from the promise of heart thumping battle but was met with disappointment. These bouts only served to remind him of something he was trying to forget.

His estranged humanity. His unnatural gifts, his different thought pattern. Billy winced as the image of him reveling in a battle filled with corpses flashed his mind.

'No. This isn't enough.' The Chaldean shook his head emotionlessly. 'This level wouldn't be enough… I'm skipping it.'

Standing straight, Billy stretched his hands apart as he summoned the timeless relic within his soul. A small ball of light glowed brighter, and it howled.

It was an armament made from a what if? Distant future. A future where, rather than war with the Gods, Humanity wars against a vengeful World. Her last cries called allies from the stars, named indigenes who bear the title of the strongest of their worlds.

The Types.

But let it not be said that humanity would just lay defeated and be destroyed without giving one hell of a fight. Like the mad dogs the mortals are, they experimented on themselves to become stronger, faster, better... But it wasn't enough. Their enemies were called the Ultimate Ones for a reason after all…

So, they do what they do best. Experiment… What makes the Types tick? The source of their power? How to understand them? Replicate them in some sorts? How to destroy them?!

And finally, they did it…

From the dead energy 'Grains.' The World produced… Seventy-two weapons, fashioned to be given to specially cultivated individuals.

The Ether Knights.

Each one of them strong enough that they make the newly enhanced humanity looked like children. And among them stood the strongest, Ado Edem… The Slash Emperor!

Billy wasn't a true Ether Knight, and funnily enough, this gift wasn't given to him by Alaya, no, it was from Gaia, the Mother Earth Spirit. A symbol of her trust that he would be able to use this power to save her.

Oh, what an irony!

"Reveal yourself…" Billy whispered, as an invisible pulse pushed out. "%$* $%^&*!"

An unassuming breeze blew across the plain. Billy remains unmoved even as two giant fists belonging to the gorilla types loomed towards him. For the answer of his Knight Arms was all the protection he needed.

He knew not the weapon's True Name. Even so, the power of Knight's Arm should not be underestimated.


With a rumbling clap, a spiraling plasma pillar of red and blue consumed Billy's figure, streaking to the skies, with a palpitating shockwave echoing out an instant later from the pillar carrying a destructive might. The undead behemoth growled retreating back as its hand had been burnt off due to the intense heat the pillar was emanating.

Billy's obscured form in the pillar, held the weapons on both his hands. Even with its indistinct form, it could still be noted that whatever he was holding was large and had a bladed top.

His right hand drew back with his Armament in tow, digging his feet into the ground to mitigate the recoil. Billy looked towards the ghoulish undead, and then swung his weapon.

"Boom." He muttered.

Far out the horizon, time stood still and just immediately. A white explosion could be seen from the distance, accompanied by a rumbling earthquake.

{1000 Enemies defeated; Second set cleared.}

The field, or rather what had been left of a field had now become a deep gulch. All signs of undead existence vaporized, with the only presence being the Ether Knight who stood in the center, quietly observing the scene.

Billy moved his arms as the pillar died revealing two giant war scythes on both hands. The one on his right-hand colored white, while the one on his left-colored black, each marred by red lines with the appearance of a Mecha-shift armaments, per the engine and gears he spotted on its chassis.

Looking down on himself, Billy noted that his Klironomia was no longer active. Snorting the Chaldean didn't consider that as a surprise.

'One is poison to the other, so it isn't that much of a revelation.' He commented.

As of this moment, Billy Batson was breathing and emanating Grain. Which was one of the things that was harmful to most beings belonging to the archaic era. Not even the all-powerful Gods were excluded.

For as much as his untrained Ether physique gave him power equally to that of his most powerful Kilronomia. In this form, Billy felt closer to his humanity more than ever.

The bone chilling roars of undead Tyrannosaurs, stomping towards him was hilarious enough to make Billy's lips spread into a smile.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!"

{Next set; 10000. Simulation beginning in 3, 2, 1, FIGHT!}

Letting out a defiant holler, Billy flickered back into the rhythm of the battlefield.


Mash Kyrielight opened her eyes, methodically. Brushing away the sleeping Fou's tail off her face, the Demi-servant stood up going for the rimmed glasses on top of her drawer. Due to her mythical enhancement, the glasses were no longer needed, but she still puts them on for style.

But this must not be forgotten. Mash Kyrielight, a member of Chaldea, project baby for the Aegis project, and now Servant for the Chief Deity, Marvel, is very happy at this moment. Why? It was because for the first time since her creation, she now wakes up without any form of pain.

For some who may not understand, as they see it as a normal occurrence. But for Mash and to those who were deeply intricate with her birth knew this as a phenomenal happenstance, if not miraculous. For you see, Mash now can proudly say she was going to live again.

And it was all thanks to her Master… Billy-kun.

The iliac blushed as she came out from the shower. Her stomach filled with butterflies, when she remembered what he said to her the day before.

'You, and me, we're going to see the sun, and the blue skies together. The World, we both are fighting to protect. I promise you this, Mash.'

Squeaking, as blood rushes to her cheeks with a vengeance, Mash buried her face in her towel letting out muffled cries.

"Billy-kun, and all his awkward talks." She murmured, watching water dripping off the tip of her tresses.

"He shouldn't be saying that in front of the others. They might get the wrong idea… I might get the wrong idea."

But still no matter how she complained about the method of delivery. She still couldn't help but admit, it was really~ nice, and it made her felt wonderful.

Not to mention, he really did it. Cure her of her precarious condition.

Although Mash felt it was quite anticlimactic. Billy-kun just snapping his fingers, and the age-old pain disappears. Doctor had been frothing when he performed all the checkup, and doing various tests, but he finally, and happily declared her free from the degradation of her soul and body.

The Head-Doctor even explained that her new physique was even better than her last, which Billy-kun had later explained that for some reason he decided to make her an Amazonian.

'Now, it's just left for you to be done with this Grand Order, and it's off to your date, eh?'

She shook her head, to clear away Doctor Romani's harassing statement. But Mash could still remember spotting joyful little tears creeping up the side of his eyes. And the Director as well.

'So, Mash, finally you have defeated this malady. While it is was done unconventionally, I am happy all the same. Congratulations.'

Mash knew that while the Director tried to appear unflappable, when congratulating her. She knew deep within that the Director was happy for her.

For she knew all along, who protected her even once she had been deemed as a failure. When it had been suggested that she should been dissected for whatever materials that can be salvaged for the next Aegis, the Tower Lord would always be there. Her unassuming savior hidden beneath her stern expression, trying to protect her from the big bad wolves.

"Thank you." She whispered to the air, her only way of expressing her gratitude to the mage who had now closed her heart, due to the betrayal of the one she trusted the most.

Lev Lainur Flarous…

She still couldn't believe he would actually do such a thing as betraying the Director. He was so nice to her, always the mischievous one who would cover her back, when needed. The Servant couldn't reconcile the humble engineer to that sadistic Demon God back in Fuyuki.

But for the Director, she would fight him as a member of Chaldea, to show the Demon God that she, Olga Marie Animusphere. Was not the failure, he mocks her to be.

Coming out from the bathroom, her eyes glanced at the time. 8:30, it read. Now is normally the time all staffs of Chaldea are expected to be awake, but for some reason the Director agreed to lax the time.

Although, Mash couldn't help chuckling, when the Director cuffed the back of Doctor Romani's head, when he began to jollify about catching up with his latest anime action girl series.

"Fou-san, its morning, wake up." Mash softly said, after putting on her gray hoodie over her causal wear.

"Fo-Fou-Fou." The pet chirped blearily, before snuggling back into the comfort of the bed.

Shaking her head, Mash decided against using force, leaving the animal to rest some more. As she exited her room into the hallways, she headed straight to Billy-kun's room.

N-N-Now, it's not for the reason some may assume. It was actually Billy-kun's idea, that she should be the one to wake him up. An idea, the iliac hastily, and wholeheartedly accepted as his faithful Servant, much to the knowing looks Da Vinci-chan threw at her… Anyway! She arrived at his door giving it a knock.

"Billy-kun, it's me, Mash." She said waited for a reply, even when she knew there would be none. Her Master was that much of a heavy sleepy head.

"Excuse me." The Demi-Servant muttered as she opened the automatic door, only to find an empty room. Puzzled, Mash called Billy's name for a few more times waiting for a reply that she didn't obtain.

"That's strange. Even if he were in the bathroom, he still would have heard my voice by now."

She used her multipurpose watch device to make a call, but she still couldn't reach him. Exiting the room once more, she passes while greeting one of the staffs who jauntily greeted her back.

"Good morning, Mash."

"Good morning, Maomao-san." The iliac replied, with a little bow.

"None of that, Mash. I don't think seniority is that important given the situation."

Mao Maomao is one of the younger members of the Chaldeans, present. A pretty twin-tailed woman with pink hair, and pink rimmed glasses dressed in the standard junior Chaldea uniform. Mash knew her as a cheerful woman, as she didn't possess the cold demeanor of a magus. Probably as she is a first-generation type.

"Oh, you are looking for Billy-sama… I'm not sure where he is, but Najwa did say that the logs for the newly improved Simulation Room had been running since early this morning."

It was at that Mash face palmed. Of course, he would be there! Billy-kun had actually informed her the day before that he was going to be testing the room later. But she didn't think he would be utilizing the room this early.

"Thank you, Maomao-san."

The twin-tail brushed her off, "Oh please think nothing of it, Mash. Also, it's Mao. Maomao-san just makes me feel too old."

"Ok then, Mao."

The staff winked, before sauntering away.

It was when Mash had approached the elevator that she paused, turning back to the empty hallway.

'What did she mean by since early this morning?'

The Shielder stood before the giant door in which at its head, the holographic display of 'In Use.' Shone brightly. Going to the opening tablet, the Servant linked her watch device to the biometrics, which then beeped.

{Welcome, Administrator308744.}

"Give me a summary of the logs for the current phase. Also start from the beginning." Mash said.

{Time since Simulation commencement: 2:29. Level of Simulation: Lv 8. Number of Sets done: 19.}

The girl spluttered flagger basted. "Lv 8! Why is he doing Lv 8? Not to mention he's currently in 19 Sets."

It was that surprising, as even Da Vinci had said that even for an ascended Servant like herself. The most she could reach on her own was Lv 5, if she tries hard enough. Although it had been taken with the fact that Mash was more of a defending type, than an attacking type.

But even so… Shaking her head. Mash hastily said, "Show me the video feeds, at this moment."

{Accepted: Linking feeds to confined contrivance.}

Her watch beeped, while she pressed a button with a holographic screen springing up. What the iliac saw almost made her heart jump out of her throat.


A bone titan over 20 meters, gave a triumphant roar as it squashed the insignificant insect under its foot. But moments later, the giant would learn while his fellow titans died just as quickly.

"Surely you can do better?" Billy said, groaning as his right leg sank into the ground while the other supported his weight. With a loud grunt, the Chaldean Master in a superhuman display of strength pushed away the foot, while the earth trembled at the undead's sudden movement.

His tank-top saturated in perspiration, his slacks dirty and his face mixed with mud, did not seen to take away the marauder like smile off his face.

The God incarnate hopped on the foot, turning to a black streak as he jumped overhead the bone titan and swung his scythes down, with a white and black arc shooting out with enough power to cleave through the titan into three parts.

Billy gave a grunt, as he spun around his scythes while on air to block the black fire breathes of the wyverns. After doing so, he gripped the end hard, spinning as the deadly curvature sprang like rain destroying both the assaulting flying reptiles, and its nearby comrades.

"Now, some million more to go!" He huffed out of breath.


"T-T-T-The…! Battle maniac!"

While the Director had already noted it, back when Billy was about to collapse Fuyuki mountain fighting King Arthur. Mash just speculated that it was the power of Heracules that had been influencing him. That had been easier to take.

But now as she sees him sliding down a headless wyvern, vaulting over a titan's punch. Mash couldn't deny it. After Billy-kun had said that him, as the God 'Marvel' was different from him, as Billy Batson.

That wasn't Marvel fighting. He was the plain goofy Billy Batson, spotting a bloodthirsty smirk on his face.

It's been almost seven hours, since the Billy-kun has started fighting. If he were anyone else Mash would have been worried as the lavish use if mana would have made them faint, if not kill them straight. And even if Billy-kun still has fuel for more, she would still be worried.

"Initiate Simulation Shutdown. Clearance code, PrEouRi33."

{Code accepted. Initiate shut down in 3, 2, 1…}

The Demi-Servant took a deep breath as the ingress automatically, while she prepared to give Billy-kun the talk down if necessary.


The way his heart pounded brought a smile to his face. No, it wasn't the tiredness that made him feel this way, it was that feeling of uncertainty in the midst of danger. Where, what, who… All concepts that man struggle to conquer, and when it is finally in their grasp. It only brings emptiness.

Billy Batson since the time he woke up had never truly felt what it meant to be human. Yes, he would still want [power] to protect those around him, and to never feel that despicable weakness. Still, he never experienced what it meant to be a frail human.

Call him hypocritical, but that is how he is.

Beaten and battered, outnumbered and overwhelmed.

Billy heart thumped faster at the uncertainty it brought. For it was an analogous representation of the Humanity Incineration Incident. Their enemy is one who would destroy them with nothing more than a twitch of their fingers. Even without the Rings of Omnipotence, their firepower alone surpasses Humanity's own.

But still they fight. Even in the face of certain death, their desperation gives them the initiatives to bite and growl like the mad dogs they are. Billy wants to be like them, he wants to experience the feeling of venerability to become a mad dog, as he joins in the fight for Humanity's survival.

Without being given time to catch his breath, Billy elbowed a sword type Dragon tooth, while he gave a round kick, separating a spear type skull from its undead frame. While another sword slice bit his exposed back.

Groaning, he was about to return the favor with his scythes when they all halted, with their forms fazing blurrily.

"What?" Billy paused, blinking confused.

That was until they all dispersed into motes of yellow dots, and the Burning Valley vanished replaced by the cool underground dome.

Wincing as his skin felt irritated at the sudden change in temperature. Billy glanced around, flummoxed over what just happened.


The addressed Master turned to see Mash entering the dome with a worried expression.

"Oh, Mash. Hey." Billy lamely greeted, but his Servant wasn't amused.

"Billy-kun, you look like a mess. You've been fighting for almost seven hours, and Chaldea has already resumed its day activities, not to mention that Servant summoning begins today. With you this tired, how are we supposed to commence, not to mention that…"

Mash trailed off, holding her chest. "Lv 8! Billy-kun! Do you know how scared I was, when I saw the Lv you were using for the Simulation?!"

The God Incarnate breathed heavily, unable to bear Mash downtrodden gaze. This girl really was too good for him.

Dispersing his scythes, the Chaldean called upon the Kilronomia of Vitality.

{Demeter: Your undeading vitality!}

Green aura bursts around him, much to Mash's befuddlement. But an instant later, the use of the Kilronomia was made known. Before the iliac's eyes, Billy's bruises disappeared, vanishing like it was never there in the first place.

Even his exhaustion was replaced with a renewed vigor. By the time the aura receded, Billy albeit his tank-top and slacks was torn and tattered, looked like he hadn't been fighting at all.

"It's Demeter's Kilronomia." Billy explained to the stunned Mash. "It provides me with enhanced regenerative capabilities to insane levels. You don't need to worry too much of me getting injured."

Giving herself a moment to collect herself, Mash shook her head. "I will still worry Billy-kun. What kind of person will I be if my-my-my… My, Master is intentionally putting himself through the grinder while I watch on. Billy-kun…"

In her heart, Mash felt uneasy. She was about to say something outrageous, but she caught herself quickly.

'What am I to him?' She wondered, as she looked into his. 'Simply a pitiful case, or… Something more.'

Billy gave a hard sigh, scratching the back of his head. "Alright Mash. Next time before I do something like this, I will inform you first, ok?"

The Demi-Servant nodded cutely. "Umm."

"So, let's go then. To the Summoning Chamber." Billy offered, giving her a hand.

Slowly Mash looked down, a light blush on her face as she took it. "Yes, but before that. Your clothes, Billy-kun."

"Clothes?" The Chaldean echoed bemused, looking at himself before wincing. "Yikes, you're right. Then first stop, my room."

The girl spluttered. "Don't be saying things like that."

"Like what?"

Mash sighed, shaking her head. "Forget it."

So, they left the Simulation Room hand in hand, but in different states of mind. One experiencing a cathartic state of mentality, and the other with a muddled heart.