

Lyre turned at the sound of his name.

Standing not too far from them was the same girl he met when he went to the mall.


"It's almost lunch end. Let's go back to class." Rain didn't allow Lyre to so much as blink, as he dragged him back to the class.

"Rain, she—"

"It's late. We need to attend classes," Rain said with his teeth tightly clenched.

"Bye!" Lyre managed to wave at the surprised girl before Rain took him out of the cafeteria, and towards their next lesson, which won't start for another 20 minutes.


"You are doing great in school." Their mother commended Lyre when she saw his weekly test results.

"Rain helped me study," Lyre smiled at Rain, who looked so damned pleased with himself.

"I'm happy to know you are catching up well. I don't think it will take you long to become a straight-A student."

"Of course," Lyre nodded, without knowing what she meant by her words. He just went with the flow.