
The Might Of A True Uchiha {Completed}

A weeb, the best of the best regarding Naruto, dies when he goes to watch The Last: Naruto the Movie for the 697th time. On his way to this friends house, he crosses the steet and by the time he is in the middle part of the road, a truck materialised right infront of the Weeb and kills him. He is given a 3 wishes and a 2 perks from god for making his son drop his toy truck, and he is then reincarnated into the world of Naruto. What awaits the master of Naruto IN Naruto? But, is he really who he seems to be? The Cover is not mine, so if it belongs to you and you dont want it up, I will take it down. It is completed, if you haven’t read the title.

SomeSpookyGuy · Komik
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125 Chs

Chapter 117

*1st Pov*

Cultivation in the middle realm is divided into 7 realms.

1.) Body refinement (I - V)

2.) Soul refinement (I - V)

3.) Golden Core refinement (I - V)

4.) Nirvana ensoulment (I - V)

5.) Nirvana Monarch (I - V)

6.) Nirvana God (I - III)

7.) Heavenly Monarch (I - III)

Honestly, these cultivation realms are very... exaggerated. I mean, all cultivation above Golden Core refinement is different in the higher and God realms, like...

As I was thinking to myself, another person appeared right in front of the room I had just landed at.

[And what is a mortal like you doing here?] a girl asked in an arrogant yet humble tone.

[This is my room.] I said while showing my golden trinket. I don't want to make unnecessary trouble. Especially since it will bite me back later on. She nodded her head lightly before opening the way.

I was glad that she wasn't some kind of "young master" "how dare you" kind of person.

[I am in the next room, room #68. If you need some kind of assistance, just knock on my door.] she said in a more polite tone than before.

I'm guessing this golden trinket is a little more "special" than normal.

[Alright then. Farewell.] I said simply before going inside my room. From the small talk from the group outside that gathered, I could tell that her name -or rather what they called her- was "Fairy Ming". Cliche character.

Anyways, I should cultivate now. Even if I can beat most people from other levels without any cultivation, I still prefer to have a different power other than the powers I already have.

So, I cultivated.

The same phenomenon happened as the time I cultivated in the cave. This time, I decided to cultivate to dawn.

My cultivation technique has a few nice things, such as not having a numb ass when exiting a long cultivation period, or needing food or water. Honestly handing.

'Good. Now I am at the first level of the Body Refinement stage. However, I can only really contribute it to my soul physique. Without it, I could probably cultivate this technique, but it would be much harder to gather the Soul Energy of Heaven and Earth. At least my cultivation isn't as slow as I thought it was. Thats a plus.' I thought while letting out a breath of black air. At the same time, I got a little more handsome.

'Now I can see why cultivators call mortals, mortals in such a disrespectful tone. Its like comparing a mosquito to a dinosaur. And I can only guess it is going to become a much larger gap later on. For now, I'll collect the resources I was supposed to get.' I thought to myself again as I exited my room. I flew back to Elder Yang's house, and received my resources.

[Oh? You have already advanced to the Body Refinement realm? That was quite fast. I expected it to take you an additional 2 days.] he said. Now I had to wonder, how long did it usually take to reach the Body Refinement realm?

Seemingly reading my mind, he answered.

[It usually takes 1 week with an average talent to reach the Body Refinement realm. But even them, the rest of the month will be used to consolidate their foundation. Meaning, you might as well say that it takes them a month to reach the Body Refinement realm. As for you, I can sense your foundation is 75% perfect. With your talent, if you cultivated from now till mid-day, you could reach 100% perfection.] he said. I nodded and left.

However, he caught up, and quickly handed another token, telling me to inject Qi into it, and then left.

'A map, huh?' I thought. I could already analyse its whole composition to see if there were any faults. Well, see is an exaggeration. It's more of a feeling. I contributed this to my All-Suiting Soul Physique.

'Yang Technique Palace, Yang Dragon Diner, Cultivation hall, and some other things, huh? I dont lack any kinds of techniques. If anything, I guess I could expand on my eye techniques, but I already have many powerful ones.

That would be useless unless I found some kind of peerless divine skill or some shady book that no one could comprehend. The Diner is a place where I can find cliche events. As for the cultivation hall, I guess it just is there just to exist. The Alchemy Hall and the Formation Domain could update my knowledge a little bit.' I thought. I decided to head to the Yang Dragon Diner. Maybe Ill meet some kind of old man and ascend directly to the God Realm.

As I arrive at the place, I saw a group of people watching a bench, with a singular person there.

'Thats the person who blocked me from my room yesterday. Fairy Ming, was it? Well, cliche is cliche. Ill try to act normal though.' I thought as I approached the crowd. As I did, sounds started to enter my ear, and I could easily recognise the instrument. A zither, something often used in cultivation worlds. I might take a try sometime.

As I approached the place, many people looked at me for some reason.

[How dare a mere disciple not wear the Yang Palace's cloth conduct? Are you courting death?] one asked.

[Courting death. It appears you must like someone, as I see death approaching you.] I answered back smoothly. The music all of a sudden stopped, as Fairy Ming stood up.

[Calm down. Disciple Don, he is new to the sect.] said Fairy Ming.

[*Snort, Ill let you go this time.] he said. A small, wicked smile crawled on my face.

[I'm not letting you go this time though.] I said. I brought out Emperors Realm, and cut of one of his arms, before using Josuke's ability to fix it back, but in the wrong position. Now, his hand was facing the other way.

[M-My arm!] he screamed out. I let out a soft chuckle.

[Do you think this is the end?] I questioned. As I was about to use Emperors Realm to do the same to his other arm, an aura from a Nirvana Monarch appeared.

[Elder Yang? Haha, watch what he does to you!] said Don as he looked at Frey with bloodthirsty eyes.

[Disciple Frey, calm down. Would you be willing to do this old man a favour and let this disciple Don go? He is a core disciple, a very important figure to the sect.] Don was confused, at how polite Elder Yang was acting towards Frey. Now he had slight worry.

[Do you a favour? Do you want your arms reversed? Just yesterday, you asked for a favour, and now you are asking for another? I should kill you right now.] I responded.

[*Sigh, Disciple Frey, come with me.] he said. I only glanced at him, flew at him, and looked him dead in the eyes, centimetres away from his face.

[You must have 2 lives to actually do this.] I said. My eyes wide, as no pupil was visible, only a black blob. Elder Yang looked at Frey fearlessly for a few seconds before sighing once again.

[Disciple Frey, listen to me.] he said. He then sent a telepathic communication to him.

("Disciple Frey, do this old man a last favour. Should you let him go, I will permit you to go to the Yang Dragon Inheritance ritual.") said Elder Yang. I quickly copied the power with my Hatsu and then replied. My Hatsu had changed, as now I can only copy techniques at a certain price of energy.

("Fine then. However, remember, you dont owe me 1 favour, but 2.") I responded, shocking Elder Yang slightly, before he nodded.

[Firstly, fix his arm.] Elder Yang said. I nodded.

[Alrighty then. Ill make it as simple as possible.] I said. I sped towards to Don, and looked at his arm. Raising my arm in a knife like form, I swiftly cut his arm off. I then rotated it, and re-attached it.

[I hope you learn a lesson from this.] I said

[Y-y-you... my father is a Core Elder! Y-you wont get away with this!] he said before flying away.

'*Sigh, what a troublesome day. At least I can go to this "Yang Dragon Inheritance Ritual." Whatever it is.'